Thursday, August 13, 2009

I Love Living Vicariously Through The Pain & Suffering Of Others.

* There is no more honest way to live. Title is from Waitress, which you should all freaking see, after you read this blog.

Russell Brand
* I like posting videos of Russell Brand. They are pleasant to wake up to. And I kind of want his sunglasses. AND EVERYTHING ELSE OHSNAP. I'm sorry, I was up late. But yeah. This is a video of him going to the White Party, which is something P. Diddy holds, for some reason. I am ill-informed on this matter, and I apologize. I will rectify that by going, as a reporter.

Jackie Earle Haley
* Have you SEEN the new website for World Peace Through Jackie Earle Haley? I can't get over it. I feel so proud, even though I have NOTHING to do with the technical side, at all, for obvious reasons. But it looks beautiful, and the latest podcast is the funniest shit, if I do say so myself, and the people I work with on this are too cool to really exist. Also, HELLO, it's Jackie Earle Haley. What else do you need? Go listen to the podcast. I am. For professional reasons.

* When I saw a link for Mr. Haley from some Twilight site, there was a moment of very real panic, because WHAT WOULD I DO if one of my absolute favorite actors joined the franchise of Sparkly Vampire Sexual Abuse? I don't know. I can't let my mind go to such dark places.
But I should have faith in Mr. Haley. One of the actors from Twilight is in a movie with him, and he spoke with him, and got some Twilight books signed for his nieces. So he is a gentleman and a scholar, and can even be nice about Twilight, and this is as close to that franchise as he is EVER allowed to get, agreed?

* I like this interview a lot, even though it does not include the words 'surreal,' 'iconic,' or 'motivating.' which makes me suspicious that this is not Jackie Earle Haley at all, but a Borg Imposter of the Mr. Haley, and if that's true I find it reprehensible, and wrong, and I think the Borg should be kept at my house, for safe-keeping.

Inglourious Basterds
* I heard somewhere that the spelling is for censorship reasons, so I'm OK with it, and also it's a goddamn Quentin Tarantino movie, and you KNOW how I feel about the freaky big-chinned director. Although I suspect I'm going to have to see it myself, because most of my friends are still recovering from seeing Watchmen with me, and the bruises haven't healed, and even though I ASSURED THEM that I would be on my best behavior, my friend who saw Grindhouse and Watchmen with me has serious doubts about my ability to control myself on any level.
But there are always people who I can convince to go (and have been wearing down certain people, with my girlish charm, who of course no one can resist), and until then, here are 9 film clips and behind the scenes footage, which only has made me more excited. And I want a poster. My Kill Bill Volume 2 poster got ripped 'accidentally' by someone who doesn't appreciate fandoms. One day, Mom, retribution will be SWIFT.

* Oh. My. God.

[Found at BoingBoing]
Fuck the rat and the hamster. I want a 100-pound RODENT. I will name it Steve. I don't know why. It doesn't look like a Rorschach, or a Ianto. Maybe because it's a girl. Is it a girl? I don't want to check. BUT I WANT ONE. It can live in my room, and maybe it will eat my dog, but sacrifices have to be made when you're talking about giant rodents.
And I will walk it on a leash, while wearing a super-cute outfit, and everyone will ask, 'Who is that tiny girl being dragged up the street by a giant mouse?'
Random thought: Remember that shitty Nickelodeon show The Wild Thornberries? They ate capybara burgers. That's why it was cancelled.
Actually, he kind of looks like a Walter, doesn't he?

Daily Hot Guy

[Leonard Nimoy, who was one of my first crushes, back as a lass when my father foolishly introduced me to the world of Trekkies, and thus my lifelong Thing for Spock began, to the amusement and dismay of all. But look at him. He is the original BAMF of Space (besides the Doctor, but that's England) and he will be cool for all Eternity]

Girly Shit
* What the hell is going on in this picture?

[Found at OnSugar]
I for one love period piece clothing, and dream of the day I can wear long dresses with corsets that smoosh my organs, because I feel like I could totally pull it off. But this looks less like Elizabeth, and more like Marie Antoinette, and Do Not Want. And her hair is utterly ridiculous. Like, REALLY. It reminds me of my old roommate. Which means I'll have to spend the next hour practicing deep breathing.
Plus, the girl looks like a Cupcake of Crazy. Which may sound delicious, until it bites you. I know things.

* I greatly prefer the MTV International logo to any of the others I've seen, ever:

[Found at UnderConsideration]
It's simple, and clean, and I obviously like black and white (and red, green, and purple, for those of you keeping track of colors I enjoy) and on some level it implies that, maybe, MTV will start showing music videos and concerts again, like they did back in Days of Old. I can tell myself this until I see the image floating above the faces of those cretins from The Hills, and then my delicate dreams crumble and I cry for the future of this 'music television.'

* This is how my brain is different from other people's. Stimulus: Mind-Controlled Wheelchair:
Mother: That's amazing!
Brother: Can I have one?
Emme: This will help so many people.
Me: This makes me think of Captain Pine in Star Trek, even though I don't think his wheelchair was controlled by his brain, and in the original series he was just a head, which was awful, but we need to get one to Stephen Hawking STAT, because he's AWESOME and then maybe he can work on preparing for the zombie menace, and why are you all looking at me like that?

* This is a really lovely picture, and should probably be under Jackie Earle Haley rather than Watchmen, but it's filed here, and who am I to argue with myself? Let it be known that I am not making fun of this picture. I think it's well-done, and wish I could draw HALF as well, or even a third, and the artist included his blue glasses. Really, I think it's a great drawing:

[Drawn by Barbossaloveratdusk]
I just want to know why he's flying.

* Caro, High Priestess of Technology, gave the world this picture:

And the world is a better place. You think World Peace Through Jackie Earle Haley is a joke? Who can fight when presented with this? I'll be in my bunk.

* The Geekologie writer made a Dr. Manhattan joke, so I have to post it. Them's the rules:

Seen here is Dr. Manhattan's conception a nano-diamond attracting insulin to help a wound heal quicker. Neat, but I'd still douse it with Blue # 1 just to be on the safe side.

You can read the whole article here, because it's weird and interesting, but the joke is the significant bit, for me.

Tattoo Of Win
* This bothers me so much. So much. I don't understand, and surprisingly enough I don't WANT to understand. This is SFW, but BARELY, if you know what meat curtains are, which I wish I DIDN'T:

[Found at LOLTATZ]
I feel unclean.

Words of Win
* NOTE: Title is not ironic. At all.
fail owned pwned pictures
see more Fail Blog

* I demand a microwave that I can plug into my USB drive. I DEMAND one. I am extremely busy. I work a lot. Most of it involves the computer. And I'm sick of being told I'm too thin, after YEARS of being rotund. So I need one of these, and should get it for free, as a work thing:

[Found at LikeCool]
PLUS, it is made exclusively to heat up BEANS, and if you don't get why that would raise my geek level to roughly ten, go read Watchmen, you failure.

* China Mieville, who I failed to meet at the Book Expo because I was chilling with Neil Gaiman (and by chilling I mean standing in line and talking to him for maybe five minutes, TOPS, because my boss is an amazing ninja genius) discusses his new book. Yes, I know it came out in JULY, but as I keep saying, I am freaking busy ALL THE TIME, and currently reading Shutter Island (which is great) and The Strain (even though I said I wouldn't until I finished my vampire novel) and as they used to say when they showed summer reruns on NBC, if I haven't seen it, it's new to me!
Plus a fantasy/crime novel? Sign me up. I love Raymond Chandler.
Wow, I really need to update the list of books I've read this year. TOO MUCH TO DO. LIFE IS HARD. I kid, I kid. The coffee kicked in.

Star Trek
* I don't regularly watch The Big Bang (and, in a few days when I post my TV Blog, you will see WHY), but whenever I do I love it, and I maybe sort of have a crush on the dude who was on Roseanne, but just a little one, so don't look at me. What does this have to do with Star Trek? Answer:

[Found at ONTD_StarTrek]

[Found at ONTD_StarTrek]
Their facial expressions are what make these so great. Many more here, and one from Entourage, which exists only to bring Jeremy Piven and his creative curses into my life regularly.

Check out my new list on the blog of Upcoming Posts, and make requests for more.

I have to take two eleven-year old boys to a comic store, work on some transcripts, continue making T-Shirt stencils macros, see my friend, do work for my actual job, and try to do some writing. Time: I lack it.
- LV


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