Thursday, May 14, 2009

Alan Moore Likes To Knit Sweaters In His Free Time. & By 'Knit' I Mean 'Kick' & By 'Sweaters' I Mean 'Babies.'

* Oprah apologized to James Frey, three years after she bitched him out on national TV to save her own sorry ass. This changes nothing, except that I think Oprah is now a two-faced bitch on top of being a hypocrite. Or is that the same thing? I do not like Oprah. But yay for James Frey, finally getting the apology he deserved since freaking day one.

* For those of you (read: none) wondering if I finally got Sylar in my life last night, yes, I did. And his geek glasses. And his nerdy sweater. And I was happy. Although he made Hiro sad, and that sort of broke my heart. Why can't they team up? Sylar will kill things and be nutty, and Hiro can get excited about waffles and they can be FRIENDS, damn it, and maybe get rid of Niki, although honestly I don't think Sylar NEEDS her bullshit powers. Moving on.

* Here's an article on the bill going through Washington about regulating tattoo artists. Or something. I'm trying to clean out my Bookmars, and I didn't get enough sleep, and I'm only on Coffee Cup 1. Do not push me.

* Here's your horrifying fact for Thursday: THERE ARE GIANT SPIDERS. THEY ARE SIX INCHES LONG.

THEY CAN KILL A DOG WITH ONE BIT AND MAKE HUMANS SICK. Yes, they're in Australia, but FOR HOW LONG? Do not want.

Depression Session
* Here's a list of groceries that are cheaper to make at home than to buy. Hint: Cheez-Whiz is not one of the answers.

Girly Shit
* For those of you out there that A) Wear makeup, and B) Do not know how to put it on, here's a bunch of makeup tutorials. I do not know what percentage of my readers this makes up, but hey I thought it was nifty.

Tattoo of Win
* If he tapes his lip up, he can go be an evil super-villain.

Just saying.

* This is why Canada is awesome:

That's ketchup cake, that is. And you would eat it, because it looks like red velvet cake, which is my favorite cake, only it's supposedly spicy and delightful. I want to make this cake, and eat it, for science.

Moment of Win
* I'd be lying if I said I didn't kind of want to meet this guy.
fail owned pwned pictures
see more pwn and owned pictures

* Even if you live in a more suburban environment, this could come in handy:

But really, I just want a parachute and a helmet, for the fashion.

Star Trek
* This continues to be one of my all-time favorite SNL clips, and also a little too succinct about the cancellation of one of the greatest TV shows ever (although this time the villain was NBC, not the evil FOX (DID YOU CANCEL DOLLHOUSE YET, YOU ANIMALS?)

Also, I'm surprised that no one is voting for Kirk on my survey (VOTE YOUR WEE HEADS OFF, PEOPLE!). I am not surprised that Spock is winning. Because Spock wins all the time, at life, forever. His eyebrows have POWERS.

That's all. Coffee failing. Going to snort lines of caffeine until I wake up (IT WORKS IN MY MIND).
- LV


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