Friday, May 15, 2009

Alan Moore Once Bowled A 300. Without A Ball. He Wasn't Even In A Bowling Alley.

* The webcomic of WIN has updated. Go read it. I shall not, until I finish this post. Then I will write my spoilers at the bottom.

* I'm getting my hair cut and colored today. What? I'm excited. I may love Star Trek and comics and Watchmen and Heroes and Hunter S. Thompson and zombies and violence and be dorky, but I also like boys and clothes and shoes and makeup and pretty things. I'm COMPLEX, DAMN IT. Anyway, I will post pictures, maybe, if I feel generous.

Star Trek
* In today's post, here's a link to that video of Zachary Quinto and Chris Pine being sexy and funny on SNL.

* I'm seeing it again tonight. WIN. SO. MUCH. WIN.

* Here are seven food ads that went awry. My favorite is when McDonald's crashed everyone's computer with a virus, because they're evil, or just stupid.

Hunter S. Thompson
* Behold, a picture of Hunter Thompson sitting typing by the ocean, the image of EVERYTHING good in this world:

Look, it's Friday. I'm exhausted. It's been a long week. I need some pretty pictures of people I love and admire, OK?

Words Of Win
* This is very likely the greatest, happiest place on Earth:

* I have eaten some weird shit in my life (including vegan jellyfish) but I have never eaten sea urchin:

I've always said I'll try any food once. BRING IT ON.

* How frigging sweet are these?

I wish I was an artist. Or had these books, and could pretend I made them, because I am uncreative and SHAMELESS.

* HAHA, Angels & Demons is getting SHIT reviews. SHIT, I SAY. Did you get it out of your system, Ron Howard? Can we have Arrested Development now? Please?

Tattoo Of Win
* Why are people so hell-bent on perverting the noble unicorn?

And why do I keep thinking this unicorn looks like Rose McGowan?

Girly Shit
* Woohoo, goth is back! I didn't know it LEFT, but that's irrelevant. Seriously, I'm only semi-mocking this. I love any excuse to wear all black. What? I dislike pastels, OK? I'm a leather jacket and jeans kind of gal. Come to think of it, this is a bit too cutesy for me, too:

I would totally wear the outfit on the far left. The other two.... not so much. I'm not sure I could fit into my car with a pair of black wings. Or an umbrella. Maybe I'll stick to my own wardrobe, for the moment.

Depression Session
* During one of those other depressions we went through, that our parents and grandparents can no longer use an example of how spoiled our generation is, because guess what? We're all fucked!, someone invented Depression Cake.

It has no eggs, no butter, and no milk, because soon these will be luxuries that only the super-rich can afford. So this can be the recipe for all your family gatherings! You can salt it with your tears!
I'd make this, but I don't eat raisins, under any circumstances. Homey don't play that.

* These are utterly hilarious in theory, and completely filthy in practice:

Like, it's a funny gag gift. But can you imagine if you were dating a guy, and he had a pair of these in his closet? And he'd laugh, and you'd laugh, but you'd also wonder, 'Has he ever worn these? Has he ever, you know, USED these? Am I involved with someone who would do such a thing?' And it eats at you, keeps you up at night, haunts your soul, until the relationship collapses under the weight of your nagging doubts and overwhelming fear of marrying someone who enjoys shitting in public.

OK, enough of that rubbish. Going to read FREAKANGELS, as see if Karl lives. Also Arkady, who I have decided after much deliberation that I love, because she can pull of the shaved-head thing and reminds me of River Tam in Firefly and loves her chikkinz. Spoilers beneath my signature.
- LV

Another week without Karl. This is sad. It's like Heroes redux, only funnier and more obscene, and totally different. You know what I mean. But I'm almost glad he hasn't been in it, because that means he isn't dead. Knowing Warren Ellis, and my luck with characters I love, Karl will come back for one episode, and then his lungs will shoot out his rectum, or his brain will implode, or something reprehensible and saddening. And another character I love will die. And Arkady is win. And cutting off people's nipples is the worst punishment ever. Oh GOD, just IMAGINE that. I want Arkady to be my friend, and Karl to survive this story, and nobody to cut off anybody's nipples. And to know who killed The Dead Guy, because gutting people for fun never bodes well.


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