Saturday, June 13, 2009

Why Am I Sticky & Naked? Did I Miss Something Fun?

* Title is from Futurama, but reminds me of a line on Transmetropolitan, because everything good in life is intrinsically connected.

* I do not know why these aren't mass-marketed. I want to stroll through Toys 'R' Us and see HUNDREDS of these things lining the walls:

[Found at BoingBoing]
I'm not kidding. I am dead serious. I am buying these for every kid I know. 'Stop crying and play with Mr. Smiles. Well, you're tired. Look, I'll put him right by your bed, so he can watch you sleep. All. Night. Long.'

* Remember that story I told you guys about the giant Rat of Death who invaded my apartment in the city and ate a block of poison and chewed through a cement brick and SCREAMED when it saw me and was the size of a small cat? Yeah, well, now scientists want to make that monster, and all mice, capable of human SPEECH. Further proof that scientists deep down are evil, or ignorant of the awesome forces they play with. Sure, people immediately think of the mice in Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, and coo over how cute they were. But these people don't remember that those mice were MEAN and wanted to take Arthur Dent's brain, and also were pretty full of themselves, and made Slartibartfast sad when they told him to go skiing on his fjords. So you see, madness will follow.

YouTube Wonders
* This is like the best version of Twilight ever.
"What am I? Say it. Say it out loud!"
"A mermaid."

Depression Session
* As the depression recession continues gets better, BUY STUFF, magazines are the mot visible victims. And now another has fallen, and I must admit it has made me a little sad. Nickelodeon Magazine has folded. I had a subscription when I was little, and Nickelodeon didn't SUCK. I also had Gak, but I named it after the creature in A Wind in the Door by Madeleine L'Engle (and dude, that book made me CRY) (and yes, I remember the creature's name, it was Proginoskes, and for about a year after that I named roughly half of my stuffed animals Progo. Yes, I had friends as a child, why do you ask?) so that's OK. And Nick Magazine was funny and weird for a long time before it became safe and boring. And I still remember this article when listed words that should exist, and one was for the food that gets stuck in people's braces, and it was 'dringle,' and that is GENIUS. Some eulogy for a facet of my childhood, eh? Speaking of parts of Nickelodeon that rocked and nobody remembers, what about Space Cases? Anyone? Bueller? Or Roundhouse? Man, I miss good kid's TV.

Russell Brand
* Here is a video featuring Russell Brand, his mother, and his hat. This makes me smile. Happy Saturday.

Girly Shit
* As we all know, I like fedoras, in large part because Rorschach wore a fedora, and thus fedoras have been touched by genius, and they are generally the sexiest hate EVER, and head-porn. And since I cannot find a fedora like Rorschach's, I must settle for lame girly versions, which are still pretty sweet:

[Found at FabSugar]
What? I like hats (I once read in He Died With A Felafel in His Hand that all neurotic young women own many hats, which I suppose I can't really debate. Very funny book, if you haven't read it) and I like fedoras, and even I think wearing a costume hat around in public is a bit high on the weirdness scale. Hopefully Public Enemies will bring the fedora back in full force, and guys will wear them all the time and make me enormously happy, and the world will be a sexier place.

* Oh, this makes me so sad in so many different ways. Liam Gallagher, of the band Oasis, which one of my best friend adores, and who I still like a great deal (fuck you, "Wonderwall" is a beautiful song, and I'm a sucker for it), has a fashion line now. This is sad in and of itself, because while Oasis was pretentious and kind of obnoxious, they were an essential part of my youth, and they had some great songs, and I LIKED and RESPECTED them, and now Liam Gallagher is just another sad man with a fashion line. And the clothes.... they are not good. At all.

[Found at Jezebel]
Like, I spent about ten minutes staring at these items trying to drum up ANY enthusiasm for them. Someone bought them, though, so good on you, Mr. Gallagher. That sweatshirt I posted cost about $155, so you're doing well. But I wouldn't buy this stuff for anyone. Not even my aforementioned friend Kaje, who loves Oasis. I wouldn't by this stuff for someone I HATED who loved Oasis. That is how awful I find these items. And now I'm all sad. What nineties band will next shame itself and music in general and make a farce out of their fans' loyalty? Everclear? No, they already are a joke, and I was NUTS about them, as anyone who knew me then will tell you, and I met the lead singer. They're already doing cover albums. Please don't make tank tops, Art Alexakis. I don't think I could handle it.

* Warren Ellis dislikes electronic books. Ergo, they shall all be destroyed, and we shall never speak of them again. YOU DO NOT QUESTION THE MASTER. THE MASTER DECIDES YOUR OPINIONS FOR YOU. Team Ellis!

* I am posting this under duress. I don't want to talk about it.

This article sums up some of my opinions. Actually, on its own it's a rather brilliant annotation, and made me laugh, and comforted me through this eyeball-raping experience. I just... I CAN'T TALK ABOUT THIS, OK? IT'S TOO WEIRD. RORSCHACH WOULD BE SO DISPLEASED WITH ALL OF YOU. Just hope that Alan Moore never sees this. He will WRECK YOU ALL with his rage. Oh, dear GOD, please don't let this video inspire any Halloween costumes. I don't want to spend Halloween knifing girls who were dumb enough to try to dress up as Rorschach. I have plans.

Daily Hot Guy


Tattoo Of Win

[Found at LOLTATZ]


[Found at Neatorama]
NOM NOM NOM. 3-D Animal crackers. Sheep. That is all.

* It's Saturday, and True Blood is coming back tomorrow, which makes me happy, and is completely irrelevant to everything, but here's some free downloadable comics that are wondrous, because everything should be free on Saturday.

Moment Of Win
fail owned pwned pictures
see more Fail Blog

OK, going to work on the Epic Vampire Novel of Dubious Quality, watch some more True Blood, and get ready to go out with my friends tonight. Huzzah for Saturday (and who thought I'd EVER say that?)
- LV


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