Monday, August 10, 2009

Criminals Are The Vomit Of Society & We Are The Sawdust.

* That's gross. Title is from Reno 911.

* I asked several people if this picture was more funny or disgusting. Then I realized I had overslept, and you guys need to toughen up anyway, so here:

[Found at FrigginRandom]
Mr. Bunny is dead now.

Daily Hot Guy

{Corey Feldman, who here looks like a used car salesmen of SIN, and who if he had ever been in a movie with Jackie Earle Haley back in the day, their combined powers would have punched a hole of amazing in the side of the planet]

Apocalypse How?
* There is an extreme new way to lose weight coming out in three years or so, wherein you implant electrodes into your brain and it makes you not hungry. First of all, this sounds like that episode of House where House faked a brain tumor to have a drug implanted in his head. Second of all didn't anyone see that episode of Doctor Who where everyone turned into balls of fat and the fat was adorable babies that the Doctor couldn't kill? Because that is what will happen to us, and if being fat is what does in the human race, I will be EMBARRASSED.
Look, weight loss is hard. But I lost over sixty pounds by going to the gym, and not trying to eat everything that was nailed to the floor, including the nails. And I know some people need some help, but brain surgery to stop eating should never be an option. Brain surgery is NOT fun. So I've heard.

Girly Shit
* I want this dress:

[Found at IHeartThat]
But not in that color, because it would clash with my red hair, and anyway I dislike pink. Or Pepto-Bismol pink. I am not a pink person. And a pox on anyone who says otherwise.

* I learned about Vienna Teng due to Team ShortSchach (I learn everything from them, including LANGUAGES, and no I am not making this up, I am smarter after every podcast, DESPITE my own contributions to the conversation) and now I can't stop watching this video:

First off, I need those gloves in my life. Like, now. They should be on my hands. Second, ZOMBIE SAILOR. Oh, and the song is extremely pretty. But zombie sailors trump everything.

* This makes me sad. This is a firework display machine, so you can have fireworks whenever you want:

We have fireworks near my house. This is Jersey, we have fireworks and Bon Jovi and salt and vinegar fries, and we do these things WELL, dammit. They are epic, and every fireworks display ends with at least one kid weeping in the wreckage of his soiled clothes over the volume and brightness. You get bitten by mosquitos, and if you're of age you get drunk, and if you're under-age you skulk around in the trees trying to get someone to buy you booze. You sit in uncomfortable lawn chairs with your family, and it's an EVENT, dammit.

[Found at DVICE]
This is not an event. Not an event at all.

* The International Society of Supervillains salutes Ozymandias, AKA Adrian Veidt, AKA Man Who Killed Santa Claus With His Fail:

[Found at ISS]
It is indeed epic, simply because all he does is talk at Dan and Rorschach, and he ruins everything, and shatters at least one psyche, and we all CRY because Veidt has to be a fun-sucker. Also in the movie his suit had nipples.

* Here's a review of the two-disc Director's Cut of Watchmen. I agree about the special features. I NEED MORE, SNYDER. No, No. It is Monday, and I do not have the time or the energy to start screaming about Blu-Ray, so just imagine me screaming about Blu-Ray, OK?

* Part of the reason I am so freaking exhausted is that I was up late working on the podcast, World Peace Through Jackie Earle Haley. Go listen to it, or my suffering was in VAIN. Then you're all evil and shit.

* It's a Rorschach cookie!

[Found at VirtualFrolic]
I see chocolatey goodness. Also I could make way better Rorschach cookies than this. Clearly they should be black and white cookies. I have so many ideas.

Tattoo Of Win

[Found at LOLTATZ]
What's really Win is that I remembered, instantly, Log's theme song, even though A) I wasn't technically allowed to watch Ren & Stimpy, and B) I didn't want to watch the show, because it scared the SHIT out of me. The brain is strange.

Moment of Win
fail owned pwned pictures
see more Fail Blog

Right, I have to shower and get dressed and go to work, then come home and work on my novel, which is way too long, then try to find a goddamn stencil of headphones, for sekrit reasons, although WHY I continue to pretend it's a secret is a mystery to me, except we need to keep up standards, and can I go back to sleep yet?
- LV


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