Saturday, August 29, 2009

As Private Parts To The Gods Are We: They Play With Us For Their Sport!

* The gods are a bunch of sick bastards, aren't they? Title is from Blackadder.

* I am watching Sponngebob, because I can't find the remote, and if I put anything on that I actually want to watch on the TV, this will never get done. FEET ARE DISGUSTING.

* Today I am making my tote. With any luck, I will post pictures today or tomorrow, depending on how much I get done, and how much I screw it up. Be excited.

* I am going to watch Torchwood and Heroes today, because it is raining buckets, and I am house-sitting. And I got like no sleep, because I couldn't fall asleep until around 3:30 AM, and then was woken up by family tear-assing around the house at like 6:00 AM. I went back to sleep until 9:00 AM. That makes, what, five hours of sleep? I don't know. Math is hard.

World Peace Through Jackie Earle Haley
* Do you like contests? Do you like free stuff? Do you like Watchmen? Do you hate the fact that Shutter Island was pushed back to February? Good, this shows that you are still sane. So bravo.
It is also a clear sign that you need to go enter our Who Runs Paramount? contest over at World Peace Through Jackie Earle Haley. You will get so much free shit, it will blow your mind. Free fanart, free icons, free t-shirts.... and a fun contest. I promise, we don't want your organs. So go to the site, read up, and enter. Because if you don't want free stuff, the world is doomed.

* So this is what our TV week will look like, America. And I for one am excited. Be excited, BE BE excited! Even though it fails to mention Castle. Captain Hammer is displeased. This is network TV, keep in mind. But everyone is excited about Human Target. EVERYONE. So it should be aired NOW, especially since A) Shutter Island was delayed, for sinister reasons, B) Chi McBride, and C) JACKIE EARLE HALEY HAS A MUSTACHE.

Geek Want
* DO WANT. DO WANT. This has so many uses:

[Found at NerdApproved]
It's an alarm clock, and you have to shoot the alien with a gun to turn it off. SO it wakes you up, and focuses you, AND works on your aim. It is so versatile. Although, I think that if you don't shoot the alien in a timely fashion, the alien should burst out of your chest. That wakes you up almost as good as coffee.

* There is a religion based on Shia LaBeouf.

[Found at Shiantology]
I don't want this to be a joke. Because it is so funny and wonderful and entertaining. And it reminds me of all the religions in Transmetropolitan, which has been on my mind lately, if you haven't been able to notice.
Incidentally, I think there should be a religion based on Jackie Earle Haley's arms. They are strong and wise. Would make as much sense as anything, am I right? Who wants to donate to my charity?!

* I know it's a TV show. I have seen the show:

[Found at NerdApproved]
But there is no way, in this life or the next, that I am EVER going to insert change into ANY anus, plastic or otherwise, and frankly this stops being funny real quickly. And if you have one of these, I think we need to reevaluate your life, and maybe get you a nice piggy bank.

Daily Hot Guy

[Steve Buscemi, who is one of those inexplicable crushes that I can only defend in Reservoir Dogs and Airheads and Living In Oblivion, because the man really can work facial hair, and long hair, and he has nice eyes. PLUS he's friends with Quentin Tarantino. All the people I like are friends with each other, and hang out together. Now I'm sad.]

* Hellboy III is going to happen! GET EXCITED. We just need it to happen before Ron Perlman is too old, so move your ass and make The Hobbit. AND BABY HELLBOYS. And the movies make me cry, and Ron Perlman deserves an Oscar for everything he's ever done, and have you SEEN City of Lost Children? And I love him, OK? I want a hug from him. And Guillermo del Toro is life-changing as a director. So yeah, this is all just a huge geek-out on my part, because I love Hellboy so much, and Mike Mignola is a nice, talented man, and yeah, I'm not justifying myself to YOU people.

* Yeah, I am not going to staying at this hotel, ever, OK?

[Found at BoingBoing]
Because I would spend my entire 'vacation' screaming in abject, hysterical, soul-wrenching terror. I'd wake up, and howl, and upset my neighbors, and ruin everyone's vacation, and it would just be awful. There are more weird-ass hotels, but I am still too scared by the idea of essentially LIVING in an airplane. NO. DO NOT WANT. I need to go lie down.

* OMG a baby wolf cub has been adopted by a doggie.

[Found at Neatorama]
They howl at the moon together. The doggie takes care of the wolf puppy. This is like a children's book come to life. I want a wolf puppy. My dog would be scared of it. My dog is scared of everything, really.

Girly Shit
* I hate this girl's outfit. Because it's a onesie, I think, and those should be illegal.Because even the most beautiful people look like assholes in them, and that's sad, so let's ban them from the universe, OK? All that aside, I want these socks:

[Found at IncredibleThings]
No, ignore the onesie. It shames us all. The bag is pretty fabulous though. So, the socks and the bag can exist. The rest of the outfit needs to be burned. With free fire.

* I would babysit this kid, for FREE, so long as he played the guitar for me. And gets a haircut.

Johnny Cash greets you when you die. If you were a good person, he sings to you. If you were bad, he hands you over to Alan Moore's beard. Then the screaming begins.

* Yeah, this is superfluous:

[Found at CrunchGear]
This is a piece of equipment that allows you to translate your dogs' barks. This is pointless. I have a dog. I love my dog. He's awesome. I mean, look at him:
My doggy. on Twitpic
But he is not complicated. By any stretch of the imagination. Here are his emotions: hungry, sleepy, scared, happy, guilty, have to go to the bathroom (which is a doggy emotion. And maybe a human emotion.) I do not need to pay money to find out what he's thinking. I can assume any serious problems can be dealt with by liberal giving of biscuits. The point is, I'll be impressed when you make one of these for cats. Who knows WHAT goes on in their minds?


* I love Terry Giliam, in part because he is one of those people that I sincerely believe are not of this world, and also because he made Brazil and Twelve Monkeys and MANY OTHER MOVIES OF WIN. But I'm happy he didn't make Watchmen. Because the last movie I saw of his was Tideland, and it upset me and confused me, and made me feel bad, and I don't know what was going on in it, and maybe Mr. Gilliam will redeem himself with his newest film (I hope he does. I love him) but I suspect his version of the comic would have been... bizarre. And the squid would have looked like a giant vagina. I'm sorry, it had to be said. And he didn't really like the movie, which is fine and I don't care, but he would have cast... I don't know, someone WRONG for Rorschach, and the Comedian wouldn't have been in it. Read his interview about the movie, if you doubt me.

* Megan sent me this. I snerked:

[Made by Luna-WolfDemon]
If Rorschach was in the Olympics, there would be no drug use. None at all. He'd make an example of one of them, and it would be the most polite Olympics ever. World Peace Through Rorschach. And you thought we were kidding.

Russell Brand
I have no idea WHAT is going on in this video, but Russell Brand is shirtless and has what appears to be a ukulele, and sometimes I just don't need any more than that.

OK, I have to get stuff done, INCLUDING:
- Tote
- Writing my comic
- Reading Transmetropolitan, and taking notes
- Friends coming and going all week, which I am looking forward to. People win!
- Other stuff I can't remember, because I haz EXHAUSTION, dammit.
- LV


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