Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Bruce Campbell Puts The 'Laughter' In 'Manslaughter.'

* The title is true.

* Today's entry is a little late. Been yelling at CNN again (because if my rage is pure enough, they will HEAR ME and stop saying things that aren't true) and because I've been following the Iranian Elections on Twitter. Who knew Twitter could be used for good?

* Here is a handy BoingBoing guide to helping and aiding those bloggers in Iran who are posting on Twitter. They really are amazing people, and deserve all the help they can get. Here's some advice on what you can do to get the word out, without putting anyone in danger. PS At least they are FIGHTING for their election. During the 2000 election fiasco, people in America bitched a lot, but ultimately they rolled over and sulked.

Star Trek
* I think I represent as a pretty proud girl-geek. But even I draw the line at having horribly disfigured Starfleet captain's on top of my wedding cake:

[Found at i09]
Out of all the romantic/cheesy/surreal scenes in the glorious history of Star Trek, who thought the mutilation of Captain Pike was the best way to express undying love? Why not a Tribble? What? They make everything better. Science told us so.

* Lifehacker asks if you would pay for Hulu. A lot of people were neutral. I say no. Absolutely not. I will wait for the damn DVDs and watch them on Netflix. I use Hulu BECAUSE it's free. That's its appeal. Otherwise, I'll go back to BitTorrent and crappy YouTube videos. TAKE BACK THE INTERNET. Or, you know, we could watch TV shows ON TV, like the cavemen did. Just putting that out there.

* Cory Doctorow, who is a techno-wizard and should be loved and feared, found this fantastic article on the newspaper industry and how it's insane. Well, it's a little more complicated than that. It analyzes the journalistic infrastructure that has led us to where we stand today (on the brink of collapse) and why. It's fascinating, sobering, and scary.

Geek Want
* This is what has been missing in my life:

[Found at CrunchGear]
For the past twenty-three years, there has been a skewer-shaped hole in my life, especially when I barbecue. But now I am complete. I am going to buy this thing, and barbecue ALL SUMMER LONG. I will be dressed like Lady Gaga, for obvious reasons, and reenact that Firefly episode where Mal got stabbed. BUCKLE! SWASH! My summer is BOOKED RIGHT UP. And then Nathan Fillion will SHOW UP IN PERSON, and then everything will make sense. When you own a barbecue skewer with a fencing handle, ANYTHING is possible.

* I'm going to let Bill O'Reilly address the murder of Dr. George Tiller all by himself, without any commentary besides this, because the man doesn't need any help making himself look vile.

* And, because this blog is neither Fair nor Balanced, here are some of Dr. Tiller's patients discussing him, and his influence on their lives.

Apocalypse How?
* So I have to bid farewell to my Marlboro Lights. Look, I may be stupid about a great number of things, but I know cigarettes are bad, and I am trying (once again) to quit, because it is expensive. But until I quit, I am a smoker, and I have rights. And I know they're bad for me. I never thought 'Light' cigarettes would be healthier. Yes, healthy cigarettes - they make your hair thicker and increase blood flow to the brain! If you are really that dumb, you probably aren't reading the labels. On anything. And I only switched to Marlboro Lights because my friends actually PROTESTED me smoking Kools, which was the right thing to do because menthols are disgusting and now they make me sick, but I was a CHILD and they came in a pretty green box, and when you are a rebellious fifteen year-old, that's how you make decisions. So I guess I'll go from three Marlboro Lights a day to two Marlboro Reds a day? Those things are INTENSE. This isn't fair. LET ME HAVE MY LIGHTS (and please, no Emails. Smoking is awful and disgusting and I'm paying people to give me cancer. I've heard it ALL. Nobody should smoke, ever, and I am WORKING on it). By the way, I consider the fact that people think that relabeling certain types of cigarettes will have any influence on the health of this country, a sure sign of the apocalypse.

Daily Hot Guy

[Sam Trammell, AKA Sam Merlotte, AKA, The Second Hot Guy On True Blood, AKA I Like Him Better Than Bill, AKA Why Does Anna Paquin Get To Choose Between Sam & Bill WHERE IS THE JUSTICE, making plaid all sorts of sexy]

* So, apparently, if there had been a subplot in Repo! The Genetic Opera wherein the Gravedigger sold steampunk vibrators for extra cash, this is what they would look like:

[Found at i09]
This vibrator is steam-driven. But there are a few kinks (HAHA SEE WHAT I DID THERE) in the system. And that makes me nervous. Plus I kind of want to beat zombies to death with it. WHICH COULD BE A GOOD MARKETING CAMPAIGN. It's fascinating, but wouldn't there be a real risk of serious steam burns on delicate areas? Just asking.

* I apologize for ever doubting Harvard's genius. A real Harvard smart-person explained zombie neurology. For real. I love you, Harvard Psychiatrist. You can be on my team when the apocalypse hits. You'll probably be killed off in the third act in a final dramatic throw-down, but that's a risk we will all have to take.

* Caterpillars are cute and harmless, and when I was a kid I raised them in one of those mail-order kits and they grew into butterflies which I let go in the backyard. What? I have a few childhood memories that aren't weird or depressing. But if I see a caterpillar that looks like this, I'm killing it with my imaginary flame-thrower:

[Found at EnvironmentalGraffitti]
I'll give you a moment to stop screaming. I don't care if this thing grows up to be the the Butterfly Of Healthcare Reform. I'm smooshing it. LOOK AT IT. WHAT HATH GOD WROUGHT? There are more if you click here, a few of which don't make me burst into panicky tears of ick.

Doctor Who
* Dear Doctor Who Production People Who Keep Posting This Stuff: The Daleks have gone from scaring the everloving shit out of me to sort of pissing me off. They need a break. HOW MANY TIMES CAN THE DOCTOR DESTROY THEM? And Cybermen are exhausted. I do not feel comforted by reusing the same damn villains over and over. You want to bring back an old villain for the New Doctor? How about those Bug Moon Aliens from the First Doctor episode, The Web Planet? You think you're all so good? Update this shit, make it cool and interesting and scary:

[Found at BBC]
Well? I'm waiting. Terrify me.

Depression Session
* Here's a fun way to keep track of all the jobs you applied for and didn't get. I did a similar thing when I was trying to get a publishing job in New York. Now I have a job in publishing, and most of the places I applied at are going under, SO WIN FOR LV. HAHAHAHAHAHA. Sorry. That was inappropriate and wrong. I'm still bitter, OK? I LOST OUT ON A JOB I WAS PROMISED BECAUSE THE EDITOR'S KID NEEDED A JOB. I'll get over it, maybe, one day.

Girly Shit
* NooooooooooOOOOOOOOOoooooooo. They've stopped selling Max Factor in the United States. Because America is a wasteland, and we have no need to look pretty when we are all DOOMED. But if you know people in other countries who will buy it and ship it to you, this is irrelevant. Wait, does this mean no more of those horrible ads with Kate Moss pouting at me and writing stuff with her lipstick? That might be an unanticipated bonus. Oh, never mind, those are Rimmel ads. Forget I said everything. There is no positive side to Max Factor abandoning the colonies. I weep.

All for now. Sorry this was delayed, ish.
- LV


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