Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Most People Have 23 Pairs Of Chromosomes. Alan Moore Has 72. & They're All Poisonous.

I take one day off, and now there's lots of stuff to talk about, and I have virtually no time for this because life is busy as hell. Incidentally, sitting in my room debating which books I don't love enough to keep is very sad.

* New Comic Day! Always a good day, I say. That rhymed. Sorry. Ahem. On my list of 'Must Haves' are the newest edition of The Boys (because I've met Garth Ennis and Darick Robertson, ergo I must support them and their GENIUS) and Invincible Iron Man #13. Here's the complete list, which is disappointingly small to be honest. And WHEN THE HELL is the next issue of LOEG coming out?

* Here's a preview for the newest edition of The Boys (can you believe they're up to number 30?).

Star Trek
* Here is a list of Star Trek lists. Nobody will go see this with me. Isn't that sad? Nobody I know likes Star Trek. But even if you hate Star Trek, and indeed all things science fiction-related, wouldn't you want to go just to see Zachary Quinto's eyebrows? Even my usually reliable friends would rather see... well... anything else. The solution is obviously to blackmail people with incriminating photos of questionable validity.

* So Michael Vicks is going to be a spokesperson for PETA. This doesn't make me angry or upset or amused. I am just confused. Like, didn't he make dogs fight to the death? Hasn't he been universally labelled 'sociopathic fuckwit'? And aren't PETA supposed to support Nudity For The Preservation of Animals? I'd really prefer if Michael Vicks kept his clothes on, for the animals.

Swine Flu
* My cousin sent me this. He said it would make me happy when the swine flu kills all humans, and pigs reclaim the planet. He's right. And now I feel guilty when I eat bacon in the morning. Damn you, sir. Damn you.

Kingsford Goes to the Beach - Click here for more blooper videos

* I desire these fuzzy pink speakers.

[Found at BoingBoing]
Partly because they are fuzzy and pink, and my love of all things zombie and comic does not diminish my girly love of fuzzy pinkness. Partly because I would find it extremely funny to blast, I don't know, Tool or Fugazi from them. It would be IRONIC, you see.

* Here is an article about a greyhound that is raising a baby deer, because animals are cute. I have no other reason for showing this.

[Found at Neatorama]

* Yeah, times are tough, blah blah blah, we're all tightening our belts, giving up some of the luxuries that make life tolerable, listening to the words of George Carlin and letting his anger sustain us in these trying times. And just to rub your nose in your financial woes and make you utterly loathe everyone who isn't you, and probably cause a class riot, someone made an amp that costs $189,600. This is True. Look, unless this amp shoots non-addictive heroin into your veins, or transforms into your ideal sexual partner, or magically generates food/clothing/shelter, it's not worth it. I think my college tuition cost less than this. My car cost less than 1/10th of this amp. And people bought them. This depresses me.

Sherlock Holmes
* Hell yes this is getting its own category. HAVE YOU SEEN THE PICTURES? They make me retarded. They really do. I get all smiley and giggle and stare longingly at my computer screen, which is why I cannot ever look at these pictures in public.

[Found at Collider]
Ignore Jude Law in his bowler (which hides is Bald, and therefore should never leave his head) and focus entirely on Mr. Downey, Jr. in his shirtsleeves with a cane. And there's tea! OK, we need to move on.

* I can't make fun of this guy, because this is the sort of thing I could see happening to me, due to a series of unfortunate events.

* It's an unusual stance for a girl with two tattoos, but I do not especially like piercings. I have no problem with them on other people, I just have never seen the point (which is how many people feel about tattoos, so I GET IT). I do not have my ears pierced (although I briefly had a tongue piercing when I was fifteen and almost breathtakingly stupid, but it was luckily short-lived). Generally, I feel about piercings the way I do about tattoos: they depend on the person, if they're done right they can be gorgeous, and ultimately if the person who has them is happy, that's all that matters.
I'm not sure I can maintain that position much longer:

[Found at Geekologie]
This is all over the web this morning, but that's because it's really very weird. It looks high enough to actually have to be drilled through bone, as opposed to just the cartilage (my friends assure me that cartilage piercings are very painful). Also, what if you sleep on your belly? Also, what happens when you're pulling clothes over year head - will they get stuck? Can they come OUT? (I looked, they can, I feel much better about the whole situation). But, and this is my eternal question on all piercings, what if it gets caught on something and RIPS out of your face? WHAT THEN?
However, full points for awesome creativity, ballsiness, and waking me up better than four cups of coffee ever could.
This could be cool. I may get behind this, in the end. As long as I don't have to get one. I'll just opt for another tattoo, OK?
- LV


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