Tuesday, August 11, 2009

He Was The Patron Saint Of Quality Footwear.

* He's my favorite saint. Title is from This Is Spinal Tap.

* This could very very easily have gone under the WTF, INTERNET? category. Because it's a singing baseball glove chip and dip bowl. Observe:

[Found at NerdApproved]
Yeah, there's a lot to dissect here. Let's go to list form!
- Why does it have to sing? Isn't there enough baseball themed goodness here without background song?
- The baseball, which holds the dip, doesn't stay open very long. To keep it fresh. I have no problem with that, really, Except that you have to hear 'Take Me Out To The Ballgame' every damn time you want some dip. And that song goes from fun and amusing to INCREDIBLY ANNOYING by the fifth play.
- If you have this around me, I'll end up ripping open the damn ball, crushing the instrument beneath my foot, and not sharing the dip with ANYONE.

* Ray Bradbury, who hates the internet and is an angry little man (for which I love him), is turning 89 soon. So let's celebrate the cantankerous genius:

[Found at Neatorama]
Or you can send him birthday greetings. Like a book on fire. That would be funny, yes? No, it wouldn't, and it's not even a very good joke. Anyway, send him a birthday card thanking him for being awesome. I want to send him a card that sings, "Burning Down The House." ZING. I am not funny.

Star Trek
* Here's an interview with Zachary Quinto about comics, and Star Trek, and Win.

* Here is an interview with Gareth David-Lloyd, who is my current favorite person ever (except of course for Jackie Earle Haley, Hunter Thompson, Warren Ellis, few others I can't think of because I'm tired, again) from his website, and it is funny and random, and he wants to be named Dragon, and WHY IS HE NOT HERE IN JERSEY? Also, why does he want to be named Dragon? Gareth is a lovely name. It's on my Insane Baby Name list now. After Ianto. And Walter. Walter Ianto Hunter. I hope I have triplets. And they're boys. A girl named Walter is not going to have a pleasant childhood.
Anyway, these collected interviews sort of confirm that GDL is awesome as all hell, and that Russell T. Davies is obviously JEALOUS of his win, and that's why Children of the Earth ended the way it did. AIRTIGHT LOGIC.

* This is the LAST THING I am posting about the San Diego Comic-Con. Because I am still bitter, and now I'm unable to find a way to Dragon*Con, where Gareth David-Lloyd will be (which is probably wise, because I would either burst into tears and hug him, which would be awkward, or be that girl asking idiotic, inane questions like, 'WHAT'S IANTO'S FAVORITE BOOK?').
But yes, San Diego Comic-Con was the best thing ever, I accept this, blah blah blah. I'm plotting for next year. It will be mine. Oh yes. It will be mine.

People I Love
* Cory Doctorow didn't win the Hugo (blasphemy, although YAY DR. HORRIBLE'S SING-ALONG BLOG), but he is easily one of the coolest people alive, and he can make cookies on the dashboard of his car, and tells me how. I'm making me some chocolate chip car cookies. For EVERYONE.

Daily Hot Guy

[Miss_Bushido shared this image, and it's one of the many reasons I love her, because DAMNATION ALLEY. Jackie Earle Haley, I would like to buy fifty tickets to Shutter Island, please. Kthnkxbai]

Girly Shit
* I used to love Louis Vuitton:

[Found at DListed]
But if it's going to make me look like that, I think I'm switching to Louboutin. Permanently. I'm really scared. What is growing out of her head? Who thought this was attractive, or appealing? And doesn't Madonna look hungry in this picture? Maybe she's a sparkly vampire. THAT WOULD EXPLAIN SO MUCH.

Stuff To Live
* I need this:

[Found at Geekologie]
A cell phone that lights cigarettes? I'LL HAVE TEN. Because your ex-boyfriend calls, and he wants to get back together because, oh hey, you're kind of cute now, and you can say, 'Listen, I'm going to light a cigarette with your apology. Because I would rather risk hideous diseases than hear more of your LIES.' Then I will do so, and hang up on him, and blow out a smoke ring of triumph, not that I have ever thought about doing this over an ex-boyfriend.

* File this under Movies We Do Not Freaking Need: Brave New World. Look, when Ridley Scott is good, he's brilliant and makes movies like Blade Runner. But when he's bad, he makes A Good Year, or Gladiator (which I didn't like, OK?). And I am not on board in general with Leonardo DiCaprio, who I think is an excellent actor but does nothing for me on any level. And I do not want. Can't people just read the damn book? It's really good, and Aldous Huxley was a twisted and delightful fellow, and while theoretically this could be a great movie, it doesn't sound like it will be. Prove me wrong, Ridley Scott. Prove me wrong.

Moment Of Win

[Found at FrigginRandom]

Will I ever not be tired? Probably, if I could get one damn night's sleep. Last night I had zombie dreams. There was a fort, and an ice cream truck, and I had a big gun, and my zombie fighting team was AWESOME, and included Jackie Earle Haley from Maniac Cop 3, although he kept trying to snort sugar.

Today is the day I work on comics, so I will be scripting
- My superhero spoof comic, and
- A Watchmen spoof comic featuring two of my favorite characters (which I already wrote once, but my computer ATE IT because I didn't save it to my hard drive).

Time to go to work. And do stuff.
- LV


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