Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Hey, Smooth Is Smooth, Baby.

* For more information on my religion based around the genius of Bruce Campbell, send money. Title is from Burn Notice.

Star Trek
* See, this is practically canon:

[Found at ONTD_StarTrek]
Kirk is a dick. He's great, and he should never change, but he's not a modest, taciturn fellow. More are here.

Doctor Who
* Here is an interview with one of the Doctor Who writers. I do not know if he also writes for Torchwood, or if he has a VENDETTA against brilliant, sexy Welsh office boys, but I think it's best for everyone if I just assume 'no.' Still not letting it go, actually.

Apocalypse How?
* I get up early because I have to. I do not enjoy it, and I would never brag about it, mostly because that's an insane thing to brag about. But some people do, and people who get up early and ENJOY it, and do it of their own inclination, are mutants, and they will attack us normal regular sleeping-folks while we're all blurry and have morning breath and no coffee in us, and then the world will end and we'll all die, so I should totally get to go back to bed, because do YOU want to be responsible for the end of the world? Didn't think so.

* Oh my god, I love this article. Jezebel is the best website ever, and this article on why people have no tolerance for Twihards, and why we all enjoy making fun of them, is glorious. And true. No one can say I have no sense of humor about MY fandoms. My Little Rorschach? In retrospect, the category title is sort of inciting the anger the article is against, but I don't really care.
What? I'm a fandom snob. And I've read Twilight. I'm sorry, it hurts.

Inglourious Basterds
* HAHA, Inglorious Basterds made ALL the monies this weekend, and was amazing, and beautiful, and scary as shit, and TARANTINO FOREVER, FUCKERS. Sorry. I get much shit for my Tarantino love (a lot fully deserved and in good fun) but I am still entitled to feel delight when he PWNS YOU ALL.
I know everyone says this, but Christophe Waltz scared the everloving shit out of me as the Jew Hunter. Scared. The. SHIT. Out of me. He made drinking MILK a frightening experience. He should get a Best Supporting Actor nomination, hands down. Ohh, that reminds me, I need to do Oscar picks at some point.
PS to Kay, who discussed this with me yesterday: Obvious Jackie Earle Haley should get Best Actor nomination. Rorschach ain't no supporting actor. And no, I don't think Robert Pattinson should get an Oscar nomination. And I kind of hate you for asking that. Let's go sit in separate fandom corners, OK?

People I Love
* So Megan is on the podcast World Peace Through Jackie Earle Haley (and has a T-shirt to prove it!) and I read her blog for shit I need to know, and I heard you liked blogs, so I put blog in your blog so you could have blog.... sorry, Watchmen moment.
Anyway, her blog is funny and smart and has Jackie Earle Haley, and today's title is from Ghostbusters, so clearly she's kind of like god, only without the smiting. That I know of. Go read her blog.

Daily Hot Guy

[Gareth David-Lloyd, AKA Ianto Jones from Torchwood, who made me cry a little last night, by simply saying, 'Yup,' and who is going to be at DRAGON*CON in 9 days, and I am INSANE ABOUT THIS BECAUSE I MISS EVERYTHING GOOD. Ahem. He's very cute. Incidentally, I moved Children of the Earth back on my Netflix queue, but I may move it up again, because I am a firm believer in the theory that repeated trauma numbs you to the pain. Also I need to watch Day Five again, because I really don't remember much, because Day Four was evil.]

Stuff To Live
* I want to buy these for Hannibal Lector:

[Found at LikeCool]
It will amuse him, and then I will survive the evening. I also want to use these at fancy dinner parties, but that's just how I operate, which is why I don't HOLD fancy dinner parties.

Words Of Win
fail owned pwned pictures
see more Fail Blog

And, because this morning seeks to annoy me, and I cannot go to the Nine Inch Nails concert tonight that I spent A LOT OF MONEY ON AND REALLY WANTED TO GO TO:

I love his hat, and Jeffrey Dean Morgan, and I want to be sitting between them, soaking up the awesome.

I need to go back to bed. But instead, I will go to work. At least I love my job, right? RIGHT?
- LV


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