Tuesday, August 4, 2009

She Has No Family. She Ate Them.

* Six years since I left high school, and this line still makes me snerk. As does the whole show. Title is from Daria.

Harry Potter
* There is no time that this photo is not appropriate:

Made by Caro, who makes so many wonderful things it frightens me a little. Have you heard her podcast? I think she has powers. Don't piss her off.

Star Trek
* I could die happy if Zaphod Beeblebrox and Captain Kirk had a war of words. Unfortunately, the universe is a cruel and unfeeling place, so I have to rely on macros for any hint of this miraculous world:

[Found at ONTD_StarTrek]
There are many more here, but I still sort of think that Sam Rockwell could beat Chris Pine.

Doctor Who
* Here's an article about Julie Gardner, the Executive Producer of Doctor Who, Torchwood, and The Sarah Jane Adventures. As far as I can tell she didn't BRUTALLY SLAUGHTER my favorite character and make me a crying ball of crazy, so I continue to like her.

* I am still angry about the San Diego Comic-Con. STILL ANGRY. Especially when I see the website for the New York Comic-Con. Because on one hand, AWESOME PEOPLE are going to be there: Grant Morrison and Art Spiegelman and Matt Fraction and Colin Baker and Eve Myles (who will only be answering questions about Ianto) and Joss Whedon and Seth Green. But San Diego has Jackie Earle Haley and Zack Snyder and Johnny Depp and Dragon*Con has Gareth David Lloyd, and I am BITTER, OK? Who wants to send me money for Dragon*Con? I make no money off this blog. I'm just saying.
And yes, I still intend to GO to the New York Comic-Con. I just will be passive aggressive and shitty about the San Diego one. That's how I roll.

People I Love
* So these kids were put into an exercise program, because American kids are all fat like the blob people in Wall-E. And they had to use pedometers to record how much they walked. But the kids didn't want to work out, because they had video games and snack chips and cell phones and MP3 players. So what did they do? Did they work out, get in shape, and realize that exercise is a fun and important part of a healthy life?
Shit no. They attached the pedometers to their dogs' collars and went inside and ate Twinkies. Lazy Kids, I salute you.

Daily Hot Guy

[Neil Patrick Harris, AKA NPH, who as Doctor Horrible made me quiver with fear and LUST. I mean fear. Musical fear. His gloves are awesome. They need a sequel with Jackie Earle Haley as a villain. That would be SICK.]

* 300 is coming out on Blu-Ray in some insane version that, I don't know, squirts blood in your face when you open it and makes your life run briefly in slow-motion. I don't know because I DON'T HAVE BLU-RAY, and therefore cannot experience the wonders. ZACK SNYDER, TELL US WHAT THEY DID TO YOUR FAMILY. WE CAN HELP YOU. BUT EITHER BUY ME A DAMN BLU-RAY PLAYER, OR STOP BEING PREJUDICED AGAINST THOSE OF US WITHOUT BLU-RAY. Which is too bad, really, because 300 is fun and looks cool as shit and has a Pit of Death. Did Crash have a Pit of Death? No, it did not.

Depression Session
* Harvard's going to sink into abject poverty, and rats and the homeless insane will run the lecture halls, and where Harvard goes so goes the country, so we are all doomed, DOOMED I says, because nobody wants to pay ridiculous sums of money to spend four years in college working your ass off, only to end up living in your parent's home in New Jersey because the economy HATES YOU, and this sentence ended in a much different place than I meant it to.

* Clearly I've been looking at this zombie apocalypse the wrong way. I don't need a flame-thrower. I'm still going to have SEVERAL, but more for cooking and to light cigarettes and be badass, and realistically eventually set myself on fire, but ultimately all I need is a wall of tasers:

[Found at Geekologie]
So the zombies are all flopping on the ground trying to figure out what the hell just happened, and I will take my flame thrower and BURN THEM, or shoot them in the head, because if I learned anything from Maniac Cop 3, it's that fire solves NO PROBLEMS involving zombies. AND my Taser Wall has a REMOTE, and I love remotes. I'd like five for Christmas, please.

* Dexter is a good show, mostly, but this poster is freaking me out. I will not be babysitting this kid. Ever. Look at his cold dead little eyes. Dexter Season 4 starts at the end of September. I'm still staring at the baby. KICK IT INTO THE PIT OF DEATH. "This... Is.... NAPTIME."

More later. Although when I say that, you usually don't get more later, because I am a BUSY PERSON. But probably more later. In the meantime, go listen to World Peace Through Jackie Earle Haley for all your life needs. I'm on it, but more importantly funny and smart people are on it, and we talk about Jackie Earle Haley, and is it really Tuesday? I am very sleepy.
- LV


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