Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Emotions Are Dumb & Should Be Hated.


* Due to the technical wizardy of reader Julie, you can see that my profile has had 1,000 hits. My blog's had over 35,000 hits. I WIN... something.

* I took the LSATs. I was at the center from 11:40 AM until 6:00 PM. It HURT. I will go into detail later, but I'm still relatively traumatized, and need more coffee before I can relive the experience.

* I really miss cassettes. I remember my first cassette. It was the Phenomenon soundtrack. What? WHAT? My first CD was the Ramones, so BITE me. Anyway, if you're still wondering what to do with your old cassettes (hold them and weep?), some people make them into pretty wallets:

[Found at Geekologie]
See, I am torn. These are kind of cool. I would love these. But I also love my cassettes. I remember when I was in high school, I had one of those cassette adapters in my used Jetta. I would plug it in, and plug my iPod into the adapter, and rock out to music I am not admitting to at this point in my life. I MISS cassettes. Like VHS, you could JUMP on those babies and they wouldn't notice. Old technology was durable. This new shit breaks all the time. YOU KIDS GET OFF MY LAWN.

* This is AWESOME:

[Found at DVICE]
See, this is why glasses are awesome. Glass-wearers can READ DOCUMENTS on their glasses. Of course, if these become commonly used, the incidences of people falling into open manholes and dying will go through the roof. Which would be fun to watch. So I have no real problems with this. Except, you know, that it's controlled by eye movement, so if you're twitchy and jumpy, you're kind of fucked.

* I think we all need to make this drink to celebrate the release of the DVD, which will be SOON, and since I am FREE from all tests, I will be able to ENJOY it by getting WASTED on drinks that blow up:

[Found at Neatorama]
Yes, the drinks will explode everywhere, but if you time it JUST RIGHT, maybe they can all blow up during the big epic Missing Squid scene. Plus, they're exploding Manhattans. DO YOU SEE THE CONNECTION? In other news, I may be a little worked up over the Watchmen DVD release.

Daily Hot Guy
* There was no DHG yesterday, because I was busy driving all over the damn state. I apologize for failing. Here's a hot guy to make you feel better:

[Hugo Weaving, whose hair is just fabulous in this picture, and who needs to be in more movies where he uses his Sexy Voice to solve all of life's problems]

Tattoo Of Win

[Found at LOLTATZ]

* No. I will not believe these slanderous LIES. I NEED SODA TO EXIST. I do not believe it will cause muscular weakness. WHY WOULD YOU TRY TO TAKE SODA FROM ME, INTERNET? LET ME BE HAPPY, DAMN IT. How many cans of soda are in a liter? How do you convert cans to English math?

* Ahh, the 90s. Those were dark times for comics. Dark times of terrible movies and rip-offs and abominations. I miss them so. Things were simpler, and nobody knew who the hell Chris Martin was. Here are some of our favorite comic disasters, as selected by the International Society of Supervillians. Fear them.

Words Of Win
* Some intellectual giant tried to bribe the IRS with pizza. This almost went under stupid people, but it's too amazing to qualify as such. This is super-stupid. Someone actually thought, 'What government organization can resist gooey cheese and crunchy crust!"

* Simon Pegg's new movie is populated almost entirely by people I love. Seth Rogen, Jason Bateman, Jane Lynch, and Bill Hader (who I got to see at the 2008 ComicCon, and is kind of adorably geeky in person). The movie, Paul, is about aliens and, oddly enough a ComicCon, so I will be seeing it no matter what, and trumpeting its awesome all over the internet. Unless it sucks. Then I will pretend it never happened. THERE IS NO MOVIE. MOVE ALONG.

Stupid People
* Drunk guy tried to tow his car with a tractor, and all of it ended up in a creek. I think I need to go to Indiana, for the laughter.

More later. I'm exhausted and in slow motion and have to go to work now, dammit, and do things, when really I want to find a way to sleep and shop and earn money all at the same time, for science.
- LV


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