Tuesday, May 12, 2009

In An Average Living Room There Are 1,242 Objects Alan Moore Could Use To Kill You Including The Room Itself.

This is me being spoiled/bored, and taking a brief breather from my fiction writing.

Things I Like Today
* Star Trek

* Zachary Quinto:

* Amazon.com, for making me money after YEARS of taking it away

* 100 Calorie Twinkie Bites, which really have no right to be so delicious

* Heroes, which I am rediscovering

* Netflix, which I remembered I HAVE, and finally returned my DVDs after four months

* A surprise day off from work in which to catch up on my studying and other boring shit

* The weather, which is divine

* My book, because I've been mulling over this scene for a while, and the scene AFTER this scene is the one where, like, a few major characters die horrible and grisly deaths, and THIS scene is a scene where a few major characters suffer extreme trauma

* Rorschach. Cuz.

Things I Dislike Today
* That Zachary Quinto is not in my life (no offense to people who ARE in my life. I adore you. You just FAIL to be Zachary Quinto in any way, shape or form. But I am willing to overlook this, because I am an ADULT).

* Filling out envelopes to ship stuff, because I'm lazy.

* Peter Petrelli. Go cry your angsty tears of angst, you selfish, spoiled little emo BASTARD. And GET A HAIRCUT.

'I'm sorry, Christopher, I can't hear you over the sound of my TEARS.'
'It's all right, mate. You also didn't hear when I called Tennant up and asked him to drop the TARDIS on your sad little head. Cheers!'

* Netflix, because WTF, why do you not have season one of Star Trek: The Original Series? I mean, I know we have them somewhere in the house on VHS, but VHS is DEAD man, and I can't watch that on my computer, which means I'll have to go find a TV somewhere that still TAKES VHS, which is like looking for a car that plays 8-tracks. I miss VHS, incidentally.

* My book, because it is still NOT DONE and I fear it is going to be longer than I intended.

* Miss California, because everyone is shitting themselves over this, and I refuse to care.

* The fact that Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles is like, definitely cancelled, but I can't find any confirmation from FOX, because FOX is made of SUCK AND BULLSHIT. Can't even deal with Dollhouse. Joss, why do you trust these VIPERS?

* The knowledge that this dress I want costs $1,090, and when I asked a friend for that money, she thought I meant $10.90, and she still laughed in my face and said no.

* Car payments.

* Money.

Things I Want Today
* Money. Lots of money. I know that sounds greedy, but you can totally have some. I just want enough to buy some fun things and pay for my car.

* To see Star Trek again, even though I'm seeing it on Friday

* To get my hair dyed (again, Friday)(I'll probably post pictures)

* French food.

* Netflix to stop being a douche, and also to show me how to watch movies on my Mac, because it ain't working.

* A nap.
* To go to Starfleet Academy (Screw you, I'd look so cute in the damn uniform, and I could have panic attacks with McCoy, and probably get court-martialed for knocking out Spock and dragging him back to my quarters REPEATEDLY).

* Thomas Pynchon's new novel to come out, now.

* A copy of Little Brother by Cory Doctorow.

* A super power AND the zombie apocalypse. HOLYSHITTHATWOULDBESWEET.

* All the dresses Zoe Saldana wore to the premieres. ALL of them. And the shoes. Right now.

WHERE does one buy cheap knock-offs of such AWESOME?

Well, that was unproductive. Hurray!
- LV


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