Thursday, June 11, 2009

Curse Your Sudden But Inevitable Betrayal!

* Title is from Firefly. I miss Wash.

Doctor Who
* This is a rumor, but it sounds like it could be true. There will be three weddings in the Whoniverse (that was awful), including Rose marrying the quasi-Doctor in her universe. But but! I have a question: If when Donna was made a Time Lord she almost exploded and had to have her memory wiped because there can't be a half human/half Time Lord thing, A) Then why doesn't the quasi-Doctor explode? How does that work, and B) If quasi-Doctor can't die for some hackneyed reason, wouldn't any potential Doctor spawn die? Can someone explain this to me? Also, and non-sequitur, my delightful Twitter friend Kristamaru showed me this brilliance:


* You know those stress ball things you squeeze that are supposed to calm you down, only they make me even angrier because I start thinking, 'I'll teach you to squeak at me, you smug little BASTARD'? Well, here are some new ones:

[Found at NerdApproved]
Yes, that is a poop-shaped rocket. And a nipple rocket. A breast nipple rocket. You sit at your desk at your important job, and you squeeze POOP to calm down. Your boss walks by, and sees you fondling a plastic squeaking breast (or, conversely, a plastic squeaking hunk of shit) with a tense look on your face, and decides that those layoffs won't be so hard, after all.

* Remember, you MUST destroy the brain. Forget all that other bullshit. It's all about destroying the brain. Write that down. Better yet, if you're a writer pencil-pusher, or compulsive note-taker, pick up one of these babies:

[Found at BoingBoing]
It's a pen that writes. And also can be used to kill people. Or, more realistically, zombies. If you are attacked without warning at your office, these little pens could save your life, and give you enough time to flee to safety. Don't give these pens to teachers those. Last thing you need is little Timmy getting his forehead punched in by an angry math teacher.

* For those of you with nothing to do this weekend, or trying to escape crippling debt and a miserable and pointless life, here's a map of where you would end up if you dug through the earth. Good luck!

YouTube Wonders

Sometimes - not often, but sometimes - the internet provides perfection that needs no commentary.

Depression Session
* They're taking luxury high-rises and turning them into homeless shelters. This is awesome. These are people who were living on the streets or in really deplorable conditions, and now they have luxury apartments. This makes me happy. The people who bought the few apartments for a lot of money are all bitching about their poor neighbors. Fuck them. They don't like it, they can afford to move. And frankly, when I lived in a high-rise apartment in the Financial District, more of my shit got swiped by my rich young businessmen neighbors than ever got taken from me when I lived in the East Village in a basement. Yeah, I KNEW you were taking my stuff, Mr. Apartment 14C. YOU DIDN'T FOOL ME. YOU AREN'T SO SLICK. So yeah, rich people can suck it.

Russell Brand
* Russell Brand + Piano = A Good Thursday

Girly Shit
* I keep posting these shoes because I WANT THEM WHY ARE THEY SO EXPENSIVE. I am 5'0". I NEED heels. These should be covered by health insurance:

[Found at FabSugar]
Note: I just told my mother of my intentions to spend this summer dressed as a futuristic dominatrix/assassin. Her response? 'Ew.'

Daily Hot Guy

[Nathan Fillion as Captain Tightpants, and Holy Crap he wears that jacket like the biggest badass pimp of the future. It doesn't HAVE to make sense. BUCKLE! SWASH!]

More later. I have to go to work.
- LV


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