Sunday, August 30, 2009

I Don't Have To Put Up With Your Misplaced Prepositions!

* You know what? Maybe you do. Maybe you do. Title is from Psych.

Tattoo Of Win
* I actually think this is a badass tattoo:

[Found at LOLTATZ]
But that doesn't mean it should be permanently burned into someone's skin. My judgement isn't always the best. What?

Moment Of Win
fail owned pwned pictures
see more Fail Blog

* This is NOT a bagel, which is too bad, because bagels are delicious and I miss Murray's Bagel shop in the city, and their lox, which was LIFE-CHANGING, and dammit, I just ate breakfast but now I want a bagel. Which this is not:

[Found at CakeSpy]
It is, in fact, a DOUGHNUT with cream-cheese frosting, and I want to make a shitload of these and not tell people what they really are, and see if they A) complain, or B) notice. But I'd eat them all, thus ruining the plan. Here's a recipe. Make some for me, OK?

* So many people sent me this, but NAZI ZOMBIES. ZOMBIE NAZIS. BEST MOVIE EVAR.

* Here's a great article on the Kindle debacle where they deleted books from people's Kindles, and everyone got angry, and now they're all trying to work together for the common good. Or something. I don't know. I'm sleepy. Is this decaf coffee? I don't know, I don't look, I just MAKE it. AND I miscounted the number of blank shirts I have. AND I need some Sharpies. And Spongebob is running around testing the slime viscosity of his pet snail. I can't find the batteries for the remote.
As far as all this goes, I'm just going to stick with real books, and also audio books, which is my new thing, if the author happens to be a deleriously sexy Welsh fellow.

Star Trek
* Apparently, I am very hungry today:

[Found at ONTD_StarTrek]
Zachary Quinto and I shall feast upon this glory, then go take over the world, because season two of Heroes is so problematic I cannot BEGIN to dissect it. I really would like to watch the movie again. It was really quite excellent.

Daily Hot Guy(s)

[Alan Rickman and Tom Felton from the Harry Potter series. This is why you always want to play with the bad guys. Because we get these fellas, and the good guys are stuck with Daniel Radcliffe, who seems like a fine young man, but really? No.]

* Sigh. They changed the covers for the new Torchwood books from gorgeous, Ianto covers to stupid Gwen covers:

[Found at a_silver_story]
I don't even have the energy to be angry anymore. I've been putting off finishing my Torchwood rewatch, because once it's done, I have to go back and watch Children of the Earth, because that's how my brain works, and I really don't want to be a sobbing, awful wreck over it again. At least not without proper alcohol cushioning of the system.
Joss Whedon may make me cry regularly, and consistently (but not in Dollhouse, yet, a fact that is now going to make me very nervous) but I never felt like he disrespected the characters. I never felt they were treated with anything but love, even when he was slaughtering them LEFT AND RIGHT. Russell T. Davies, you are not Joss Whedon. For so many reasons.

Inglourious Basterds
* So, by now we all know Christoph Waltz is going to get the Best Supporting Actor nomination for his terrifying, genius role as the Jew Hunter (and Jackie Earle Haley will get nominated for Best Actor, since he was the main character in Watchmen, and he should win because WTF for Little Children, he should have won for THAT, dammit, and then um... I don't know who should win for Best Actress. I'll get back to you) and Quentin Tarantino has publicly stated that if it weren't for Christoph Waltz gave him the movie, and I'm sort of inclined to agree, because he is the holding point, and he scares the SHIT out of me, and the strudel scene made me fear pastry. Here's an interview.

People I Love
* God DAMN, Seth Green:

[Found at WorldOfWonder]
I was going to write this whole long post on how much I loved you growing up, and how we're both short so we would be a cute couple, and how fun you are in everything, even utter shit, and how you were the only part of the movie It that didn't make me demented with fear, and how great you were in Can't Hardly Wait and Radio Days and Buffy, and how much I cried when Oz left the show, and I think Robot Chicken is a new sort of genius, and I wish you would work again with Joss Whedon, and basically how you are one of my longest crushes, if not intense and dramatic, consistent, one of those crushes that lasts forever, etc. etc.
But you know what? You look really good holding that gun. And Apparently, you get enough stupid questions.
So I say DAMN.

Stuff To Live
* Yeah, this should be free:

[Found at NerdApproved]
Because it's true. And you shouldn't have to pay for the truth. AIRTIGHT LOGIC.

* In high school, me and my friends went through a rabid phase wherein we all read Youth In Revolt numerous times, and essentially thought it was the greatest piece of literature in history. I don't know why. Because it's not that great, at all, and some parts are downright awful. I don't dislike the book, except for the discomfort I feel over our devotion. So the movie just... it does nothing for me at all. And I want Michael Cera to stop playing George Michael Bluth, unless he's IN the damn Arrested Development movie itself, AM I RIGHT?

Not feeling it. Sorry.

Jackie Earle Haley

[Found at JackieEarleHaleyFans]
I posted this to keep myself calm and not-upset when I read about all the awesome that 2010 will hold, and then realizing it is STILL 2009, and that Shutter Island got pushed back, and they still have the old date! WHY? But it's a cool interview, and the above picture soothes me so much.

* OK, first of all, if you follow me on Twitter you get sneak peaks of all my stencil madness, which is why you should be following me on Twitter. The end. TOTE BAG OF WIN.

* Second of all: I found this autograph in my bag of autographs, and I have NO IDEA who it is from, because I am a bad person:

If you can help me identify this, I will reward you. Somehow. It is most likely a comic/movie/book person. That is not remotely helpful, is it?

* Finally, I cannot count. Or someone is stealing my shirts, which is ALARMING, because I only have three shirts and a tote, instead of four and a tote. So, I may go get more. I need more stencil paper, too. And Sharpies. These are my thoughts.
- LV


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