Monday, June 29, 2009

What Can The Harvest Hope For If Not For The Care Of The Reaper Man?

* Title comes from Reaper Man by Terry Pratchett. You should read every Discworld book. You might know what the hell is going on.

* This is a perfectly valid reason to hate California. They have the San Diego ComicCon. Wouldn't it be better to have the New Jersey ComicCon? And make it the BEST Con EVER? Have you explored the possibilities of New Jersey? We have lovely beaches! And I'm here! GOD DAMMIT BRING DOLLHOUSE TO NEW JERSEY. I DESERVE ALPHA. And Psych. And V. God, I'm depressed now. Will someone pay to ship me to the Con? I will reward you with... um... I can make bacon?

Words Of Win

[Found at Indexed]

YouTube Wonders
* I KNOW we've all seen this countless times, but it pisses PETA off to no end, and they cry bitter vegan tears, which I enjoy, and anyway, WHO KNEW OUR PRESIDENT WAS A NINJA?!

Admit it. This is badass. Our last President couldn't chew a snack without potential DEATH.

* So, Alice Hoffman, author of Practical Magic, Here On Earth, and other books I have not read but have seen the shitty movie versions of, kind of went insane on Twitter. Apparently someone gave her new book a mediocre review, and she responded by posting the woman's phone number and declaring Unholy Twitter War upon her lowly brow. The review wasn't even that bad. Did she READ any of the Transformer 2 reviews? I had professors in college who could reduce a student to tears by casually ripping through a paper they'd devoted months of their lives to. Even as a semi-professional writer myself, I deal with a lot of criticism (including the occasional person suggesting I drop dead, which is fine and all, but a little intimidating). You get used to it. And after writing a bunch of books, including several that have been made into shitty movies (I have not read the books. They may be wonderful. I am just saying the MOVIES sucked. THEY ARE DIFFERENT. Please don't yell at me on the interwebs. I'm fragile) I'd expect you to have a thicker skin. But what do I know? I'm working on my second book, it's not done, may never be done, and I may never know the heady experience of having a professional critic rip my work to shreds.

People I Love
* Because I couldn't find any other category, and this made me grin a lot, here are Simpsonized versions of AWESOME:

[Found at i09]

[Found at i09]
Remember that episode where Leonard Nimoy came to open up the monorail, and Mayor Quimby was all, 'May the force be with you!' and when Mr. Nimoy asked if Quimby knew who he was, Quimby replied, 'Weren't you one of the Little Rascals?' I love The Simpsons.
There are more here, including the cast of Lost and Battlestar Galactica.

* This is for my friend Arre, who will go on an insane killing spree when this movie comes out, AS SHE SHOULD. Mr. Spielberg, Mr. Smith: Maybe between the lawsuits and the fan outcry and the RAIN OF FROGS ON FIRE, you should reconsider remaking Oldboy, particularly with Will Smith, who is many things, but does not seem qualified to play ANY VERSION of the character from the original. Also, my friend Arre really doesn't want you to make this movie, and she's pretty kick-ass, so maybe you should consider THAT, sir. Also, stop making movies about World War II. It was a big deal. I GET IT. WE ALL GET IT. STOP MAKING ME DISLIKE YOU, MR. SPIELBERG. I DO NOT WANT TO. So, don't remake Oldboy, ESPECIALLY with Will Smith, and stop making movies about World War II. Good? Good.

Star Trek
* Zachary Quinto posted info on his blog about all the monies Star Trek made, so you should all get a big 'Thank You' for seeing it (and if you're like me and saw it twice, Zachary Quinto comes to your house and hugs you, in my mind). As long as Transformers 2 doesn't beat its numbers, I will be happy. I really hated that movie.

* Burn Notice is the bestest show, and NOT just because Bruce Campbell sees fit to grace the screen with his wisdom and sass and chin. WHY ARE YOU NOT WATCHING IT? And if you ARE watching it, watch it more. Or promote the shit out of the show. It's not in danger of being cancelled, because the Wrath of Bruce would be mighty, but when a show is this wonderful, you need to promote the shit out of it. Also the DVDs are coming out, so buy them for yourselves and your loved ones and random people on the street. In this way Burn Notice will bring about World Peace.

Daily Hot Guy

[Alan Tudyk, who is Alpha or Wash, or even That Dude From 3:10 To Yuma, and I was so excited he was in the movie, but really I miss Wash. And I want more Alpha. Alpha needs to be around always. And if Dollhouse was real and I was filthy rich and immoral, you BET I would order Alpha all the damn time. And be killed for it, but SEXILY]

* So Shepard Smith is the only guy on FOX News who is willing to listen to the other side, and sometimes will disagree with the Cult of Limbaugh. He's still a conservative, but he's not INSANE or EVIL, and therefore he must be fired and stoned in public, and then eaten by Rush Limbaugh. Personally, I like the fact that Smith had the cojones to say that this is America, and we don't torture, because it's wrong. DON'T EAT ME LIMBAUGH.

* WHY do celebrities keep making clothes? And random celebrities. These are Spike Lee Nikes:

[Found at LikeCool]
I think they are very ugly. And Spike Lee needs to make a good movie (Inside Man kicked ass, but WHEN was that?) before he starts in on shoes.

* I think Bernie Madoff should be eaten by Rush Limbaugh. Feed the beast! And let Shepard Smith live!

Geek Want
* If I ever have a job that demands business cards, I will give spirograph business cards to everyone I meet:

[Found at BoingBoing]
I miss Spirographs. Remember those awesome commercials they used to have?


Here is a picture of me in my spiffy new hat:

Happy Monday.
- LVrr


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