Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Some People Juggle Geese!

* Title comes from Firefly, and it is not a metaphor. I hope.

* Guys, I am really disappointed. I was hoping Mark Sandford was, I don't know, a spy. Or a ninja. Or an alien. YES. I wanted Mark Sandford to be the first alien to make contact with humans. Something INTERESTING. Or at least having an affair with a gay panda. Instead, blah blah blah, he's having an affair with some normal woman. It would be one thing if it was Sarah Palin, or that Canadian lady who ate the seal heart. Can you IMAGINE their children? But no, the lady seems dignified and normal, excluding her truly disgusting taste in men. This whole story has become a great disappointment. Bring back David Vitter and his Diaper Love. That made me laugh. And throw up, but at least I wasn't BORED.

* I have to admit, I am tempted to get this for people I hate:

[Found at NerdApproved]
You get a gift card, put it in one of these vaults, and the person you give it to can't spend the gift card until they beat the game. And those games are the hardest games in the history of the universe. They destroy the psyche. If you want to be REALLY evil, put a fake gift-card in the vault. Then, after hours - nay, DAYS - of desperately trying to get their $100 gift card to Best Buy, they beat the puzzle, open the vault with tears in their eyes, and read on the back of the 'gift card': 'Maybe next time you WON'T fuck my boyfriend. Happy birthday, you walking venereal disease!' Not that I would EVER do that. I don't buy people like that presents.
On the other hand, if someone gets you this vault, you could just smash it with a hammer.

* This is JUST what those naive zombie sympathizers want you to think:

[Found at NoiseBot]
I want this shirt, regardless of the lying. If you're foolish enough to believe this, we have no use for you in the wake of the zombie apocalypse. Also, it's a zombie shirt. Everyone needs more of those.

* Because animals are cute, except for that video I just saw of a COW EATING A BABY CHICK which I am NOT posting to, because HOLY SHIT WHAT'S WRONG WITH NATURE? OK, I will post that video:

VEGANS LIE. If COWS have started eating meat, I should be allowed to enjoy my bacon without your judgment. I don't STEAL MY BACON from it's Mommy Bacon and have it flutter in my mouth, DO I? NO, I do not. This is the freakiest video of the day, and I hate that I know of its existence. Here is a picture of two animals NOT hurting each other:

[Found at UniqueDaily]
The mouse and leopard later became friends, and took down the Killer Cow.

* There are movies coming out in July that I would like to see (Public Enemies, WOOO) but you could save a lot of time and money by just reading the International Society of Supervillains' movie previews. And Johnny Depp DOES sound like he should be going 'All right all right all right!' in the trailer. CURSE YOU, ISS.

Girly Shit

[Found at FashionServed]
If Elle is correct, and this is the next big trend in fashion, I will be totally happy to be considered unfashionable. I love clothes and all, and fashion, but I have enormous issues with stealing from Ronald McDonald's wardrobe and stopping only long enough to skin a koala for my bag. Suddenly Lady Gaga's outfits seem positively quaint.

* Philippine prisoners doing a dance tribute to Michael Jackson. Sometimes the world is kind of cool.

Daily Hot Guy

[Alexander SkarsgÄrd, AKA Eric Northman from True Blood, who gets snarkier and more evil as each episode passes, and therefore more sexy, and while he cannot beat Sam in my affections, I want him to corrupt me. Also, as my friend said, he and Lafayette are meant to be a power couple. Eric, why are you so afraid of love?]

* Yeah, it's cute that the robot can read to you NOW:

[Found at CrunchGear]
Until you have it read, I don't know, Necromancer or Do Android's Dream of Electric Sheep?, and it has questions you cannot answer, and the robot decides that it's going to read you your DEATH WARRANT. Then, not so fun.

* Here is a brilliant video about Doctor Manhattan, who has the OPPOSITE problem of Tobias Funke: Instead of being a Never-Nude, he's an ALWAYS NUDE. That joke needs some work. But he does need pants. Very, very badly. And Nite Owl needs to stop crying naked in the basement whenever Rorschach eats all his beans. Because that's what happened in my mind. NOBODY DIED AT THE END OF WATCHMEN. EVERYONE IS FINE. THEY ALL WENT CAMPING.

Tattoo Of Win

[Found at LOLTATZ]
As the comments say, very accurately, Gotham is actually Chicago. Metropolis is New York. So this should be, um, Superman or Spider-Man. Also, I don't know how to feel about this tattoo. In general. Holy mixed media, Batman! Sorry, I'm sorry.


* Deporitaz on Twitter shared this wonder with the world. It doesn't work... YET. But every time my computer angers me, I can chew on this keyboard. WHO CREATED THIS TREASURE? WE MUST WORSHIP YOU.

OK, I need to go do stuff. And it's nice out again. So I'll spend the day in the office. But the office of AWESOME. Truly, you are jealous of my work arrangements. As you should be. They are win.
- LV


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