Friday, August 21, 2009

Captain Hammer Threw A Car At My Head.

* This may be my favorite line in the whole series. His delivery? Perfect. Title is from Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog.

Freakangels Friday
* It's a skip week. Tears. So many tears. It's been a rough enough week, Warren Ellis. WHY?! How have we displeased you? Tell me who has angered you, and they will be smited. I'll set their head on fire, if you want. With my mind.

* This gives me serious girl-geek boner. It's cast members from Reno 911! (RIP), and Human Giant reenacting a scene from Point Break. What did we do before the internet gifted us with such glorious wonders?
<a href="" target="_new" title=""RENO 911!" and Human Giant Cinemash "Point Break"">Video: "RENO 911!" and Human Giant Cinemash "Point Break"</a>

* This guy is annoyed that Rush Limbaugh didn't leave New York, which apparently he promised to do, because of the taxes. Frankly, I didn't think he would move, and I don't care. Wherever he goes, he'll still be Limbaugh. And in New York, it's easier to ignore him and his crazy. And in the heat of the moment, EVERYONE insists they're moving somewhere for some dramatic reason or other. Except me. I'm honestly moving to England, because that's where everything is good, and it's far away from New Jersey, so win.

Geek Want
* I like Transformers and all (except the second movie, which failed on more levels then I knew was physically possible), but I don't want this for my own geeky reasons. I just want to use it to screw with my little brother's head:

[Found at LikeCool]
It's a Bumblebee Voice Mixer. I imagine the scene would play out like this:
"Mom, Bumblebee called and he TOLD me-"
"What's Bumblebee?"
"The robot from Transformers."
"He told me to cut it up! The Decepticons were using it to hide-"
"But MOM! He called, and-"
Yes, I'm annoyed with my family. As I say REPEATEDLY, you shouldn't be forced to move back home after you've moved out. And this would be a nonviolent way to work out my frustrations. Plus, the funny.

* Here is a video of Bill Clinton, who I love. Not because he is a good person, but because he does not give a SHIT what you think about him, and has sort of become the liberal's perverted but charming uncle. If Dave Vitter came out and was all, 'Shit yeah I wear diapers during sex!' he'd earn my respect. I am easily won over, as I like to say. And blatant, shameless egotism is somewhat charming to me.

He's is a SMUG bastard, isn't he?

* Holy, holy SHIT do you REMEMBER these?
once upon a win
see more Epic Wins from the Past
BOW BITERS. You clip them to your shoes, and your laces never come undone! I MISS THESE. Also, totally random, where the HELL did my Converse sneakers go? I want to wear them today. WITH THESE. Maybe not Garfield. What was the duck's name? The one with the inflatable flotation tube? WADE. Oh, I loved Wade. I want Bow Biters of Wade. Or Brooklyn, from Gargoyles. OR DARKWING DUCK. How do I make this happen?

* This is called a Shacklie. It's an umbrella with a handcuff and a key, to keep people from taking it:

[Found at LikeCool]
Look, if people are so aggressively stealing your umbrellas that you need to CHAIN UP something you can buy for $3.00 at Duane Reade, maybe you need to reevaluate your life as a whole, or at least the company you keep. It's an UMBRELLA. I lived in New York for four years, and never ONCE had an umbrella stolen, even when I left them outside my front door. My neighbors did steal my socks, but I think that was for more sinister reasons. Anyway. Do you REALLY want to be that person who chains up their umbrella? Do you? Because that's the sort of shit they'll sat at your wake. 'He chained up his umbrella, do you remember?' I'd much rather here, 'I can't believe she managed to tackle both Jackie Earle Haley AND Gareth David-Lloyd before the cops showed up.' That's a lie, actually. At my wake, I want to hear, 'Holy shit, she's alive! ALIVE!'
Yeah, I don't like this umbrella.

Daily Hot Guy

[Eric Bana, who many of you requested, so here he is. He's fine. I mean, he's a good actor. He was very good in Star Trek, what with the crazy and the tattoos. Not my type. Certainly no Spock. He was bangin' in Troy. I said I'd post whoever you guys request. I never promised to get all excited about it.]

* I want The Hobbit to be good. I do. When I lived in New York, the last year I was there my apartment was a basement in the East Village. My friend called it the 'Hobbit-Hole, what with the lack of light, and small dark space. Except MY hobbit hole had giant roaches (this is not an exaggeration. I wish it was), and later on an evil nuclear rat that screamed and ate poison and concrete, and which in retrospect I should have caught for a pet, because THEN when my parents bitched I could have let it bite them, and they would grow whiskers. Or something. Look, I want a pet rat, and my parents won't let me get one, and at twenty-three I think I should be able to own a small rodent, even if I AM stuck at home for the time being.
What? Oh yes. If my apartment had been more like Bag-End, I wouldn't have lost my mind in my concrete coffin, and might still be in New York, and loving it, instead of stuck in New Jersey, and wishing I could live out in the country, a la J.D. Salinger.
So The Hobbit should be good, yes? Here are pictures of Bag-End being built:

[Found at Collider]

* Caro sent me this, and I may have actually cried, like a lot, because this was the saddest episode of Futurama, and possibly any cartoon in history, including when Little Foot's mom died in The Land Before Time:

[Found by Caro]
If I'm miserable, you all have to be. That's how the world works. I don't make the rules.

* So many people sent me this link, about the mathematics behind the zombie apocalypse, and it has reignited my conviction that this will happen, and soon, and so I need to gather weapons and supplies and rations, and a wardrobe made of leather that will last a lifetime, and look super sexy, because half of the appeal of a post-apocalyptic future is the badass fashion. I'll be wearing thigh high boots and fedoras, and it will be AWESOME. Plus, short people can hide more easily. SO HAHA.

* I just think this is a super-cool picture:

[Found at SociologicalImages]
I like coyotes. And snow. And night-time. Think my parents would let me have a coyote? It's not a RODENT.

Girly Shit
* I want this whole look. It reminds me of something someone would wear to Fangtasia, and then Eric Northman would be there, and... yeah:

[Found at ShoeLust]
I'd also like the cats. I want another pet. Shut up. But I seriously doubt I could pull off that shade of lipstick. Man, I hate that my shopping wish list includes a black dress, thigh high boots, Torchwood novels (THIS IS NOT GEEKY, SHUT UP), blank shirts to make more 'macros,' lipstick, a sword, and a deep conditioner, AND several dozen comics.

* I don't see what's so weird about this outfit.

I have many hats made out of the cast of Eureka's Castle. And a halter top carved from the flesh of Fozzie Bear.

* I try to be mature (sometimes) about science things. But ew:

[Found at Geekologie]
Look, I get our resources are dwindling, and we're all fucked, and DOOM DOOM, etc., but I just don't want to use urine for anything. OK? You guys totally can. No judgment. But I want to keep the urine AWAY from me. I do not want to sit there and think, 'My microwave is being powered by pee-pee.' Because I would. Can't we use, I don't know, human blood? Sweet, sweet human blood? The vampire thing is popular now, I doubt we'd have much of a public outcry.

* I know, I know, it's not Watchmen, but it makes me laugh:

[Found by DancesWithElvis]

* Here is a video of Alan Moore discussing Watchmen:

He scares me. Seriously.

* This is why the infamous 'Watchmen Go Surfing' sequence was cut from Zack Snyder's film:

[Made by DumbFishie]

* The greatest television episode never aired:

[Made by Luna-WolfDemon]
Then Rorschach jumps down and snaps his neck, steals his sunglasses, and burns them so the evil can't ever hurt anyone again, The End.

OK, I have to go see what my hair looks like. I dyed it red. Again. If I'm bald, you people are in trouble
- LV


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