Tuesday, May 12, 2009

If It Looks Like Chicken Tastes Like Chicken & Feels Like Chicken But Alan Moore Says It's Beef Then It's Beef.

* This is better than pretty much everything:

AND THIS DVD WILL COME INTO MY LIFE, AND I WILL SING. Not really though, because I am pretty much tone-deaf.

Star Trek
* This is a hilarious piece on people who seem to think Obama is like Spock because of stupid, obvious similarities. I'm including this article because the line, 'someone who can bitch-slap you with his brain' is SO TRUE. And I will be using it a lot.

Here's more pictures of Spock/Captain Kirk/Scotty/Sulu/Uhura/Bones, because the new cast is teh secks:

OK, for fun, and because I am busy as hell and tired and have no time to entertain you all with my words, I'm posting a survey. Vote for your favorite Star Trek character, and I'll post an assload of pics/quotes/trivia about the winner. Fun? Good? Good.

Also, I watched TWO WHOLE EPISODES of Heroes last night (I'm rewatching the whole series, partly because I am on a Quinto-binge, and partly because I want to remember that the show was good, and what's going on, because lately I've felt I'm missing something) and I forgot that Sylar is only an ominous name and sexy voice on the phone in the first few episodes, and I am sad. I also forgot I dislike Ali Larter a lot.

Now I'm going to go stare hatefully at Zoe Saldana's wardrobe, because it is not mine.
- LV


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