Monday, August 10, 2009

I Have An Idea, But We'll Need Cool Names.

* Currently like the name Abernathy Xavier. What? My initials would be Ax. Title is from Psych.

* So, I have set up a schedule for all my writing projects. Partly because I love making lists more than I reasonably can explain, and partly to actually get work DONE on the projects, as opposed to rocking in the corner chewing on an unlit cigarette and tearing at my hair, weeping, 'The words, the WORDS' for hours on end. I spend way too much on hair-care products for that sort of behavior.
I doubt any of you care very much (besides other writers. If you're anything like me, you enjoy seeing what other people do, and whether it works or not) but below is going to be my writing schedule. We'll see how long I keep it up until my psyche crumbles like the dried corpse of a cricket, and I am once again drowning under the piles of unwritten ideas.

* Vampire Novel Rewrite

* Supehero Comic
* Rorschach Comic

* Nonfiction Outline
* Crime Novel Rewrite

* Special Blog Entries (Entries of a different format than the daily posts... like this... It's not Thursday. THE SYSTEM IS FAILING ALREADY)
* Typewriter Novel

* Vampire Novel Rewrite (It gets two days until I finish the goddamn thing).

Saturday and Sunday will have writing, I'm sure, but for now I figure they can be catch-up days if I miss writing time for some reason (like real life, which rears its pesky head whenever I try to be productive).

This blog will continue as it always has, so don't worry about that. This has NOTHING to do with the blog, or the podcast, or the zombie apocalypse.
If anyone's curious about any of the things I'm writing, ask. If you're not, pretend this entry never happened.

OK, it's Monday, which means vampires. Then I have some fun things to work on, involving paint. Then I'm going to continue watching Torchwood, because season 1 is cracktastic, and I loved Ianto from the FIRST EPISODE, SO - No. That's a Special Blog Entry. You'll have to wait.

It's very hot out.
- LV


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