Sunday, August 2, 2009

Permission To Sing Boisterously Sir?

* Is there any other way to sing? Title is from Blackadder.

* This video shows Shepard Smith reacting to the breaking of a teleprompter. His controlled rage is awesome, as well as his clear contempt for someone who can't work a teleprompter. Also, I like Shepard Smith in general, and think he's a good guy. Plus he looks like he's going to eye-stab everyone in the state, which would make for a hell of an interesting story.

* I got to see this in real life, in person, at an art gallery in New York:

[Found at Neatorama]
Of course, shortly after I was asked to leave, because jumping in it and trying to make 'trash angels' is frowned upon. But you know what? Art galleries serve wine, and they come in little paper cups you can't keep track of, so who's to blame, REALLY?

Geek Want
* If Hunter Thompson had worn this motorcycle helmet, Nixon would have imploded on himself, and Dr. Thompson would have been declared the ultimate ruler of the planet, and we would legally have to chew acid sheets once a month:

[Found at LikeCool]
Of course, I should never be allowed on a motorcycle, because I fall down for no good reason, even when I'm not moving. Or standing up.

* See, if Mark Sandford had followed the International Society of Supervillians' simple suggestions, I wouldn't find his tearful bullshit confession to be so outrageously funny. Also I want an evil twin to blame shit on. I could really use some more free time in my schedule.

* Reader Julie sent me this, and my brain circuits are still fried:

I just wish THIS had been the theme song for Titanic. That would have taken it to a whole new level of GENIUS, yes? Plus no Celine Dion. Always a plus.

* This is a machine that blows cool air under the sheets of the bed, so you don't get too hot, but don't have to pull off the sheets:

[Found at DVICE]
I don't know about you. I'm just a simple girl from New Jersey who likes zombies and tattoos. But when I get hot at night, I throw off the sheets. Usually without waking up. This thing costs $80. Have we as a society become so goddamn lazy and WEIRD that we can't simply take off sheets at night? Or adjust the thermostat in our house? WHO THOUGHT OF THIS? Plus, do you want this crap blowing up in your unmentionables all night? Because I don't. Not at all.
Although (see, I try to be positive!) watching someone try to explain this to a new bed partner. 'I let this machine blow cool air on me during the night, to keep from sweating- COME BACK!'
I can't wait for these people to wake up with frostbite on their bits.

Daily Hot Guy

[Steve Carell, with a beard, in Little Miss Sunshine. He was my favorite part of the whole damn movie. Alan Arkin shouldn't have beaten Jackie Earle Haley. That being said, Steve Carell's beard is sexy. There. I said it. You know it's true. Why am I attracted to the gay, depressed, Proust-scholar of the film? This is why I am charmingly discreet about my personal life. Unless it involved Steve Carell's beard. Maybe my friend finally got me to watch the American Office this weekend and I adored it, what of it?]

* Warren Ellis, God of the internet, who puts his disease in all of us, is writing Aruthurian movie scripts. Nothing bad can come of this, ever. I am NOT being sarcastic, and if these do well I can pretend he'll make a movie out of Freakangels. Anyway, Warren Ellis will one day infiltrate every aspect of society, and the sooner the better, if you ask me. Warren Ellis for High Ruler. No voting, just orgies and drugs. That's a hell of an angle. What were we talking about? Yes, I can't wait for Mr. Ellis to release a movie script, because his writing is genius.

Russell Brand
* He's going to host the VMAs again, and make the Jonas Brothers cry with his erotic and virile manliness. Unfortunately, now I have to watch MTV. Which makes me sad, because I remember the glory days. Of course, MY glory days involved TRL, so maybe I should just shut up. Anyway, YAY Russell Brand! Impregnate us all with your genius.

Now it is raining. Stuff to do. And Twitter doesn't work on my phone. Life is HARD, man.
- LV


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