Friday, June 26, 2009

Bruce Campbell Can Watch A Season Of '24' In Just 3 Hours.

* Title is true. But I'd rather watch a season of Burn Notice over and over. Why can't Bruce Campbell come into my life and serve me Fuzzy Navels and teach me about life? DON'T I DESERVE THAT?

* I have been working on a List of Fandom Rules since a discussion on Twitter last night about inappropriate/appropriate fandom behavior. It is essentially done, and I will be posting it later. I am also accepting contributions on ANY aspect of fandom you think should have rules. You will be credited. Email me your rules/suggestions at

* I wrote some about Michael Jackson, but it didn't feel right to sandwich it in between Tattoo Of Win and, I don't know, obscene furniture. So I'll post that entry right after this one.

* Yesterday was a weird day. Like, a WEIRD FRIGGING DAY. Farrah Fawcett died, then Michael Jackson died, then Jeff Goldblum and Harrison Ford died, only not really, then a really great thing happened for me career-wise, then I got my LSAT scores. I AM EXHAUSTED. AND I HAVE A LOT OF WORK TO THIS WEEKEND. So this entry is going to be me posting whatever the hell I feel like, BECAUSE.

Freakangels Friday
* When the world is in chaos, and Mark Sandford is sexing it up in foreign countries and iconic people are dying, and sick bastards online are pretending Jeff Goldblum died, WHICH IS NOT OK, YOU FUCKERS, and it's raining AGAIN, and our deepest beliefs are proven to be nothing more than flimsy lies, we can always turn to Warren Ellis. He will distract us with his genius/offend us with his comments. That is what he does. As every week, I will read the comic after I write this. Spoilers below my signature.

Tattoo Of Win

[Found at LOLTATZ]

* After drinking celery-flavored soda, I feel like I am emotionally and physically prepared to handle ANY weird soda you throw at me. Except kimchi-flavored. I have an aversion to that stuff. One of my college roommates kept it under her bed, despite the fact that we HAD A FRIDGE IN THE NEXT ROOM. Whenever I see kimchi now, I get the urge to clean.

* ROBOCOP COMIC! I will be happy so long as it is even HALF as awesomely ridiculous as the movie. PLEASE don't get rid of the silly. And violence. Massive quantities of violence. I want the pages to be slightly damp with blood.

Words Of Win
[Found at Indexed]

YouTube Wonders
* Due to the crazy overwhelming of yesterday, I have been looking for links/images/videos in my Bookmarks for this blog that make me happy. And when you need happiness in your life, you turn to Will Arnett, AKA Gob. Gob makes everything better. Except herpes. I think Gob actually makes that worse. But not Will Arnett. Even if he IS going to be in that G-Force movie about the gerbil spies that I cannot DEAL WITH TODAY.

Don't you feel better about EVERYTHING?

* Haha, Simon and Schuster just gave the middle finger to the Kindle, which I support. Although don't assume that I'll be purchasing this Scribd thing. I read books made from ink and paper, because I hate the environment and trees.

People I Love
* Dude, there is HAIR at the end of Bruno's bull-penis:

[Found at WorldOfWonder]
And you KNOW he specifically requested that. Sacha Baron Cohen is a sly imp of mischief and good cheer. And penis fur.

Daily Hot Guy

[Continuing this blog theme of naked hot guys (WHAT? THEY MAKE EVERYONE HAPPY), here is Nathan Fillion, who makes people ecstatic even while fully clothed. Also, this picture makes me think of this XKCD comic:

Which is genius and I hope Nathan Fillion knows about it and laughs]

Star Trek
* Look, I won't lie, I just want Chris Pine to scream "KHAAAAAANNNNN" real loud at some point in the next movie. The rest is incidental. Although if Zachary Quinto wants Spock to go through pon farr, I will not complain.

* Further proof that I belong in England, where they have The IT Crowd, as opposed to America, where we have Dance Your Ass Off. Oh, sure, the DVD is out in America now, but that HARDLY makes things better.

* It's very sad that Joe Scarborough doesn't want to live anymore. That' s the only explanation for him CONTINUING to discuss Jon Stewart. Here's a hint, Joe: He's angry because you are stupid, and you lie. These things anger him. Maybe if you stopped talking, he'd calm down and love you like you want. Just an idea.

Geek Want
* You know what I need to get back into the swing of things after yesterday's emotional rollercoaster? A shiv cosy:

[Found at BoingBoing]
Really, can you imagine ANY situation that would not be improved by a shiv cosy? One? Any takers? I didn't think so.

More later, including the Fandom Rules. Which, if you do not send me suggestions (those of you that have are off the hook) will be short and sad. Next post will be my insufficient tribute to Michael Jackson. Spoilers for FREAKANGELS below my signature.
- LV
Spoilers For This Week's FREAKANGELS. Read the Comic before reading This
KARL IS ALIVE. ONE PERSON I LIKE HAS NOT YET DIED. Which means he'll be dead next week. Horribly. And remember that girl Luke was raping? I know she was confused, with all the brain-meddling, but wouldn't you ask why the unconscious man has his pants round his ankles? I mean... I would. And Kait is out of her goddamn skull, officially. It looks like Guantanamo Bay in a basement. I kind of think Arkady is going to have an enormous problem with this torturing thing. It's frowned about in polite society. ARE THEY GOING TO KILL LUKE? Mr. Ellis, well done once again.


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