Wednesday, August 26, 2009

I'm Always Late. That's Why I Don't Wear A Watch. They Depress Me.

* I often tell people this, but they almost NEVER get the reference. Title is from Daria.

World Peace Through Jackie Earle Haley
* Newest episode is up, and it is organized, because we are PISSED, because Shutter Island was pushed back, for mysterious and sinister reasons, and we have theories but no answers. And then Megan made a list of reasons Jackie Earle Haley is awesome, and the list itself is awesome, which refracts the awesomeness, I think. AND we share reader comments, so if you send them, we'll read yours, or play an audio of it. And we talk about The Zoo Gang, again, because that is a movie you do not quickly get out of your psyche. Poodle hair. It runs free as the wind. Terrorizing us all. Anyway, go have a listen, and have you watched the movie above this entry? Because it will BLOW YOUR FRAGILE LITTLE MIND. Look what it did to me!

Stuff I Want
* This is going to be a list of stuff I want, in case you didn't get that from the subtle title. Things that are making me turn to a life of crime, FOR A GOOD CAUSE, DAMMIT. I need this stuff. They can be new book and DVD releases, comics, or just random shit that make me realize the howling void of consumerism in which I suffer:

- A red IBM Selectric Typewriter:

[Found at Treehugger]
Just like the one the Good Doctor wrote on, and I COVET. DAILY. But they are expensive, and while I do get to use a typewriter almost every day at work (because I have the best job ever), it's not red and I'm not writing my own stuff on it, and therefore it's not the SAME. And no, I didn't learn ANYTHING from Wonder Boys about typewriters versus computers, why do you ask?

- An iPhone:

[Found at MapDS]
Because it has APPS, and maybe Watchmen apps, yes? I played a fishing app on it at the store, but I wasn't very good at it. And it can do things that sort of scare me, and I want to be able to Twitter when I'm away from the computer, and MY POS phone won't let me, and I have to HIT IT AGAINST THINGS before I can answer a call, and yes it has a Watchmen background, but that BARELY helps when it deletes all my text messages, for no good reason.

- Inherent Vice by Thomas Pynchon

[Found at Amazon]
OK, I was AT the bookstore last night, and while I was admittedly insane for a number of personal reasons, HOW could this glorious thing have slipped by me? AND it came out August 4th, so it's not like I shouldn't have heard about this. I'm disgusted with myself, but mostly all of you, for not telling me. Thomas Pynchon is GODLY, and you all need to buy his books, to atone for my sins.

- This shirt:

[Found at BackStreetMerch]
Even though my family and several friends INSIST that once you have a tattoo of a fandom, buying any more merchandise is simply moot. They are fools, obviously. HUGE fools. On a sort-of-related topic, I still can't decide if I want to make a shirt or a tote for Watchmen. I am totally stealing an idea from someone else, SHAMELESSLY, but will give her credit, and internet cookies, so it's OK, yes? Also it was her idea. Anyway, I may also post potential shirt/tote ideas, but no one sent me any image ideas, so all text again, but the tote NEEDS an image, DAMMIT. On one side. I have these thoughts.

- Unseen Academicals by Terry Pratchett

[Found at Amazon]
I love Terry Pratchett. So much. Like, there are no words for the level of adoration I have for this man. He is from another universe, and we are lucky he deigned to stop by ours for a little while, and give us books like this. Death and Rincewind are my favorites. Team Death: You'll meet us sooner or later.

- Astonishing X-Men Omnibus by Joss Whedon

[Found at Amazon]
DO WANT. NAOW. Joss Whedon plus X-Men equals GENIUS beyond words, except if he wrote for Iron Man, but that might kill me.

Another random. I want Jackie Earle Haley to play Spider Jerusalem from Transmetropolitan:

This isn't the best picture to illustrate what I ASSURE you is an uncanny resemblance between Mr. Haley and Mr. Jerusalem. I just really like this picture.

OK, T-Shirt Ideas. I have four shirts and one tote, so top five fandoms win. Highest winner gets the tote, probably:

* Watchmen:
The Squid Is A Lie
Waiting For A Flash of Enlightenment In All This Blood And Thunder.
Must Investigate Further.

* True Blood:
It Hurts So Good.

* Torchwood:
Team Ianto: We Make Good Coffee
Team Ianto

* Doctor Who:
Team Gallifrey

* Heroes:
Team Sylar
This Is Usually The Part Where People Start Screaming.
This Season Won't Suck.

* Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog:
The World Is A Mess, & I Just Need To Rule It.
What A Crazy Random Happenstance!
The Status is Not Quo.
I Want To Be Like Bad Horse.

* Hunter Thompson:
Team Gonzo

* Transmetropolitan:
Did You Vote? Do You Have Thumbs?
Spider Jerusalem

* Firefly:
No Power in the 'Verse
Team Wash: We Like Dinosaurs.

So make suggestions, vote, etc. DO IT. Or bad shirts will be all your fault

See? I keep my promises.
- LV


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