Saturday, August 29, 2009

What The Fuck Is It With White People & Jello?

* I think it has something to do with the way it jiggles so. But that's just a theory. Title is from True Blood.

* I know there's an hour left, but I think we can all safely determine the winners. Plus I already started making the Watchmen tote of love, so it damn well better win. Here's the final tally:
- Watchmen: 73% (Tote Bag)
- Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog: 48%
- Doctor Who: 34%
- Firefly: 30%
- Hunter S. Thompson: 27%
- Torchwood: 27%
- True Blood: 16%
- Heroes: 15%
- Transmetropolitan: 9%

I have to admit, I was surprised. After a strong start, True Blood fell HARD. And how could more of you not vote for Transmetropolitan? Go read it, and feel the shame.

BUT I have a confession to make. I sort of lied a little. Well, not really. Just a bit. You guys voted, and therefore the shirts/totes I'm making are the five winners. BUT BUT do not despair, because I will be making the other shirts as well. Oh, yes. You can never have too many fandom shirts. Especially ones that fit. Since I am short, and most shirts could comfortably fit me and several other fangirls, and probably still have enough room for Rorschach to hide out. Just saying.

Pictures to follow.
- LV


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