Sunday, May 31, 2009

For Halloween Alan Moore Cuts Down A Tree Scoops Out The Inside, Fills It With Candy & Then Stabs Anyone Who Rings His Doorbell...

For Halloween Alan Moore Cuts Down A Tree Scoops Out The Inside, Fills It With Candy & Then Stabs Anyone Who Rings His Doorbell. He Then Eats The Candy-Filled Tree.

Note: The title was too long to fit. This is how I post titles on my LiveJournal, where I promote this thing.

* I present to you the weirdest, cutest, most WTF mouse-thing ever. I want these to be my hopping mouse minions. WHAT? It's Sunday, I'm tired, screw you. MOUSE MINIONS FTW.

* I stopped this section for a while, for a few reasons. A) As a member of MANY fandoms, I should be more tolerant of the fandoms of others, even if they're stupid and bullshit. B) As was pointed out by my Twitter friend, anything that gets kids to read has some sort of validity (Although it's NOT OK, because there are so many good books out there, why are they reading SUCK? So I was going to grumble to myself and leave it be. Until I saw this:

[Found at i09]
Once I stopped throwing up/clawing at my eyes over the pasty teen nudity (is he covered in chalk dust?) I decided that TwiHate can return, so long as I make fun of the source material, and not the fans. After all, people criticize MY fandoms (fools that they are). It's BACK ON.

* Further proof that you can be a musical genius, total weird guy, writer of the best Johnny Cash cover EVER, former dater of Courtney Love, and still be a really good person.

Depression Session
* I am a huge fan of Staycations (where you stay home and have fun). They are inexpensive, and became cool when House stayed home and watched the TV show about the Galapagos, rather than GOING to the Galapagos. I think Staycations should become required until the world decides to pay for me to go to England. Here's how you can have a great Staycation yourself.

Girly Shit
* It is very sad that this jacket is not in my life:

[Found at NubbyTwiglet]
If you people loved me, you'd buy this for me. BUT YOU DON'T.

Tattoo Of Win
* Longtime readers of my blog remember my deep and inexplicable hatred for Pop-Tarts and their commercials. Shit like this isn't helping:

[Found at LOLTATZ]
I know it's not REALLY related to Pop-Tarts in any way, and that it's all about this:

But they sort of look alike, and damn it that's how my brain works.

* Let's file this under, 'Stuff ElleVee Would Eat, But Then Cry From The Shame And Caloric Content':

[Found at ThisIsWhyYoureFat]
This is duck foie gras, bacon, and puffy pastry. This will also be served at my wedding. Paramedics will be in stand-by.

* If it's wrong to buy a comic solely because it's about Spock and you love Spock with crazy fangirl enthusiasm, then I don't want to be right. It's a prequel to a prequel of a reboot, which may tear the fabric of reality. Just a warning.

Words Of Win

[Found at FrigginRandom]

More later, maybe. It's a lovely Sunday, and I must crawl back into LSAT cave. On the upside, got some writing done yesterday. I WILL FINISH THIS BOOK. AND IT WILL NOT SUCK, POSSIBLY.
- LV


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