Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Also I Can Kill You With My Brain.

* Poor Jayne got abused a lot on Firefly. Luckily his hat kept him from further misery.

* I will no longer apologize for my love of Lady Gaga and her bizarre fashion choices, because god dammit she is FUN. Here is a video of her shopping, and now I want more sunglasses. Wednesdays are hard enough without being reminded of my poverty.
And here is a life-altering video of Lady Gaga doing an acoustic version of 'Paparazzi,' while wearing a pirate hat. I don't feel the need to explain this anymore. Just accept it.

* I have a very hateful relationship with cameras. I used to be fat (and when I say fat, I mean I could sit on you and they'd never find you. I lost over sixty pounds, people. That is more than my brother weighs) and I avoided cameras like the plague they were. Then I lost the weight, but whenever anyone takes a picture of me I make a weird, awful expression. One friend described it as, 'The look a fox makes before the dogs catch it,' which I do not appreciate. So here's an article on how to appear more photogenic, and hopefully I will stop baring my teeth and grinning like Vana White.

* Dude who wrote Watchmen is writing another comic movie, this one Deadworld. Myep. That's not Watchmen-rific enough, is it? No, it is not. Here are two Watchmen pics, because it's Wednesday, and it starts with a W and so does Watchmen, and I do not need any other reason, DO I?

I'd like to grapple HIS hook, if you know what I mean. I hope you do. Because I have no idea.

Tattoo Of Win
* OK, someone needs to tell me what this is, because it HAUNTS me. I have sent it to people, asked strangers on the street, and I cannot get an answer:

[Found at LOLTATZ]
I believe there's a chicken somewhere in this tattoo.

* This is a honey-baked ham cupcake:

[Found at Neatorama]
There is actual cake in there, wrapped lovingly in ham and topped with pineapple. I want to throw these at vegans, because on True Blood the raw vegan is MEAN to Eddie the Pathetic Vampire, and that is so sad, and also my dad is a vegan, and I have eaten Tofurkey, which oozes grey fluids, so I am allowed to make vegan jokes, and even if I'm not allowed I fully intend to continue. MEAT.

* I read somewhere on the internet (so that means it's true) that Pete Wentz likes to drink breast milk, or urine, or some other fluid I do not need to know about him drinking, and also he gave his spawn a truly idiotic name (and I wanted to name my kid 'Fox' once, after Mulder, so don't talk to me about weird names) and he's annoying and I don't particularly like or dislike his music per se, but his persona is beyond words, and for these reasons, HE IS NOT ALLOWED TO BE INVOLVED IN THE COMIC INDUSTRY. Gerard Way is, though. Because I like My Chemical Romance. Stop judging me with your eyes.

Words Of Win

[Found at Indexed]

YouTube Wonders
* Star Trek + Monty Python = The Best Argument For The Existence Of God I Have Seen This Month:

* I got my brother a Watchmen shirt. He's eleven, and the shirt showed all the main characters from the movie/comic - Rorschach, Nite Owl, Ozymandias, Doctor Manhattan, and the Comedian. My brother loves this shirt. He wore it to school for a week straight. Until he was sent home with a note saying that he could no longer wear the shirt, because it featured the Comedian smoking a cigar. I told him to tell them it wasn't a cigar, it was a joint. He didn't, which is probably why I'm not in jail, but this falls under Stupidity That Hurts Me. So does the anti-smoking brigade that says ANY movie with ANY smoking should be rated R. Because clearly adding further mystique and danger to the idea of smoking will make kids stay FAR away from cigarettes, weed, and cigars. Wolverine has enough problems, what with the awful new movie, without having to deal with people getting all Freudian about his cigars.
Note: My mother just compared my brother wearing his Watchmen shirt to my brother wearing a shirt depicting hardcore pornography. Clearly my point has failed to make contact. I weep for the future of this country.

* Roald Dahl begged you to immunize your kids. So does Cory Doctorow. HOW CAN YOU SAY NO TO THEIR JOINT WISDOM?

People I Love - New Category!
* Because some people's badassery and win needs to be honored, and they are just too cool for the Stupid People category. Read and be amazed: There is a record for 'People Simultaneously Air-Guitaring', and it has been BROKEN.

Daily Hot Guy

[Zachary Quinto, who I love and am not going to wonder over his sexuality, because that is insane, and because I think deep down we all know the truth, but he's still gorgeous and talented and sweet in his interviews, and I am not nuts enough to get upset over that, although if I turn out to be wrong I GET DIBS ON HIM. I'm kidding, I'm kidding, please don't call the SWAT team, I have work]

More later. Time to go make some monies, which I need, for AMERICA. Actually for clothes. And maybe a pirate hat. Just saying.
- LV


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