Monday, August 3, 2009

That Girl Dropped A Bomb In Your Subconscious With Her Saliva.

* That is a horrible, horrible visual. Title is from Pushing Daisies.

Sherlock Holmes
* Why have I not seen this poster before now?

What else are you keeping from me? Did I already mention that I desire sunglasses like his? because I do. They are hot. Incidentally, I hope these posters, and the movie in general, bring back typewriters. Because I love them. And typewriters plus Robert Downey, Jr. equals sum sort of glorious alternate universe of eternal joy. I'm sorry, it's Monday. I'll be awake soon.

Jackie Earle Haley
* If you check out his official website, you've already seen this amazering retrospective of Mr. Haley's career so far, but you should watch it again, because it is THAT good:

If you haven't seen it, watch it a few times, and take in the brilliance. Made by Eringoblah, who is even more wondrous and ass-kicking than you would have guessed from that video. I know. I'm scared too.

* You can hear Erin, as well as other hardcore Haley fans, on the podcast World Peace Through Jackie Earle Haley. This podcast drops other podcasts down an elevator shaft - metaphorically. Literally that would be kind of hard.

Iron Man
* It's funny because it's true:

[Found at ISS]

* This video is probably the worst thing I've found in days, because I simply cannot stop watching it:

It is a squirrel eating a lemon, and I am COMPELLED in a way I cannot truly comprehend. Why is this so fascinating? And why, at the end, does the squirrel LUNGE for the tender jugular of the videotaper? These questions haunt me in the wee hours of the morning.

Daily Hot Guy

[Alan 'Alpha Wash' Tudyk, who I am going to refer to as Alpha Wash forever now, because I'm funny, even though this picture was taken BEFORE he was Alpha OR Wash, but he's still very cute in those glasses, isn't he?]

Apocalypse How?
* So the Swine Flu resembles the 1918 flu that caused the pandemic, hurrah! Only the Swine Flu is even worse, and it loves your lungs like I love pie, and I am a girl who LOVES pie. So your lungs will collapse from an old disease we never figured out how to cure, and now I want pie, dammit.

Girly Shit
* These shoes are absolutely ridiculous:

[Found at ShoeLust]
I do not want. At all. The heel looks like it's not done. I feel like a snake went to a chiropractor's office, and this came out. Which would be a funny sitcom (Relaxin Reptiles!) but does not make me think of ANYTHING I want to put on my feet.

* Lady Gaga's hat is like the solar system:

[Found at WorldOfWonder]
Mysterious and swirly and probably not the best idea anyone's ever had, but we still love it, because the alternative is terrifying.


[Found at WorldOfWonder]
Oh, wait, it's a new product that connects to your Facebook and it reads your messages and infiltrates your friends' list and can learn a bunch of voice commands.... KILL IT KILL IT OH GOD GET THE CHILDREN AWAY FROM IT.

* For those of you weirdos out there who still haven't seen the Director's Cut of Watchmen, here's the scene that shattered most people's psyches, besides the end of course. I loved it. I thought it was beautiful and violent and sad and a loving tribute to an aging hero. And it was TASTEFUL, a word I never expected to use in relation to a Zack Snyder movie.

* For those of you who have seen the movie, kudos, and I present you this:

Made my Miss_Bushido, who does this to people that litter ALL THE TIME.

Tattoo Of Win

[Found at LOLTatz]

* I want to be eating these right now:

[Found at ThisIsWhyYoureFat]
These are corn cheddar bacon pancakes. There is NOTHING bad in there. These are concoctions of pure good. Eat enough and your arteries explode and you die an excruciating death, but that's YOUR fault, not the fault of these delicious delicacies.

Words of Win

[Found at PassiveAggressiveNotes]

* A collection of short stories you can read, online, Fifty-Two stories is consistently awesome. You get a different short story every week of the year, from the likes of Ray Bradbury and Mary Gaitskall. I read it, and am amazed by the beauty and simplicity of these stories. Then I realize I will never write anything remotely like this, and have to go be alone for a while with some vodka and tissues.

I dyed my hair red. I will post pictures, once it's been brushed and no longer looks like a hair bomb on the my little head.

Also, I'm seeing Dweezil Zappa on Friday. No one told me this until today. Surprise win? Or Fail? I CANNOT TELL.
- LV


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