Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Man, I Don't Drop Character 'Till I Done The DVD Commentary.

* This may be why you're alone. Just saying. Title is from Tropic Thunder. Shut up, it was FUNNY.

* I am behind on responding to reader mail. I apologize, and will answer it all soon. Let me just say that Kay's theory on why my favorite characters always die makes a terrible sort of sense, and I am relieved there is a logic, and devastated that it will continue forever. Fandom HURTS, man.

* The newest (and in my biased opinion, best) episode of the podcast World Peace Through Jackie Earle Haley is up now! So go listen. It's funny, and has Nightmare on Elm Street, Human Target, Watchmen, and Communist Seagulls. Plus, Caro redid the website with her magic computer skills, and it is ridiculously pretty. Looks and brains. Just like Jackie Earle Haley. So go listen.

* Kay asked, and I answer, because that is how the rolling goes here. Why do I keep saying that? Lack of sleep.
- My Typewriter novel is, essentially, a story about a young woman who finds a weird typewriter. I know, original, right? It's more about my love for anagrams and palindromes then a horror story though. It's about identity, which is a recurring theme in my writing. I don't know why. The idea appeals to me, I guess. Let's not dwell on it.

* My favorite part of the Emmys in the past few years was when RIcky Gervais yelled at everyone for failing to see Ghost Town, and then demanded Steve Carell hand over his awards. Anyway, True Blood got shafted, and so did Battlestar Galactica, which I still have not seen, but I have been ASSURED that I will have more ammunition for my Cursed Theory, so I am angry in advance that it got no love. Here's an article on why these shows, and others, did not receive the Kiss of Validation from the wrinkled lips of the Emmys.

* I have seriously considered going to journalism school, only to be told by professional writers that it would spell doom, and the end of my love for writing, and also be a waste of money. And I trust these people, if only because they get paid to do what I do for free, which makes me think of that 'buying the cow' metaphor, and then I get all said.
Anyway: Columbia Journalism School is filthy. FILTHY. Also, one of my best friends went to Columbia, and she was not impressed, although they had a gorgeous campus, and people actually know the name of the school, as opposed to mine, which people seem to think is a JOKE. LIKE MY DEGREE OH SNAP. Sorry. It's Wednesday. That's the only excuse I got.

* This is the coolest office ever:

[Found at DVICE]
It's in Spain, where apparently they care about aesthetics. But because I'm me, I automatically think of the downside. I mean, what if you hate your colleagues? Or what if it rains a lot, and the whole thing floats away? I would laugh, but I doubt anyone else would. This would never work at my office. We need more space to be productive. Also, I watched 'Countrycide' last night, the episode of Torchwood that takes place in the country, and while Ianto looks banging in jeans, overall cannibalism is enough to make me want to stay home with my technology, thanks.
Still, I'd work there. If only to tell people that my office is see-through, and can be lifted on pulleys when it gets hot.

Geek Want
* I can't decide if I want these Star Trek sneakers or not:

[Found at GlamBoulevard]
I'd much prefer to have someone else wear them around me, all the time. Like Zachary Quinto. He should have to, to promote the movie. But yes, these are totally ridiculous, and I find that charming. Sneakers have nothing to do with Star Trek. There were no sneakers in Star Trek. And yet I am utterly delighted, because I am one of those tragic fans that will totally purchase anything with my fandom on it. I would have bought Nite Owl coffee. Just saying.

Daily Hot Guy

[Milo Ventimiglia, AKA Peter Petrelli from Heroes, who I do not actually like, but many of you do, and you asked, and I am generous, so you can have him. Leave me the TRUE hotties of Heroes: Zachary Quinto, Masi Oka, and Christopher Eccleston, with his Baby Alan Moore Beard, and his propensity to beat the shit out of Peter Petrelli]

* Wonkette respond to Birther accusations. They are all true. Obama was actually hatched.

* Loud Dobbs is also a Birther. Lou Dobbs is like a lesser Pat Buchanan to me. Is Uncle Pat a Birther? I bet he is. I hope he is. I'm not kidding. It would jar me if he wasn't. I love Pat Buchanan. I do. I love him and his crazy, and I hope he lives forever and yells a lot, and we can disagree over scotch.

* Look, say what you will about my political leanings, or opinions. We can agree to disagree. My more conservative friends and relatives do all the time. I love debate and dialogue, and I will easily admit that I am wrong about things sometimes. But can we all agree, regardless of political beliefs, that Dave Vitter gets off by wearing a diaper? And that fact will never stop being funny and HELL. Oh, the article's not about that at all. But I don't much care otherwise. DUDE HIRED A HOOKER TO PLAY BABY WITH. I don't care if he's the most liberal man on the goddamn planet, or if he backs up every one of my beliefs. That will be funny for ALWAYS. Yes, that is infantile. But he wore a diaper. So, you know, it's appropriate. Oh, the link isn't about that at all. Apparently he might not get reelected, and then WHO will I mock?

* If you buy a truck, you get an AK-47, for free, in Missouri. We don't have this in New Jersey. I don't know why. There is absolutely NO WAY that this plan could EVER backfire. Haha, fire. Free FIRE.
Moving on. Um, he says this angers liberals. Well, I'm a liberal, and I'm more frightened then angry. It is a constitutional right to bear arms, and that's fine, and I support the Constitution. However, I have read the Constitution, and I'm pretty sure there's no part that says that the only requirement to own a SERIOUS piece of machinery is the ability to buy a car. Maybe that's in your copy. But yeah, this is not going to end well. The title of this category is sarcastic. In case you missed it.

I am running late, because I no longer get a full night's sleep. FRUSTRATION STATION. But I did work on my comic a little, and T-Shirts nothing at all today!

I will most likely post again later, because I feel like it.
- LV


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