Friday, August 28, 2009

Paranoids Only Think Everyone Is Out To Get Them. Wizards Know It.

* Title is from Sourcery by Terry Pratchett.

Shows I'm Following 2009/2010
* Castle - Nathan Fillion FTW. And he hasn't had a show renewed, like, EVER, so we need to reward him. Also he was in Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog, and Captain Hammer likes gently wafting curtains.

* V - Or I will be, once we get any information AT ALL. Firefly cast members! They live! But doesn't this remind you a bit of District 9?

* Flash Forward - Because I have a Voice Crush on Seth MacFarlane, and because the trailer are bizarre enough to intrigue me.

* Human Target - Jackie Earle Haley and Chi Macbride. Let me say that again: Jackie Earle Haley on TV every week. JACKIE EARLE HALEY. THAT IS ALL.

* Bones - Confession: I've never seen it. In large part because watching David Boreanaz run around in daylight led me to scream, 'Angel look out! You'll catch on fire!' But he didn't, and then I'd feel stupid. But I love every clip I've seen, and I'm very pleased that Mr. Boreanaz has a career still, so well done sir.

* Dollhouse - Because it got freaking RENEWED. HUZZAH. Also Alpha Wash, who needs to be in every episode, generally watching TV naked.

* Glee - Because it may be the best show on TV, from what I've heard.

* House - This is my last effort, though. Another incident where my character died, and we all know that Wilson and House are meant to be, so why keep pretending, FOX? BUT Andre Braugher is going to be in this season, and that is all sorts of amazing, so maybe this season will be good?

* Lie To Me - This is essentially House with the accent, but I adore Tim Roth, and the show is quite good.

* Heroes - Also last chance. Look, my adoration of Zachary Quinto and all the guest stars and comics, and my lingering hope that Christopher Eccleston will show up with his Beard of Magic and beat the shit out of Peter Petrelli, for the World, can only last so long under the near-constant WTF barrage of FAIL.

* Chuck - Because I don't want it to be cancelled.

* 30 Rock - When I grow up, I want to be Tina Fey.

* Burn Notice - Bruce Campbell.

* Torchwood - Well, it's on Hiatus. Or something. Because there is NO ONE LEFT, Russell T. Davies. YOU CANNOT HAVE A CAMERA POINTED AT A BLANK WALL FOR AN HOUR. Oh, I guess you'll have to, because EVERYONE IS DEAD.

* True Blood - Because the vampires don't sparkle, and this show has taught me that in the South, people do nothing but have sex and eat amazing food and drink. And it's on HBO, so you know it's true.

* Doctor Who - When the hell do we get new episodes? WHEN? And I'm nervous for the new Doctor, because David Tennant and Christopher Eccleston are hard acts to follow.

Night, now.
- LV


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