Saturday, May 16, 2009

A Few People Can Lift Thor's Hammer But Alan Moore's The Only One Who Can Beat Thor's Ass With It.


* To celebrate the return Dollhouse, here is a list of my 'Teams.' A team, for those of you who don't know, is a sign of support for a specific character in a fandom, or a celebrity. Here are mine, in alphabetical order, with a suggested slogan beside each one because there is no other way to quantify my love.
* Team Alpha
- Watches TV Naked.
- We Remember Everything.
- We're Starting An Evil Band
- (From Dollhouse)

* Team Bruce Campbell
- Hey, Smooth Is Smooth, Baby.
- We Can Kill Two Stones With One Bird.

* Team Claude
- Nobody Sees Us.
- We're Stealing Your Pretzels.
- We're Assaulting Your Emos.
- (From Heroes)

* Team Doctor
- Our Screwdrivers Are Sonic.
- We're Resonating Concrete.
- Fantastic.
- We're Rude & Not Ginger.
- (From Doctor Who)

* Team Dr. Horrible
- Captain Hammer Threw A Car At Our Head.
- Our Curtains Are Lacy & Gently Wafting.
- We Drive Sporks Into Our Legs.
- We Love The Air.
- (From Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog)

* Team Dwight
- The New Employee Is Not Welcomes Or Liked.
- We Are Unable To Pulverize Our Own Kidney Stones.
- Redact it. REDACT IT!
- We Just Want To Be Friends. Plus A Little Extra. Also, We Love You.
- (From The Office)

* Team Gob
- Has Made A Huge Mistake.
- We Are Not Prepared For The Challenges Of Using Cats To Catch A Seal.
- Don't Call Our Escorts Whores.
- (From Arrested Development)

* Team Gonzo
- Rips Up The Street With Jackhammers.
- We Feel The Same Way About Disco As We Do About Herpes.
- We Get Paid To Be Crazy.
- Acid Finds Us When IT Thinks We're Ready.
- We Shit On The Chest Of Fun.
-(From Hunter S. Thompson)

* Team Hiro
- We Are Eating Your Waffles.
- Nissan Versa!
- We Have A Sword.
- Yatta!
- We Are Badassess Now.
- (From Heroes)

* Team House
- Is Doing All Your Drugs.
- Is Secretly British.
- We Electrocute Ourselves.
- Is Hallucinating.
- We're Eating Your Food.
- Can Play All Your Instruments.
- (From House)

* Team Ianto
- We Make Damn Fine Coffee.
- We Pronounce It 'Sploe.'
- Is Making You Cry.
- We're In The Basement, Hiding Cybermen.
- Is Not Just A Blip In Time.
- We Quit After Day Four.
- We'd Like To Have A Chat With Russell T. Davies.
- (From Torchwood)

* Team Karl:
- Can't Hear You Talking About Sex.
- Can Hear Your Brain Die.
- Is Growing You Strawberries.
- (From Freakangels)

* Team Rimmer
- Stop Laughing At Our Name, Smeghead.
- (From Red Dwarf)

* Team Rincewind
- Is Running In The Opposite Direction.
- (From Discworld)

* Team Rorschach
- Is Slaughtering Your Pets.
- We're In Your Kitchen, Eating Your Beans.
- We're Stealing Your Cologne.
- Is Finding New Uses For Hot Cooking Grease.
- Smells Like Sexy.
- Enjoys Sugar Cubes.
- Has A Grappling Hook.
- Can Spot a Commie At 100 Yards.
- Never Compromises.
- (From Watchmen)

* Team Snape
- Is Disgusted With All Of You.
- We're Saving You, But We Still Don't Like You.
- Does Not Care For Snakes.
- Is Giving All Of You Detention.
- (From Harry Potter)

* Team Spider
- Will Break Your Fucking Thumbs.
- Worships The Chair Leg Of Truth.
- We Want To Eat Swan.
- We're On Your Computer.
- We Want To Set Your Head On Fire. Just To See What It Looks Like.
- (From Transmetropolitan)

* Team Spock
- Finds This Highly Illogical.
- Will Meld Your Mind, Kick Your Ass, & Bend Your Brain.
- Makes Out In Elevators.
- We're Pinching Your Nerves.
- (From Star Trek)

* Team Stark
- Can't Keep A Secret.
- We Like Our Martinis Dirty.
- We're In Your Limos, Sleeping With Your Journalists.
- This IS The Worst Thing You've Ever Caught Us Doing.
- (From Iron Man)

* Team Sylar
- Wants You For Your Mind.
- We Call Them 'Timepieces.'
- We Can Fix You.
- We're RIght Behind You.
- (From Heroes)

* Team Topher
- We Prefer 'Man-Reaction.'
- We Like Juice-Boxes.
- They're A Little Bit Bison
- We're In Your Brain, Altering Your Personality.
- (From Dollhouse)

* Team V
- Does It With Alliteration.
- We're Under Your City, Plotting Revolution.
- We Don't Have A Name.
- We Like Dancing.
- We Have Fancy Karate Gimmicks.
- (From V For Vendetta)

* Team Wash
- Has Seen Goslings Juggled.
- We Like Dinosaurs.
- Can We Use 'Companion' As A Verb?
- Our Shirts Are Hawaiian.
- We're In Your Cockpit, Playing With Dinosaurs.
- (From Firefly)

I feel like I'm missing someone. I FAIL AT FANDOM-NESS.

More later. Need coffee now. Lots of coffee.


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