Monday, August 17, 2009

I Will Shoot You, & I Know Robot Karate.

* Title is from Be Kind Rewind, which I love dearly because it reminds me of my job at the video store before it became a tired charade of lust and lies and depravity in the back room. Seriously, great movie, and NO, I will not elaborate right now. I just woke up. The coffee's not even done BREWING.

Jackie Earle Haley
* I am getting sick and tired of Warner Bros. and their secretive, taciturn bullshit. For real. It makes sense that you want to hold off on the Nightmare On Elm Street media blitz until it gets closer to the release date. Good strategy. But A) That is NOT a high resolution image, because I can barely see anything, and B) You can't see his face in the poster either. I realize that is the POINT, and that you want us all to wee ourselves upon seeing Jackie Earle Haley in makeup, but GIVE ME SOMETHING. IRON MAN 2 GOT LEAKED. COME ON.
PS That poster for Jonah Hex? THAT is high resolution. And I won't be seeing it, because I dislike both actors so very, very much.

* I know I said no more Comic-Con posts, but this is a really interesting interview about Nightmare On Elm Street, and he says 'surreal' three times, 'iconic' three times, and 'motivating' once, making this pretty much the quintessential Jackie Earle Haley Drinking Game Interview.

* World Peace Through Jackie Earle Haley: Taste The Peace. It tastes like sugar cubes and JUSTICE.

* This is a picture of a tree that grew under a car and, eventually, LIFTED the car off the ground:

[Found at Neatorama]
It took 25 years to grow like this, and now it has its own shrine. I just think that's cool. I'd like one in my front yard.

Daily Hot Guy

[Hugh Laurie as Doctor Gregory House, who I have loved since Blackadder and A Bit Of Fry & Laurie, and who for some reason is adorably geeky when he's English, and surly and snarky when he's American. So he's an international hottie. Also he can play like five instruments, and he boxes. Why that helps I cannot say, but you totally know it does.]

Girly Shit
* These bags have sword handles:

[Found at LikeCool]
DO WANT. Like five. Because while they won't actually help you in a fight, they are super-badass, and then all my jokes about being a ninja would suddenly be timely and prescient, instead of random. Plus, pretty purple ninja bag!

* This is so embarrassing. I am so ashamed of my state. We are a collective failure. Shun us nationally. Some cops didn't recognize Bob Dylan. They picked him up, thinking he was lying. He was walking around looking at a house for sale. And he was picked up by the police. New Jersey does nothing right. I apologize to everyone, ever, and hope Mr. Dylan doesn't write a mean song about Jersey, because that would hurt my soul.

* Wes Anderson gives us his perfect mix tape. It's wonderful. Then again, the soundtracks to Rushmore and The Royal Tenenbaums were also glorious and perfect, so I don't know why I expected any less. And Gene Hackman was shafted out of a nomination for Tenenbaums, and I honestly think Ben Stiller gave a rather remarkable performance (that was hard to type), and of course Rushmore is utterly perfect. But I'm still scared of The Fantastic Mr. Fox.

* Scientists are trying to use the AIDS virus to cure cancer. It has worked on mice. This will go one of two ways:
A) Disease will become a thing of the past, and two of the deadliest killers of all time will cease to exist, or
B) Zombie apocalypse.
So win-win, really.

* I want an apron like Mrs. Schach:

In All Seriousness by *Kamden on deviantART

* Do you have any idea how much of my life I've wasted staring at this GIF?

[Found at JackieEarleHaley]
Answer: Way too much. LIke a hideous amount of my life has been spent watching the Comedian's head bop. It's mesmerizing.
And there's still a few days left to submit a Watchmen Party Mix to the website. Which I would do, if a party involves me drinking and screaming, "RORSCHACH, NOOOOOOOOOO!" and then sobbing in a ball on the floor. Too bad I don't have a video camera.

* This video has almost nothing to do with Watchmen, but is so goddamn funny that I am posting it anyway, especially since we ALL fucking hate that asshole who ruins the movie for the rest of then audience:

Tattoo Of Win
* This is one of those non-sarcastic category titles, because this tattoo is gorgeous:

[Found at Neatorama]
It's been done to look like embroidery, which I'm sure hurts even worse than regular tattoos, because of so many tiny little stitches. And it's a tattoo of the girls' grandmother's embroidery, which makes it even cooler. I just think it's lovely.

Moment Of Win
* I have been both the person in the car, and the person in the puddle:
fail owned pwend pictures
see more Fail Blog
Just saying.

* So! Who's eating breakfast/lunch/dinner/a tasty and healthful snack? Yes? Well, have I got a story for you!
Man goes to the grocery store and buys a loaf of bread. He comes home, looking forward to bready goodness, unwraps it, and sees this:

[Found at UniqueDaily]
I know, I know, I'm sorry. But if I had to see it, you had to see it. Fair's fair. Also I am inspecting all my bread from now on before I eat it. Because really, a WHOLE rodent? That's pushing it. Ugh.

* Director James Gunn posted a link to the Five Creepiest Sex Scenes In Comics. Personally, I think the Dinosaur Rape should have been number one, because DUDE, raping dinosaurs is... I don't even have anything to say. Although time-traveling incest is pretty weird, too. You know what? Comics are fucked up. That's why we love them. But not these. Iron Man, what were you THINKING?

* According to this nifty chart, stand-alone science fiction sells best, fantasy sequels sell best, and stand alone horror sells best:

[Found at BoingBoing]
My book is a combination fantasy/horror/comedy, so it doesn't sell at all.

Star Trek
* This is a very nice picture:

[Found at ONTD_StarTrek]
Not Trek enough for you? That's fair. How about this?

[Found at ONTD_StarTrek]
I'm so glad they cut the 'Big Pink Scene' from the reboot.

It's Monday, which means I need to get my shit organized this week. I have massive writing, things to mail (and wash), plans to make, and all that jazz. Plus my regular job. Plus this coffee isn't working. And I'd like to see District 9, and have my HBO fixed, and redye my hair and figure out what's happening with my Nine Inch Nail tickets. Also I want a pet capybara. And a hamster. And a rat. And a Prada dress. And Louboutin shoes.

This is what it's like in my head. All the time. Which may be why I don't get as much done as I could.
- LV


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