Saturday, May 2, 2009

Alan Moore Beat A Wall At Tennis. A Fucking WALL.

Note: In honor of this awesome day, which should be an international holiday like Christmas only better because nobody gets nailed to anything unless they really deserve it, this entire entry will be comic-based. I may do another normal entry after, but it depends on how much time I have before I run screaming to get comics. Are YOU going to Free Comic Book Day?

* Find your Free Comic Book Day Store, you miserly fools.

* These are the comics you should be getting today. But not a lot. Because you need to leave some for me.

* This is actually a very sad piece on how people are buying fewer comics, or less expensive comics, or are reluctant to buy untested titles, because of the goddamn stupid economy. I have this same problem, I admit. You need to weed out your pull list, but goddamn it HURTS. Spend less money on food. Americans are by nature rotund. Think of it as an extreme dieting plan.

* So apparently the new Wolverine movie sucks worse than anything has ever sucked before (HA WATCHMEN WAS BETTER, EAT IT FOX) but the comics are still wonderful, and this is a good primer list if you want some Wolverine that doesn't fail on every conceivable level.

* This is just a great site on how truly bad so many newspaper comic strips are. It is worth it to have such heinous strips, so long as this Josh person keeps being funny about their bad.

* Comics have changed, over the years:

[Found at PostModernBarney]

* An interview (yes, I do like reading interviews, if they're well-written, what of it? You think I spend ALL my time arseing around on the internet looking up pictures of Russell Brand and Hunter Thompson? Wrong. I spend MOST of my time doing that, and still manage to have a life and present you all with a consistent bloggery) this one involving our Patron Saint and Eternal Punisher, Mr. Alan Moore. He discusses Watchmen, League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, and is surly about Iron Man, but I ignore that bit. It's a six-part interview. Here's part II. Here's part III. Here's part IV. Here's part V.

* Michelle Obama is remarkably like a comic book hero in her daily life, so this does not surprise me in any way, shape or form.

[Found at ComicBookResources]
PS How excited do you think our Geek President is that his wife is a comic book hero? Answer: Very.

* Here's another interview, this one with the Spawn of Moore, Leah Moore, and her partner John Reppion, on comics and such. I resent her, because I want my dad to be Alan Moore. Although the emotional trauma might outweigh the talent and connections to the industry. Here's part II.

* This is a list of the ten greatest mentally ill superheroes. I assume Rorschach is not on this list because his only superpower is the ability to ward people off with his Super Stench.

* Alan Moore is cranky all over the internet. This is what he does when he's not being a genius, or sending pieces of dog liver to Zack Snyder.

* They're making a movie out of one of the coolest comics out there! Yes, The Forgotten is going to be a movie, and if done right it would be like Memento only reversed and with a side of Raymond Chandler and tossed in with some Warren Ellis. Yes, it is that good.

* Here are previews for the new League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. Life is SWEET.

* Last week's Buy Pile report, which you should read every freaking week, because a LOT of comics come out, and this is a fairly accurate list of what you should be paying attention to.

* Matt Fraction just GETS Iron Man. He gets him, and the character is closer to Robert Downey, Jr.'s portrayal of a flawed but fundamentally good man, as opposed to the crazy, easily manipulated jerk who betrayed everyone in the Civil War series. I love this series, and the art is pretty wonderful, and the story is INTERESTING. Tony Stark is complicated enough and kick-ass enough to carry a weak/non-existent story, especially when Fraction is writing him. Luckily, he doesn't neglect plot, and the results are amazing in the extreme.

* After Watchmen, which introduces you to what to read when you've finished the ultimate comic, is genius, and suggest Transmetropolitan and Swamp Thing, and is useful even to those of us who read comics a lot.

* More info on Free Comic Book Day.

* Bad-ass review of DMZ 6 by Cory Doctorow, who is a wizard.

* Warlord of IO is in trouble, which BLOWS, because it's great. But, like Arrested Development, it has amazing reviews and crappy sales. Because people are stupid.

* This Reading Diary is wonderful. I love it so much. Someone understands the indescribable pain of an endless reading list. I am NOT alone.

* The world of comics in 2 minutes.

* What I will be spending my nonexistent money on NEXT week, as sold by Marvel.

* Still more reporting on Free Comic Book Day.

* And one more announcement.

Screw this, I'm off to get me free comics. FREE COMICS. COMICS.
- LV


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