Saturday, May 30, 2009

Alan Moore Was Once On Jeopardy. It Was The First Occasion In Jeopardy History That Alex Trebek Had Appeared Without A Mustache. & A Head.

BookExpo America
* Yesterday kicked ASS.
- Got an early copy of Al Capone Shines My Shoes, the sequel to Gennifer Choldenko's wonderful young adult novel, Al Capone Does My Shirts. Also nearly ran directly into Ms. Choldenko herself. Literally.
- Got a signed copy of Robert Dunn's novel, PinK Cadillac, and discussed the merits of web-based publication when it comes to musical novels. He was incredibly nice.
- Waved at Jane Yolen like a total crazy person, and she waved back though she CLEARLY had no idea who I was or why I was waving to her.
- While exploring the Scientology - I'm sorry, L. Ron Hubbard - section of the Expo, I was accosted by super-tall pirates who wanted me to take pictures with them. This is in no way a metaphor. Very attractive young men dressed as pirates, who I would have flirted with shamelessly were they NOT dressed as pirates, wanted me to take photos with them. I declined, very politely.
- Paid $8.25 for a chicken wrap and $4.00 for a diet soda. There was no crack in the soda. It was four dollars for ALL fluids.
- Due to the utter kindness of the HarperCollins people, and the wonderful/made genius of my remarkable boss, I got to meet Neil Gaiman. He was incredibly, unbelievably nice (not that I thought he'd be an asshole, but whenever you meet someone you admire there's always a lingering fear that they'll be awful, at least for me), and he knows my uncle and we talked about that and he signed three books for me and my boss, and I think I may have floated out of the Javitts Center. It was a fabulous end to the day.


I could have taken more, but considering I knew him through six degrees, I felt that would have been creepy. Also my boss made a joke about me having a shrine of Mr. Gaiman. I really, really hope he knew that my boss was joking.

Freakangels Friday Saturday
* Freakangels, huzzah! Does Karl live, or is my destiny as the Killer of All Characters Fulfilled? Check the spoilers beneath my signature! Sidenote: While waiting (for an hour and a half, because the line was INSANE) for Neil Gaiman, three people recognized my Freakangels bag, which is the first time that has happened since I bought it. I was very pleased.

* Continuing with the torture of BAFFLING and unnecessary remakes, here's another one that will make me cry for years over the skullfucking of my childhood: They're remaking Flight of the Navigator. Why? WHY? WHY IS IT NECESSARY TO MAKE ANOTHER VERSION OF THIS MOVIE? Disney has failed. They made a sequel to Bambi, for the love of fuck. They made TWO sequels to Cinderella. AFTER SHE MARRIES THE PRINCE, THERE IS NO MORE STORY. THE STORY IS OVER. STOP TRYING TO CONTINUE A STORY THAT HAS ENDED. More importantly, stay the HELL away from Flight of the Navigator. It is an intrinsic part of my childhood. YOU'RE ALREADY MAKING A FRAGGLE ROCK MOVIE, HOLLYWOOD. WHAT ELSE DO YOU HAVE TO TAKE FROM ME BEFORE YOU'RE SATISFIED?

* I fully support the mass-marketing of this car:

[Found at LikeCool]
True, it's more a buggy than a car, but that is irrelevant. This reminds me of that Nintendo 64 game Starfox, where you had to drive a truck like that and blow up stuff while that annoying frog yelled crap at me me from its ship and then Falco was as badass as a middle-schooler could handle. Good times, good times. There are a lot of technical specs for this thing, but I don't care. I want it. I want to drive across the desert in this baby, wind in my hair, sunglasses on, rifle at my side. I don't NEED a reason.

* I am so proud of my home state. I can't even watch commercials for Real Housewives of New Jersey. Because they are simultaneously completely different from reality, and kind of on the nose. They're the most extreme, ridiculous versions of people I know. It's awful, and we are not all in the mob, because sometimes the mob doesn't return our phone-calls or appreciate the dead hookers in their trunk. Is there nothing I can do to win them over and get my own armada of goons? I NEED MINIONS. But yeah, New Jersey is horrifying and awful and shames me and mine. Yet I will continue to defend it, because I live here, and someone has to.

Geek Want
* I want to grow corn in these things:

[Found at NerdApproved]
I could make a MAZE in my backyard. And send people I don't like out to die in my corn maze of Tetris doom.

* Whatever your stance on gay marriage, you have to admit that few topics send Republicans into quite such a panic. It's like the words 'gay' and 'marriage' when put together in any order short-circuit the Republican brain, and they start weeping and blathering beyond the point of coherency. This is not a dig on Republicans - I'm not kicking them while they're down, especially when Rush Limbaugh is eating all the weaklings - simply an observation. I mean, John Culberson was asked about gay marriage by a small child. He burst into tears, wet his pants, and had to be carried away to a quiet room for a glass of warm milk.

Doctor Who
* A little bit of Win, a little bit of Fail.
Win: BBC America is getting Doctor Who! Huzzah! No longer will I have to wait for the DVDs, and spend months avoiding everyone who's already seen the show.
Fail: They're airing shit that's already been out in England since DECEMBER. Someone needs to explain this time lag, because it makes me angry. Cybermen, perhaps?

* I love it when fandoms overlap/join forces/WHATEVER. This is a podcast (or Snapecast) that's Rorschach and Snape and THAT IS ALL THAT I NEED TO KNOW ABOUT THIS. Sent to me via Twitter by one of the patron saints of Twitter, who is determined to snap my smallish brain with fangirl delight.

* I admit that I have some weird interests/fantasies/crazy behavior.

I can safely say, however, that never have I ever EVER dreamed about looking like the demented love-child of a Terminator and a faun.

* I am a big fan of small weapons that pack a major punch. I am a tiny slip of a girl, and while I love the idea of huge freaking firearms, I'm not sure how logical it is to expect me to carry around a twenty-five pound gun for extended periods of time. I would, of course, make an exception for anything involving lasers/flamer throwers. Anyway, this suits my needs nicely:

[Found at LikeCool]
This is the BodyGard. It contains a door glass breaker and seatbelt cutter. This isn't strictly a weapon, but could totally be used as one in a pinch. And if you are trapped in your car and zombies approach, you can get out quickly. Lastly, I can't help but think that if the chick in Drag Me To Hell had had this little gadget, maybe things would have gone differently.

Another update later, after the LSATs destroy me.

- LV

Another week without the demise of Karl! And there was chikkinz AND Jack the Ripper. And FORESHADOWING. And Kirk is happily peeing in his bucket. All is well. BUT FOR HOW LONG?


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