Thursday, August 20, 2009

We're Working On The Milk. He's Making Good Progress On Milk.

* Eight seasons and they never explained this one. Title is from Monk, which is ending this year and I am saddened.

Tattoo Of Win
* This may in fact be purely win:

[Found at LOLTATZ]
Is that Rocko's Modern Life? And The Angry Beavers? And Hey Arnold? Come on, you know these are great. If only they had Ickis from Ahh! Real Monsters! it would be art.

Words Of Win
fail owned pwned pictures
see more Fail Blog

* New Jersey no longer fails. Why? Because of the Scone Pony, a bakery that makes things like this:

[Found at CakeSpy]
Peanut butter pie with a chocolate ganache? YES. AND they made this:

[Found at CakeSpy]
That's a vanilla bean scone. I love scones. And my friend had homemade raspberry scones yesterday, and I had NOTHING. So, you know, I'm bitter and bereft of both pies AND scones. I could make them myself, but where's the fun in THAT?

* Has anyone read the new Lenore comics? I really enjoy Roman Dirge's work, and find it entertaining and such, but then again I used to love Jhonen Vasquez, until Jellyfist, which STILL bugs me. And I saw Lenore II at the comic shop last week, and almost got it, but then I got distracted by Locke & Key and wandered off, and kind of forgot, because my attention span in comic shops lasts for about 3.2 seconds. It's a curse.

* Well, Caro showed me this on Twitter yesterday, and I really wish she hadn't, because my will to live is gone now. Wuthering Heights was never one of my favorite books. It's one of those that I think is well-written, but I don't have an emotional connection. That being said, it never deserved this:

[Found by Caro]
Dude, NO. NO. False advertising. No one sparkles in this book, and it doesn't suck. These kids will be terribly disappointed. And does the book really need the endorsement of two fictional characters so mind-bendingly dumb that the entire second book in their series amounts to one long miscommunication? I'm sad and angry and freaked out. GET OFF MY LAWN, KIDS.

Star Trek
* I love Hot Fuzz, and I love Star Trek, so this really just makes me all sorts of happy:

[Found at ONTD_StarTrek]
There are more, and some Princess Bride ones, like this:

[Found at ONTD_StarTrek]

* Oh, so Russell T. Davies, Harbinger of Death And Killer Of Everything Good, said in an interview that he's totally prepared to write series four of Torchwood. Good, good. He knows where everyone is. You know, Gwen, Rhys, their spawn, Jack. The important people. The people he didn't kill senselessly and awfully in Day 4 of Children of the Earth. Those people don't warrant even a comment in his interview. Those people are dead and gone.
I got through that whole thing without cursing or screaming. I am very proud. I'm also very angry, still. Rewatching the first two seasons probably isn't helping.

People I Love
* Behold! Will Arnett reads Are You There, God? It's Me, Margaret. This is the most frightening thing I've ever heard in my life, and he sounds a little bit like Rorschach, which is both very sexy and so incredibly disturbing that I need to stop typing this now.

Daily Hot Guy

[Patrick WIlson, Whose Butt I Have Seen In Many Movies, And Whose 'O' Face In Watchmen Looks Like He's Sneezing, But Is Charming And Adorable And I Just Want To Give Him A Hug]

Stuff To Live
* I would be much more organized if I didn't have 50,000 projects going on at the same time. But I do, and then I panic, and then I cry, and it's just awful for everyone, so I think I really need these bulletin-board lamps:

[Found at IncredibleThings]
Oh, by the way, I finished my novel. It's like 113,000 words. I need to do one round of editing, then I'm going to.... I don't know, sit there and wonder what you do once you finish a novel. Because I am NOT going to send it without an agent. I worked in publishing. Slush Piles are the most depressing shit ever.

Jackie Earle Haley
* Another A Nightmare On Elm Street photo!

[Found at Shockya]
Step out of the shadows, Freddy, and show your face! Think of the fangirls! There's also a picture of the makeup test, but it's gross and worries me, because I don't want Jackie Earle Haley to look like a pus ball. Click the link, if you're curious.

* Even people who worked on the comic Human Target like the show. So they like it, Deutschtard likes it, so it should come out NOW, because I need Jackie Earle Haley and his Mustache Of Pimpage. And Emerson Cod, of course.

* Here is even more proof that Bad Lieutenant will suck. Even with Werner Herzog directing. WHY IS HE DOING THIS? Dude took a bullet in the shoulder during an interview, and was all, 'It's just a flesh wound.' Dude SAVED Joaquin Pboenix from a car accident. He's like Superman, only better, because he makes amazing movies, usually, and Steve Zahn should have gotten SOME award for Rescue Dawn, and Grizzly Man made me cry, and now he's doing this? What dirt does Nicolas Cage have on you? Did his toupee eat your family? Oh God, he's not going to be naked in this movie, IS HE?

I have work, and then I have stuff to do, because Free Time is nothing but an illusion, a myth propagated to give us false hope that one day we will actually be able to be BORED, which I would RELISH. And I can't decide, STILL, whether or not to dye my hair again. For those who missed my Twitter rantings, here is my current red hair:

And here is the color I WANT my hair to be:

[Found at L'OrealParis]

Thoughts? Comments? Those of you who answered on Twitter are awesome, but I want to dye my hair today, now, 35 minutes ago. I want Sally Jupiter hair, dammit.

OK, going to get ready for work.
- LV


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