Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Alan Moore Always Asks For The Same Christmas Gift: A Box Of Smurfs & A Sledgehammer.

* I have sat patiently through six episodes of Niki whining, Peter crying about his misunderstood hair, and Hiro being so adorable he could bring me to tears. This is all good. I forgot that I really liked Claire, and thought she could actually act. But I am losing control. I need my Sylar. And while his Fortress of Crazy-tude was awesome and very scary, and Mohinder was all freaked (understandably, since his father effectively unleashed Mr. BatShit onto the world), I need MORE. He'd better be on the disc tonight. That's all I'm saying. (Note: I have seen every episode before, just not in a while. I am rewatching. But I apparently reordered the episodes in my head, because I thought Sylar showed up in like, episode three. Clearly, I fail).

* Here's a picture of a horse with a mustache:

[Found at Neatorama]

Star Trek
* Here's an article on the Six Most Ridiculous Star Trek species:

I think I went to college with this guy.

Bad Life Choices
* A man cut off his own finger to protest overdue wages. Yeah, this is logic I do not follow in any way. Sorry, dude.

Depression Session
* I have to say, I am fairly excited for the collapse of the economy and the rise of the zombies. I mean, we will all be calling for help on hand-cranked phones that we can charge in hollow logs.

[Found at BoingBoing]
Of course, no one will be there to hear your screams, except the hungry undead.

* New Comic Day, you are like a weekly holiday where I have to pay money for delights! Here are the new releases.

And I apologize for forgetting to put Chekov on my survey (which you all need to vote on, as the winner will get a HUGE IMAGE POST, and I have a lot of pictures on my hard drive that need to be set free. SO vote) and if you want to write him in in the comments section, I will count those accordingly.

Oh, and I wrote 130 pages of my book, which is exciting only to me.

I get to see Star Trek again soon, but nobody wants to sit next to me in the theater because I punch people whenever Spock comes onscreen. I did the same with Rorschach. I don't do it on PURPOSE. I just get excited to see them, and take it out on the shoulder of whoever is sitting next to me. Love HURTS.

I want to go shopping. With Spock. And Russell Brand. That would be a HILARIOUS sit-com.

OK, time to go to work.
- LV


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