Sunday, August 23, 2009

Oh, No! The Dead Have Risen & Are Voting Republican!

* Because it's Sunday, that quote is funny, and the episode it's from spoofed All the President's Men. Title is from The Simpsons.

* A brief explanation of the survey to the right. I have four blank shirts and one tote. So if you want to specify which fandom should be in tote form and which should be on a shirt, tell me. If you have any good images/quotes, Email them to me at Because right now my ideas all sort of suck, and involve stuff like, Watchmen: YEAH and Torchwood: Russell T. Davies Is A Very Mean Man. A good image for the tote will equal love supreme.

* Happy BIRTHDAY, DancesWithElvis! May your day have delicious food and shirt-ripping Jackie Earle Haleys!

* My hair is still not red. I have been trying to take a picture of it, but they all make me look weird, and now I want to streak it, but if I do anything more to my hair it's going to scream, 'Screw you, we quit!' and fall out, and that would be enormously upsetting.

People I Love
* This dude is teaching a baby wolf puppy (I know I could JUST say 'wolf puppy' or 'baby wolf,' thanks) how to howl. I would like that job. Nobody would fuck with me if I had a pet wolf:

It's so KYOOT! I'm going to feed my relatives to him! Yes I am! YES I AM! Who's a cute little carnivore?
Then again, anybody else remember the end of Grizzly Man? Yeah.

Stuff To Live
* I don't actually want to OWN this cheeseburger bed (in part because the Geekologie writer seems overly attached to it, and I am NOT coming between that man and his burger):

[Found at Geekologie]
I do, however, want to get drunk and jump on this bed, repeatedly, until I fall off and break my collar bone, like my friend did when we were kids, only not from a giant cheeseburger, because I had a deprived childhood. Think I could sell a video of that? 'Girls jumping on giant cheeseburgers?' You KNOW that's someone's kink. And I'm broke.

* Dear Paramount: You are evil. No, really. You somehow got Christopher Eccleston to be in G.I. Joe: Rise of Cobra. You made Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen which features MULTIPLE humping scenes, AND Megan Fox, AND not nearly enough of Hugo Weaving's dulcet tones to make the whole disaster tolerable.
And now you're pushing back Shutter Island. Like, A LOT. To next year. Because of money. Because, what, you spent it all trying to get people to believe that Megan Fox isn't a talentless HOLE? OK, that was a bit much, but you KNOW WHAT? I AM SICK OF HER AND HER FREAK THUMBS AND HER UGLY TATTOOS AND HER WORDS. Sorry, different blog post.
Point being, I now have to wait until February, of 2010, to see Jackie Earle Haley be scary and awesome, and most likely uncomfortably sexy. THIS IS A MARTIN SCORCESE MOVIE. YOU DO NOT DO THIS TO THAT MAN. HE MADE RAGING BULL.
And I heard it tested well, and I don't care if the movie causes your eyeballs to EXPLODE, once again people, it's Martin FREAKING Scorcese, and Jackie Earle Haley, and Ben Kingsley (who's totally going to channel his character from Sexy Beast and seek revenge on everyone) and Mark Ruffalo and Michelle Williams Patricia Clarkson and Leonardo DiCaprio and WHAT IS WRONG WITH EVERYONE? I had to sit through the trailer TWICE on Friday, with the October 2nd date, and that is MEAN.
I feel much better now.

Jackie Earle Haley
* Oh! What is this? Is it images from Shutter Island?

[Found at FilmOFilia]
And look, right there, October 2nd, 2009! HAHAHAHA. Seriously, Paramount, go die.
It's a small consolation that the pictures don't feature Jackie Earle Haley. That might have broken my delicate psyche, at this point.

* I like how the jacket doesn't quite fit, but generally any picture of Mr. Haley makes me very happy:

Where do you even GET blue-tinted glasses?

* I sometimes find Family Guy funny, sometimes stupid. I get how people could find it offensive, but generally I don't take it seriously enough to get angry, and also I have this theory that Seth McFarlane feeds on people's rage and it makes him strong, but mostly I find his voice very sexy, and don't listen to what he's saying all the time.
But this really confuses me. I mean, did you SEE the episode where they made fun of September 11? I may get hated, but there were some very funny lines in that episode, especially, 'You didn't even know what 9/11 WAS until 2004.' But if THAT didn't get the show firebombed, how could abortion? Apparently... it can. Episode won't air. So, out of curiosity, I watched the cast readings of the episode:

Am I missing something? No, really. It's not ESPECIALLY offensive. Is it? Could someone explain this to me? I think I've been too jaded by society. It's just.... it's not even especially funny. It's fine. It can exist. I must be missing something. Because, really, they let them air that episode where Quagmire raped the cheerleader, but this one is 'too controversial'? Really, FOX?

* Further proof that Jon Stewart should run his own country (which would constantly be at war with Stephen Colbert's country) and also sort of explains why more people trust The Daily Show than CNN:
EDIT: OK, why the HELL can I never embed videos from fucking Comedy Central? WHAT AM I DOING WRONG? Just click the link. This is why America is doomed, you know. Bad html.

Daily Hot Guy

[John Cho, AKA Harold from the Harold & Kumar series, AKA Sulu in Star Trek, who looks good tussled, and made fencing bad-ass and sexy]

Geek Want
* Admit it, this is a pretty cool candle holder even if you DON'T like Harry Potter:

[Found at NerdApproved]
Then again, I saw the commercial for the Wii game for Half-Blood Prince and said, 'I wonder if the wand movements are consistent with the books,' so maybe I should just sit quietly and hope I get these from a sympathetic friend. Plus I like fire.

* The Obama girls are very cute, but can we stop, you know, stalking them on their summer vacation? Because they're young, and also maybe there are more important things to talk about, like explaining what the HELL is going on with health care, because really, no one has any idea. NO ONE. And everyone starts yelling, and then there are tears, and my health insurance runs out in January, so I'd like to have SOME concept of the situation by then. And as adorable as they are, the Obama girls will NOT protect me from the dangers of a crazy healthcare system. OR DO THEY? That would be very cool.

* I like Ron Paul for completely childish reasons (he was very funny in Bruno, albeit unintentionally, and he follows me on Twitter, or whichever intern runs his Twitter page), but I'm not sure he knows who Sarah Palin is, and ONCE AGAIN, when do I get to stop talking about her? I think I need to clean out my old political stories, because this is from July. Oh well. Sarah Palin annoys me. Let's all pretend she doesn't exist for a while, shall we?

* Sometimes I quite like Karl Lagerfeld, because like certain other people, I am sure he is not of this world, and whatever world he's in is far more interesting than ours, and he wears gloves all the time, and seems fabulously bitchy. Other times I just want him to shut up. This is one of those times:

[Found at NerdApproved]
OK, no. Nobody is ever allowed to buy this bear for a child. It's kind of scary. I can't decide if Mr. Bear is going to rape you or slit your throat while you sleep. Or both. Simultaneously. It's a frightening stuffed animal. Can't you see it in a reboot of Child's Play as Child's Play: Bloody Fabulous?
More importantly, it's $1,500. Yeah, I'm serious. No, it is not filled with crack cocaine, or gold bouillon, or anything but STUFFING. I would not pay $1,500 for any stuffed animal. OK, I might pay that for a life-sized stuffed Archie model from Watchmen, because I could jump off the roof and land safely on it, but they don't make those, and anyway I don't HAVE $1,500 lying around to spend on a stuffed animal, and WHY is the stuffed bear better dressed than I am? I am so depressed now. His little tie has crystals. It's a BEAR. I hate people.

* Best movie? Or best movie EVER?

Both. Cool Runnings. I love it so. I had this on VHS, bitches. OLD SCHOOL.

* 'Honey, don't be scared of the dentist! She's your friend. She just wants to make sure you have a beautiful smile like hers.'

[Found at FrigginRandom]
'Ah, shit. Just drug the little brat. Mommy will be in the car, drinking.'

* Yeah, I'm pretty sure this is illegal in most of the major states:

[Found at FrigginRandom]
Maybe not here in New Jersey, though. It would certainly explain the driving. And a lot of other things. Then again, the rage PETA would have over this is sorely tempting. Maybe I'll put stuffed animals in one of these just to upset the vegans I'm related to. Hey, it's Sunday. I have a lot to do and am feeling mischievous.

Maybe more later, if you all vote in my survey. Otherwise you get NOTHING from me. NOTHING AT ALL.
- LV


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