Tuesday, September 1, 2009

I'd Rather Let A Thousand Guilty Men Go Free Than Chase After Them.

* Title is from Reno 911!. Goodbye, short-shorts and law-enforcement cheetahs.

* You need to go vote in the Scream Awards for Watchmen. And Jackie Earle Haley. And Rorschach. Actually, this was very hard for me, because I really liked most of the nominees. And any awards that include both Leonard Nimoy and Bruce Campbell as nominees is win. Plus Joe Hill got a nod for best comic writer. I liked him back before you did. SO I WIN. What, I do not know.

* Oh, Warren Ellis, how I love thee. Truly, you are a mad god among dull men. Is everyone super-excited for the conclusion of Planetary? Because you damn well should be. This is the end of an era. This is exciting, and should be fantastic. Incidentally, why the hell doesn't my local comic store have Nextwave? And why does the guy who works there keep proposing marriage, just because I knew that Alan Moore created John Constantine? ONE TIME, this happened. Mr. Ellis, do you see how I suffer for you?

Russell Brand
* I want to see the new VMA Promo ad, wherein Russell Brand uses his psychic ninja skills to seduce Britney Spears (who I like, not because of her music, but because there was a time I really thought her story was going to end tragically, and I'm glad it didn't). Listen, Mr. Brand, you do not need to waste your mental magic on me. And people: if you hear Russell Brand's voice in your head demanding sex, you say OK. On second thought, if you hear voices in your head, maybe it's time to stop reading this blog and go take your special pills? Just a suggestion.

Tattoo Of Win

[Found at LOLTATZ]
* It's OK, I've found a way to fix this tattoo: Write the lyrics to 'My Shiny Teeth and Me' underneath it.

Yes, I like this song. Yes, I know it's sung by the guy from 'N Sync. It's a cute song.

Words Of Win
fail owned pwned pictures
see more Fail Blog

* I was wondering why I so dearly love food that looks like other food, for example, these cupcakes made to look like tiny burgers, and the sugar cookies made to look like fries. Then I realized that I don't care why, because holy shit, burger cupcakes!

[Found at SlashFood]
Screw Father's Day. I want the tiny slider cupcakes, and I want them now. Besides, my dad is a vegan, so these would upset him. I'm really doing him a favor, by eating them all. I'm like a SAINT. And I'd like red icing for ketchup, please.

Daily Hot Guy

[Chris Pine, AKA Captain Kirk, AKA a man who knows how to wear a suit that should make him look lame, but doesn't. Damn. You need more coffee, sir?]

* Book!hacks! Yes, they exist, and they include such things as Special Reading Lists, book discounts, making your OWN book, and reading faster. I love hacks. Who doesn't? Bad people, that's who. But there's no hack for selling your own book. Dammit.

Star Trek
* Just one day I'd like to get through this blog without seeing something I desperately want that reduces me from an intelligent, relatively sane, literate young woman into a squeeling fangirl of idiocy.

[Found at ONTD_StarTrek]
Ah, screw it, I can be both. I'm layered like that. Plus, dude, it's a SPOCK SOCK MONKEY.

* This is more a bitch about Google, and BBC News, to be honest. Because they send me this link to a slide show, saying Gareth David-Lloyd was at this event in Cardiff Wales. Naturally, I click. This is the caption for the picture:
One of the bands to play on Saturday was Blue Gillespie, whose number include Torchwood star Gareth David-Lloyd, now a patron of the event.

This is the picture:

That is not Gareth David-Lloyd. There are no pictures of him, as a matter of fact. Although the Cardiff Wales Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender Mardi Gras looks like it was a wild time. Was John Barrowman there? I feel like he should be the Grand Vizier. Because he's awesome. Also I like saying 'Vizier Barrowman.' Say it.

Inglourious Basterds
* I love Quentin Tarantino's taste in music. How could I not? The man's soundtracks are at least as good as his movies, and it's always unexpected and totally appropriate. I mean, do you REMEMBER the soundtrack for Pulp Fiction?

Now I want to watch it again. I also wish I could pull off Uma Thurman's hair.

OK, I need to go to work and do stuff, and I can't wear my Dr. Horrible shirt because I CONTINUE to be unable to find a goggles stencil. Tragic.
- LV


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