Sunday, August 16, 2009

Some Cultures Are Defined By Their Relationship To Cheese.

* I want to belong to such a culture. So long as it involves eating tasty cheese. Title is from Benny & Joon.

* Wolfram Alpha, which I otherwise consider to be superfluous (and in five years I'll probably be the last person on Earth still using Google, but you know what? I still miss Alta Vista, so leave me be) can be used as an excellent writing tool. It can do the usual dictionary and thesaurus things, but it can help you find words that rhyme, tell you where hyphenations go, and other nifty things I forget matter when I'm writing. So Wolfram Alpha has a purpose! Rejoice!

Star Trek
* I sometimes wonder if there's a psychological reason behind my love of macros. Then I realize I don't care, because macros are awesome. Incidentally, has anyone seen the TV series 10 Things I Hate About You? I haven't, because I physically cannot WATCH any more shows, but it makes me miss the movie, which was all sorts of adorable. What does this have to do with Star Trek? You don't know me at all, do you?

[Found at ONTD_StarTrek]

[Found at ONTD_StarTrek]
My favorite line is still when David Krumholtz sits down at Andrew Keegan's lunch table, and Andrew Keegan looks at him in utter confusion and says, 'Are you lost?' Because he just can't understand why a nerd would be at the cool kid's table. Such things never happen. Ever. More macros here, including ones involving Chekov and penises.

Doctor Who
* Tom Baker, I think, will probably remain one of the most popular Doctors in history. I usually remember Tom Baker from that episode of Blackadder where they ended up out at sea drinking urine. Not that he was brilliant as the Doctor (he was) and not that I don't want his scarf (I do) I just was so alarmed to see him screaming on Blackadder that it's been burned into my brain. Anyway, Tom Baker is playing the Doctor again in some new audio adventures, and Mike Yates is back! I don't know why that thrills me so much. Did I ever tell you guys I really adored Turlough? He was one of my favorite companions. Just sharing.
Plus I don't have the energy right now to post the article about Russell T. Davies and Torchwood. There's a fifty/fifty chance I'll start yelling or crying, and I have too much to do to take that risk.

People I Love
* Remember the most Incredible E-Mail ever, from the International Society of Supervillains? It keeps going. And going. And going. And it gets better as it goes, unlike most sequels that end up sucking. It's just genius. Whoever wrote this E-Mail is my hero. My crazy, crazy hero.

Stuff To Live
* This may be in part because I spent yesterday (and will spend some of today) finishing up T-Shirts macros, but these DIY Geek Greeting Cards are high on my Want List:

[Found at NerdApproved]
A guy sends you a card on these? Even if you don't want to marry him, you HAVE to hug him. I'm buying a shitload for Christmas cards. Or would, if I had money. Ah, money. That fickle WHORE.

Daily Hot Guy

[Simon Pegg, AKA Shaun, who is rocking a suit in this picture, AND riding a child's bike, and Hot Fuzz was all sorts of incredible, and Shaun Of The Dead is one of the best zombie movies EVER, even if he made a few cruddy movies, but I forgive him, because he was Scotty, for shit's sake.]

* So just last night I was defending remakes, which I do usually enjoy, if just for the novelty. And now I have to be all hypocritical, which I do not enjoy, but this has to be said: Steven Spielberg is directing a remake of Harvey.
What the FUCK.
Look, I do like remakes. They can be fun. But Harvey? First of all, NO. Second of all, no one can play that role like Jimmy Stewart did. He was beautiful and tragic and funny and I wanted to hug him and let him talk to Harvey for always.
And it had a real darkness to it, if you remember correctly. Steven Spielberg will wash out anything intense or painful and make it some seriously maudlin bullshit, like The Terminal, and then he'll cast Tom Hanks, who will play it like Forrest Gump, and I HATED that movie and will not apologize, and James Horner will do the music, and it will suck forever, THE END.


[Made by Caro]
* I seriously need to catch up on last week's True Blood, or I won't understand tonight's True Blood, and then I will be bereft.

* This ad makes me very, very happy:

[Found at SociologicalImages]
Because it reminds me of my childhood, when I'd play with Legos, and my dinosaurs were friends with my Breyer horses, and I had a model horse named Alfonso, what of it? It makes me sad. Like the article says, toys today are so gendered. It's depressing. Growing up, Barbies were only to ride horses and get fed to the dinosaurs. I liked building things for my animal models. But now, little girls are stuck playing with Bratz and slutty model horses, and boys can only play with exploding things. My guy friend growing up loved using my Easy Bake Oven. Now he's training to be a Master Chef. True, I didn't grow up to be a builder, but why can't we have more ungendered toys? Besides, guy toys are more fun. My-Size Barbie was taller than me, and I'm pretty sure she rearranged my room while I slept.

Geek Want
* Does anyone remember that old Sega Jurassic Park game, where you played a velociraptor? And you had to eat humans and shit? IT WAS AWESOME. I miss it so. I would buy a Sega system just to play this one game. Because your goal was to eat Dr. Grant so you can take over the island. Best game? Or Best Game Ever?
This category, tragically, is not about a new version of that game, because life is cruel (although I STILL need to find a way to play Left 4 Dead, because OMFG ZOMBIES), but in the category of dinosaur games, this looks pretty damn sweet:

[Found at Geekologie]
It's like someone took the Jurassic Park game, and wed it to Mortal Kombat Trilogy (and seriously, I will take you all on, if I get to play Sub-Zero or Kitana, because I unlocked ALL their tricks, BITCHES) and Dino Fight Club was the beautiful baby of that union.
Plus, the Geekologie Writer said, 'Jurassic FAP.'

* Personally, I think Arlen Specter should worry less about prank calls and Twitter jokes, and more about the fact that during his town hall meeting, he answered almost NONE of the questions asked of him, especially the logical ones (and I include in that category questions asked by people I did not agree with). Whether or not you agree with them, these people have a right to ask you questions and get direct answers. Mumbling for twenty minutes doesn't help. People are scared and confused, and we need like bullet points to get this shit sorted out, OK?

* Look, you all know I dislike Sarah Palin immensely, because I think she's often wrong and usually evil, and a fear-mongering person. That is my opinion, and since she is no longer in politics, I hope soon she will stop appearing EVERYWHERE. But really, someone needs to explain to her how Twitter works, and maybe take it away from her. And I kind of hate her for making me say things like, 'What she wrote on her Facebook was vile,' because COME ON. Facebook? I don't want to have to deal with that in the political arena. What was I saying? Oh, yeah, there are no Death Panels, although I want an imaginary band with that name, and Sarah Palin needs to change her Twitter name, haha.

* I am hearing horrible rumors that the Arrested Development movie is not going to happen, which breaks my fragile heart into tiny little pieces, because COME ON. But if they do a Simpsons version of the movie, I would be placated:

[Found at TheWorldsBestEVer]
Look at the little cartoon Franklin!

* Maybe because I'm paranoid, or maybe because I'm realistic, but I sometimes think that the world will indeed end up like 12 Monkeys in my lifetime, or the Zombie Apocalypse (which I am PREPARED for, but is it TRUE they're making a World War Z movie? NOT COOL) and that we'll all need survival equipment, and Bug Out Bags and such. This, however, is rather pushing it:

[Found at Neatorama]
No. We do not need Designer Gas Masks come the end of the world. First off, does it even work? Probably not. Second of all, SEQUINS have no place in a post-apocalyptic dystopia, OK? It's going to be all about leather and violence and dark primary colors. Were there any sequins in Robocop? NO, because if there were they'd have the SHIT blown out of them. These are moronic. They are making me ANGRY. ARE WE AS A SOCIETY SO SHALLOW THAT WE NEED DESIGNER GAS MASKS? Answer: YES.
PS I couldn't find a way to actually buy them, and they may just be an art piece. If so, well done. But really, you KNOW there are people who would buy these. It sickens me.

* Jake Gyllenhaal will never be on my list of favorite actors. I like him very much, and I think he should have gotten more attention for his performance in Brokeback Mountain (although I was so crazed about Heath Ledger getting SHAFTED out of the Oscar that I was distracted) and I enjoy him as an actor, and he's fairly attractive (although not my type) but his involvement in a movie will not determine if I see it. Except in this case:

[Found at Collider]
Dude, I don't care WHAT this movie is about. Thems some ARMS. It's Prince of Persia, yeah? I'm siting here trying to decide if I need to see the movie, or if this still will suffice. DAMN, that lanky little fellow BEEFED THE HELL UP. OK, enough perving. Um, Jerry Bruckheimer sucks. Inarguably. And isn't this Disney? Must investigate further.

Russell Brand
* This may be the best thing Russell Brand ever said:
"I had my sex organs all trussed up in a flesh-coloured 'goolie-bag'... It's put me off monkey business for life. [But] the Nut Bag 3 are free! They came blinking into the light like hostages. Now they have known incarceration, they will devour liberty."

I am going to use this quote whenever people express dismay and consternation over my attraction to Mr. Brand. Because, really, Win.
Also, ew.

Is there NO Watchmen/Jackie Earle Haley in this entry? That's terrifying. So go join the World Peace Through Jackie Earle Haley facebook, okeedokee? Finally, Facebook has a reason to exist. It has a purpose. DO NOT DENY ITS PURPOSE.

And for a dose of Watchmen:

Best macro, ever. I think we all know who's responsible for this genius.

Right. To work. On stuff for actual job, and sekrit projektz, and writing, and trying to get my friend to go see District 9 with me. Because ALIENS.
- LV


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