Monday, August 31, 2009

Yeah, People Are Mostly Crap.

* Joss Whedon's characters are not bright balls of merriment. Title is from Dollhouse.

* Caro, who understands profoundly the evils and dangers of Twilight, sent me this article about how Twilight will ruin your love life. I agree with all these points, in particular how Bella is a disgusting human being stuck entirely on being around some dude, and how Edward doesn't seem to believe she can do things like buckle her seatbelt without his supervision. Anyway, aren't characters more interesting with flaws? And, you know, personalities? No? We just need them to sparkle? Oh... well, OK.
(Incidentally, I accidentally tagged this 'TwiGate,' which delighted me, because politics would officially need to shut down.)

Hunter S. Thompson
* I love this. It's one of my favorite factoids about Hunter S. Thompson:
Thompson spent hours copying "The Great Gatsby" over and over again to teach himself how to write.

He wanted to know how it felt to write those words. That reminds me of my frantic memorization of books that I love, as if remembering them could enhance my own writing. I don't know if it works, but it does give you a connection to the work.
I really want to know if Hunter S. Thompson ever read Transmetropolitan. And if he was amused or enraged. They seem equally likely.

* This gives me hope for Heroes, which I sorely need. Bryan Fuller, the show's producer, says that Redemption, the new installment of Heroes, will not suck. And he seems to know that the show needs to focus again, and go back to season one awesome. Although if they want Sweaty Sylar from Season 2 to come back, you will not hear me complaining at all.

* True Blood is insane. Good insane. And I have decided that Eric Northman should always be around children, because he is so entertained by them, and refers to them as 'tiny humans.' And it was really hot when he said, 'Are you scared of vampires, little girl?' I had to say it. Oh, and I'd like to be the Queen Vampire when I grow up, or at least have that sort of power to incite fear, and make people play Yahtzee whenever I choose.

Geek Want
* Tiny Ghostbusters!

[Found at NerdApproved]
I want a tiny Egon, and he will try to drill a tiny hole in his tiny head, and we will negate the possibility of Ghostbusters 3 , because Ghostbusters 2 sucked enough as it is.

* THIS is what they should be teaching in schools:

Screw chemistry. I never use that shit anyway.

* All right, REALLY:

[Found at NerdApproved]
I don't care about the pillows shaped like condom wrappers. Yeah, they're tacky and dumb, but whatever. They don't upset/offend/alarm/confound me. I want to talk about the pillows SHAPED like condoms.
- You'd have to hide these whenever any relative came over. Because even if they're cool, you WILL end up having a sex conversation with Great Aunt Bertha.
- These are not funny. Now, keep in mind, I am talking about the one SHAPED like a condom. The others, if I saw them at a guy's house, I'd laugh and roll my eyes and move on. But for some reason, a large cloth condom really bothers me.
- Gentlemen: At some point you will get falling-down drunk and either A) try to use this when you are getting sexy with your lady friend, or B) try to have sex with this pillow, and never be able to look anyone in the eye, ever again.

Daily Hot Guy

[Robert Downey, Jr. who would never own the aforementioned pillows, and if he is a brat, I love me some brats, and WHEN is Sherlock Holmes coming out? And I think he should do an audio book for all the Sherlock Holmes stories, because I love them dearly, and want him to read them. Or Hugh Laurie. That would work. Why don't the people who decide such things return my calls?

* I am moving Wes Anderson's Fantastic Mr. Fox from Movie!Fail to Movie!Win, because these new images do not scare the everloving shit out of me and come close to RUINING a Roald Dahl book for me, like the original picture did. I am still not happy about this, and would rather they not make this movie, but I think Mr. Anderson deserves some sort of commendation for making a Mr. Fox who does NOT inspire me to claw out my own eyes.

* This house was inspired by the game Jenga:

[Found at Neatorama]
Why is my first instinct to pull out one of the boards and then run away laughing?

* SCOTTISH SHEEP ARE SHRINKING! This makes me profoundly happy, because I want teeny tiny sheep that I can fit in my pocket, and I shall carry them with me, and name one Gob, because it just seems RIGHT, doesn't it?

[Found at io9]
I hope to one day have a teeny tiny herd that lives on my desk, and I will pet them, and they will be cuter than rats, which I STILL WANT, but am not allowed to own because I live at home with my parents, at 23, and that is all sorts of tragic. A tragedy that only tiny sheep can cure.

* CNN reporters making weird, not-funny jokes about The Toxic Avenger. Seriously, shut the hell up. Marvel doesn't OWN The Toxic Avenger, Troma does, and I worked for Troma as an intern, ergo shut up. I hate everyone on CNN, mostly, except for Anderson Cooper, who is the Silver Fox of Wisdom.

* Did she just say we're 'Marvel-ing' over the deal between Disney and Marvel? This just in: Hunter Thompson is rising from the dead to EAT everyone at CNN. Even if he is ashes. They will CONGEAL with rage.

Girly Shit
* I need this bag:

[Found at LikeCool]
Admittedly it is not as cool as my Watchmen bag (you've seen it if you follow me on Twitter, otherwise you'll have to wait until I finish my T-Shirts and do a big post about it), but it's pretty close, and you can never have too many bags, and I could pretend to be Swiss, yes? Or a doctor? A SWISS doctor? Dr. Swiss? Yeah, clearly the coffee hasn't kicked in yet. But still. Do want this bag.

* The Flaming Lips may have a song in the new Where The Wild Things Are trailer. This makes me very excited, because I love the Flaming Lips, and they would fit in perfectly with the imagery from the movie. But I kind of think they should keep the trailer they have, the one with the Arcade Fire song, because it alone is flawless and touches something profound in me, and maybe I cry a little whenever it comes on, because it's beautiful. But yeah, Flaming Lips rule.

* I tweet way too much. I'm nearing 10,000 Tweets, because I work from my computer and NEVER SHUT UP. And I text too much. But I have enough common sense to not do these things while walking/driving/moving. Unlike this girl, who FELL INTO A MANHOLE while texting. How intently are you texting that you failed to notice the open manhole in front of you? And now she's suing over it, because she lost her shoe. Can I sue her for being a moron who is unable to walk around OPEN HOLES IN THE GROUND? No? Then neither can she. These are the rules, which I have just made up, but are sound nonetheless.


[Found at WatchmenComicMovie]
That is a lithograph SIGNED by Dave Gibbons. Further proof that everything is better in England. FURTHER PROOF. This is a PROMO from England, and OMFG, it's not even the half of it. You need to click here and share my insane lust, which is out of control over this, especially THIS:

[Found at WatchmenComicMovie]
Oh, WHY IS THIS NOT HERE WITH ME NOW?! There is so much more. There's a TIMELINE, and a written introduction by Zack Snyder, and, and, THIS IS MINE GIVE IT TO ME. MINE. DAMMIT. I'm going to hug my Watchmen bookmark, which I bought at Borders, and is NOT AS COOL, but is all I have, so SUCK IT.

* During a World Peace Through Jackie Earle Haley pic!spam war (where everybody wins!) this came onto my computer screen:

Ozy's sassy pool party by ~Luthien13 on deviantART
Rorschach's bathing suit makes me so happy. He's modest. He's a GENTLEMAN. But it took me a while to figure out that Dr. Manhattan is the floaty toy, and that he is grinning in a most unsavory manner.

* Dollhouse! Oh, how I love thee, although I will be violent myself if we do not get more Alpha Wash, but WESLEY! Sorry, Alexis Denisoff is going to be on Dollhouse, and I hope A) he has an accent, and B) he is smarmy and immoral, because that would be wicked. Summer Glau is going to be on Dollhouse too, which is exciting for the fanboys, but I am much more thrilled to see the return of Denisoff, who I HATED on Buffy, and whose role on Angel eventually broke me like an EGG. So Dollhouse should be good this season, yes? And remember: if Topher dies, I called it. Just saying.

Ugh, Monday. Do not want. Coffee not working. Have a meeting thing tonight about a possible book thing (yes, I am being intentionally vague, and no, it's not about MY book). When I finish the other shirts, I will model them and take pictures, for the delight and edification of all.

I'm rereading and annotating Transmetropolitan (the whole comic series) and keeping track of notes and quotes from the genius of Warren Ellis. Volume 1 should be up in a day or so.

I'm thinking about listing all the things I'm working on here on my blog, for shits and giggles. And to prove that I DO work, and write, and sometimes make money from it. And to shame me into finishing stuff.

OK, have a good Monday. So far, mine has involved dog feces. Stupid dog.
- LV


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