Saturday, August 15, 2009

I'm Real Sorry Your Mom Blew Up, Ricky.

* Because it's Saturday, and I haven't had any coffee yet, and there are STUPID PEOPLE ABOUT, and anyway, eighties teen comedies are fun. Title is from Better Off Dead.

Russell Brand
* This is almost disturbingly appealing:

[Found at AccidentalSexiness]
Russell Brand, with that ridiculous headband, and a small and endearing little blonde child? Yes, please. These are from Get Him To The Greek, and here's another, less 'DAW'-inducing photograph:

[Found at AccidentalSexiness]
More pictures are here, and they are all divine. Can't wait for this to come out!
PS I cannot remember who sent me this website, because I suck, so if it was you, E-Mail me and you will be thanked publicly.
Edit: As I suspected, these images were sent to me by the lovely and deviant BossMew, who will on day introduce me to Russell Brand. In my mind.
Jackie Earle Haley
* World Peace Through Jackie Earle Haley: Now with 150% more awesome. Yes, I know you can't exceed 100%. But we can. And do. And we're on iTunes! So go have a listen, and bring some peace into your life.

* Mr. Haley is getting sick and tired of the makeup for Nightmare On Elm Street, and will shank a bitch. I should not find this charming.

* Jackie Earle Haley can absolutely bring it for the role of Freddy Kreuger. The question, as it is, is does this film deserve him? That remains to be seen. But I think Mr. Haley is talented enough to walk away from the movie, even if it stinks on high. Which I do not want it to. That would be sad.

* I love this story so much. Apparently, wallabies are eating medicinal poppies, getting stoned, hopping around in circles, and making crop circles. OR IS IT ALL A CONSPIRACY? No, it's true, because this is too ridiculous to be made up. I want a stoned wallaby. I shall name it Frederick.

Daily Hot Guy

[Zack Snyder, director of Watchmen, who is adorable in this picture for someone who likes slow-motion extreme violence]

Girly Shit
* This is an adorable outfit. I want that hat so badly, even though it's freaking hot here today, and such a hat might result in my demise:

[Found at The Coveted]
I also would like the cookie she shows later in the post. To go with the hat.

* This is so awesome. With Album Spotter, you export your iTunes library, and it tells you if you have the most recent albums from your favorite bands. I need this. I need this bad. So once I figure out how to export my music library, I will know all the music lacking in my life. Even though I seem content these days to listen to Fanmixes. Go figure.

* So it's hard for diabetic kids to remember to test their glucose (When I was a substitute teacher, I had to remind certain kids, and they NEVER remembered on their own. Then again, I think they enjoyed my anxiety, so it may have been intentional.)
This glucose tester unlocks Nintendo DS rewards for kids, if they consistently remember to test their levels. This is genius. Why am I not smart enough to think of things like this? My solution is to yell. No technology required.

* This drawing was done by danceswithelvis, who is also on the World Peace Through Jackie Earle Haley podcast, and is a supreme genius, and when I grow up I hope to be half as cool as she is. HALF:

Let it Rain by *DanceswithElvis on deviantART
The textures in this are stunning. I love the depth of color in the background.

* Caro, who runs the podcast, made this video.

At least, I think she did. I'm not sure, and I'm drinking two cups of coffee SIMULTANEOUSLY to make up for the lack caffeine this morning. Anyway, Caro is a brilliant computer person, and a die-hard Jackie Earle Haley fan, and she could destroy us all with a flick of her wrist, but she never would because she's so damn nice. I consider us lucky.
Edit: She did make the video. I should have known, because it kicks ass. I am sorry I let everyone down with my not knowing of such things. So go watch it TWICE to make up for my ignorance.

* This picture makes me so profoundly happy:

Rorschach's Balloon by ~SiriusFenrin on deviantART

Tattoo Of Win

[Found at LOLTATZ]
So, plus ten for creative ick, but minus several million when it comes to good taste.

Words Of in
fail owned pwned pictures
see more Fail Blog


[Found at SlashFood]
Oh, look at the robot making sushi! It's so cute and funny! How nifty! I wonder if I can get one to bring ho- IT'S GOT MY THROAT I CAN'T BREATHE- BLURGH.

* I'd like to apologize to every self-published author I ever mocked. Clearly I was wrong, and petty, and jealous. I apologize again, because it seems that these can land you real book deals, with money and respect, and I NEED THESE THINGS. Seriously, I am house-sitting now as a second job. TELL ME WHAT I HAVE TO DO TO SELL SOMETHING I WROTE. SERIOUSLY.

* Shutter Island is an excellent book.

More later, possibly. I have many many things to do today. Important things.
- LV


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