Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Hey! Get Some Beer, & Some.... Cleaning Products.

* I dated a guy like this. It loses its charm, after a while. Title is from True Romance.

* I have so much to do, and I am very happy about it. I do much better in life when I have a lot on my plate and have to organize, rather than when I sit around with one project and little work. Then I suddenly get all caught up on a lot of celebrity gossip, and forget what nature looks like. It's very bad. So here's what I'm working on:
- Blog (per usual, and for always)
- Vampire novel (at 100,545 words, and NOT DONE. Editing will be fun! Whee!)
- Superhero comic (594 words, still getting used to the format)
- Rorschach spoof comic (Don't have the word count, but I think like four pages)
- Book Outline (Nonfiction, I'm WORKING ON IT)
- Crime Novel (Rewrite, because it is a MESS, but there is a good story in there, buried beneath SHIT)
- Transcripts (Which is fun, so doesn't count)
- Sekrit Project that is not writing, but I like talking about, and my hands HURT from cutting things all night, so dammit, I want to mention it).
- Work I get paid for.

So yeah, I'm a bit busy. I love it. Now if only I could get PAID for these things...

* Either I'm a pervert, or this is really sick:

Or both. It could be both.

* Machete is going to be the best movie ever, and I will not listen to any naysaying.

Moment of Win
fail owned pwned pictures
see more Fail Blog

That's all. Just felt like updating. Go to World Peace Through Jackie Earle Haley. What, you don't want world peace? That's just sick.
- LV


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