Friday, June 12, 2009

Well You Were Busy Trying To Get Yourself Lit On Fire. It Happens.

* Title from Firefly. Any other suggestions for TV shows/movies/books/comics that should be Titles?

Burn Notice last night was epic. Bruce Campbell as a crooked cop made me deliriously happy. Plus, I had no idea that the man could rock a suit:

At one point, my little brother worriedly asked if Michael was going to die. To this I replied, "No, honey, because Bruce Campbell is a force of absolute good, and would never let anything bad happen to Michael." My brother then asked me why I insisted on calling Bruce Campbell by his full, real name, rather than by his character's name of Sam. "Because Bruce Campbell is always Bruce Campbell. He transcends characters and finds the true root of the nature of man." That is how you get an 11-year-old to stop talking during Burn Notice, and freak him out a little in the process. So, double win, really.

* I wrote seventeen pages of my Epic Vampire Novel of Dubious Quality, as I have lovingly nicknamed it. I suck at nicknames. And now I have a sinus headache, which I hope is not a result of reading my own work. That would not bode well. I was going to post an excerpt from the prologue, but was advised to look at the legal wordsy bits before I stick shit on the internet, as that could end badly for everyone.

I'm going to lie down now. This whole blog was a thinly-veiled excuse to write about Bruce Campbell wearing a suit. I got the screencap, of which there are many, from here.
- LV


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