Saturday, August 1, 2009

We're A Secret Organization Hunting Alien Technology From An Underground Base & You Want A Rota For Who Drives.

* I was lying, Jack, I just want to sit next to Ianto and have him make me coffee. Title is from Torchwood.

Words Of Win

[Found at PassiveAggressiveImages]

* This is mostly celebrity tidbits from Gawker, but I link to it because Seth Rogen and Judd Apatow hate Katherine Heigl for being a smug, self-righteous, untalented bitch. As a journalism, I am of course unbiased on the wench, and say nothing about how unbelievably aggravating she is. You can read the article here, if you want to be all judgmental like that.

* On a serious note, in July Albert Borris' debut novel came out. Unfortunately,
"...back in December, Albert suffered a massive stroke that left him unable to get words out on paper or verbally in the proper order. He's a writer unable to write... and currently unable to help promote his own book. Fellow young adult and middle grade debut authors in the Class of 2K9 of which Albert had been co-president, are working together along with others to help spread the word so that Albert's novel gets the attention it deserves... and which he is unable to help generate."

I read an excerpt, and it is indeed a beautiful book. So go read Crash Into Me, OK?

Harry Potter
* If the International Society of Supervillains had written Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, the world would be a very different place. With underground broom racing, and more Snape. I support this move.
(PS I'd like to give a special fuck you to the delightful scamps who forced me and my friend to WALK OUT of Harry Potter, something I NEVER do. You were so clever, commenting on the 'hotness' of the girls and dropping shit and trying to impress your little girlfriends, who all are more interested in Sparkly Vampires anyway. Consider yourselves lucky that my friend and I decided, for the sheer novelty, to be adult and leave rather than turn around and unleash our rage on your prepubescent faces. Oh, you adorable imps of mischief and good humor! I'm not annoyed by this at all!)

Star Trek
* You can make as much fun of me as you want about my Star Trek love. You laugh, but when Leonard Nimoy shows up and uses his magical Vulcan powers to explode your heads, boy will you feel stupid. Then Spock and I will share a victory toast of this amazing invention:

[Found at ONTD_StarTrek]
That's a Romulan Ale energy drink, and you bet your sweet Trekkie ass I want to drink it. I want to drink it until my innards are BLUE, then run around giving the Vulcan Nerve Pinch to people who harass me in movie theaters. Good plan.

Doctor Who
* Geez, it's like Geek Alley here today, isn't it? Unlike every other day, OBVIOUSLY. So Doctor Who started filming the new series, and I still haven't gotten to watch Planet of the Dead, because I am way behind on all my TV watching, but it's saved on my TV, so I WILL watch it. My anger has cooled a bit, simply because it's INSANE to walk around for WEEKS being angry at the writer/creator of TV shows. I still AM angry, of course, but frankly I am angry about a LOT OF THINGS, and need to prioritize, and don't have the energy to be infuriated about everything, all the time. Also, Gareth David-Lloyd is going to be in America this fall. That has nothing to do with the new Doctor Who, but I don't care. It's IMPORTANT NEWS.

Daily Hot Guy

[Robert Downey, Jr. I tried to remember if I'd already posted this picture, then realized that I don't care because, SERIOUSLY.]

OK, Universe. I don't like you. You made me have limited funds and laziness and short, and live in New Jersey. You obviously don't like me, for all the reasons I just listed. But we need a truce. WE NEED ONE. Because I already missed the San Diego Comic-Con, and now Gareth David-Lloyd will be at Dragon*Con, AND I NEED TO GO, OK? So send me some money, or a ticket, or Ianto. I don't care. But this year has not been especially kind, and dammit I am DUE some fun, RIGHT? Right. I mean, I'm not going to be able to see Nine Inch Nails at this rate, which means I'm out over $200 that I DON'T HAVE. So, Universe, I will be waiting for my tickets, and Ianto, and the resurrection of Hunter S. Thompson. This is MY TIME.

People I Love
* Whenever I am feeling low, or bad about myself, I turn to Andy Rooney, and I remember that I am not a crazy fruit-stealing old man:

Watch CBS Videos Online
Then I feel much better.

* Roland Emmerich is going to destroy the world, again, for no clear reason except he likes explosions and seriously maudlin dialogue and painfully bad jokes.

[Found at Collider]
Because we're not all stressed enough, what with the economic situation and the political climate and wondering if the next season of Heroes will be the worst one yet. The movie is called 2012, and I'm sure it will make tons of money and destroy any lingering faith I have in the film industry.

Depression Session
* If a relative dies and cannibalism makes you squeamish (or you're a Vegan), but you can't afford to pay for a pricey funeral, just bury them in the backyard. It's cheap, intimate, and once the police force falls apart, it won't be illegal anymore! And if you're tough, you can be a death midwife and make money off of people's pain!
When I die, my friends have strict orders to mail my body to someone I hate (who shall remain nameless, for the surprise!) so none of this applies to me.


It's sunny out. Very strange. What brave new world is this?
- LV


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