Friday, May 1, 2009

Swine Flu: Why So Serious?

Because we need to laugh, even if we all have the DISEASE OF DEATHY DOOM AND OMG RUN!

* Because even if you're convinced that we're all going to die, and that other people are walking hives of pure infection, and that human contact = DEATH, you still want to look stylish, don't you?

[Found at Geekologie]
After all, nothing says 'sexy and intriguing' like a cool facial mask, even though these facial masks are only useful if you're ALREADY SICK, to keep OTHER people from contracting the dread virus.

* Do you have Swine Flu? DO YOU?! If so, you should not be online, because you will spread it through your keyboard and kill EVERYONE who's on the internet, and THEN where will we be? Well, dead. Anyway, if you want to check if you have Swine Flu, here's a website.

* According to this article, the Swine Flu is actually LESS intense than the normal flu. It's a wussy flu. And we are a planet of PANIC for being afraid. Remember when I was sick a few months back, and was coughing and sneezing and DYING, only I got better? Apparently worse than Swine Flu.

* If you are worried about Swine Flu, this is probably a bad idea:

[Found on Twitter]
I'm just saying.

* Here's a fun website where you can track the flu across the country/world/universe, and see how bad things are getting, and replay The Stand over and over in your head and feel the clammy grip of fear around your heat. Google is totally fucking with your head.

* Here's another map, this one from the BBC, about how soon the Earth will be a vast wasteland, and those remaining should watch Mad Max in preparation for their future lives.

* This was sent in by a reader, and is a sobering reminder that for all the merriment, this is a Serious Disease that has Terrible Repercussions:

* Swine Flu destroys even the most tried and tested friendships:
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* And, finally, to end on a serious note, here is a casualty of Swine Flu that the government is trying to keep covered up. We have EXCLUSIVE photos of this awful blow to the world:

Stay healthy!
- LV


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