Thursday, May 21, 2009

Alan Moore Cannot Predict The Future. The Future Just Better Fucking Do What Alan Moore Says.

* Do not want to be awake. Want to be asleep. I have a surprise near-week off from work, which is confusing. I will spend it studying, and probably NOTHING ELSE (except seeing a few friends who I miss terribly, due to the exile of LSAT). It's very nice out. I want to go sleep in the sun. Coffee no longer works for me. This is when people experiment with hard drugs, or snort plutonium.

* I am not a fan of ebooks. I do not like them, I do not want anything to do with them. I'll stick to my old-fashioned ones made out of trees and ink, thank you very much. Wired, which I love and would be friends with were it a person, not a magazine, has an article on why ebooks are ugly. To be honest, their ugliness and simplicity is the ONLY thing I like about ebooks. I can pretend I'm on Star Trek. What? Of course, this will probably end the same way my iPod hatred ended: me uploading all my CDs to my hard drive, and worshipping at the altar of Apple and actually panicking when I can't find said iPod. And I AM selling a lot of my books on Amazon. OH GOD, IT'S STARTED ALREADY.

* This car costs $14,123,533.07, if I used the money converter application I found correctly:

[Found at Wired]
Forgive me, but it's not that sexy a car. I mean, if I'm going to pay over fourteen million dollars for a fucking car, that car better make bars of pure gold. I'd better have howling orgasms whenever I sit in the damn thing. The windshield wipers need to spray champagne, and the seats need to be made of unicorn skin, and Zachary Quinto and Hunter Thompson AND Russell Brand need to be sitting in the backseat. Even then, it's a little pricy.

* No, not the movie (although yesterday on Twitter I did confess to wanting Michael Bay to direct my life, solely for the explosions and production values). This is a USB drive, and may be the most fun anyone will ever have with a USB drive, which generally speaking do not make for a giddy time:

[Found at NerdApproved]
I totally desire this. My USB is a big clunky scratched-up bastard that looks like a hunk of grey plastic. It transforms into NOTHING. NOTHING AT ALL. Plus, how much fun would it be to stroll into some big, important meeting, whip out your Transformers cat, go 'GRRRRR ARGH' at the boss, and then plug it in to show them your brilliant business plan? This is why I am not allowed into important meetings.

* Why the hell is everything on the internet about toilets?

[Found at DVICE]
So, did anyone watch American Idol last night? I did not. I have never watched an episode, in large part because A) I find the whole thing to be enormously depressing, and B) Quentin Tarantino has appeared on the show more than once, and this destroys my faith in the universe. My brother and his friend did watch it last night, and at one point I heard not only KISS on the show, but also Rod Stewart, which very well may be reasons C and D on why I will never watch it. But the dude everyone thought would win didn't win. Hurm. Oh, this toilet closes automatically, without you having to waste time pushing down the lid. Anyone excited about Terminator: Salvation coming out tomorrow?

Star Trek
* I cannot decide who I would like to play Khan in the Star Trek sequel. In my internal sequel, Russell Brand plays a swarthy alien lothario who rules over a planet of sexified aliens. I would kind of love Jackie Earle Haley to play him (you KNOW he could pull it off, if he were younger). It's hard for me to decide. I'm biased, as always, towards the guys I like. Looking at the picture, I feel like a bulked-up Christian Bale or Edward Norton could do it. Or maybe I'm just trying to create the most pervtastic sequel possible. Alan Tudyk should be in it. Or NATHON FILLION. Can you imagine the Browncoats screams of delight? I'm not sure we'd all survive. My point? Uh, I didn't really have one, aside from the fact that Khan has a good chance of being in the sequel.

* Anderson Cooper apologized for making a tea-bagging joke. We're all disappointed, Silver Fox. The tea-baggers are insane idiots, and we need to mock them, constantly, because otherwise tea-bagging will spread. And not the naked kind you joked about. The Lipton kind.

* No, this is not the TV series based on the comic/movie V For Vendetta (not that that was my initial thought or anything, and not that I actually clapped my hands in excitement), but the re-imagining of the science fiction TV show from the eighties. Who cares, though Alan Tudyk is going to be on TV all the time!

[Found at io9]
It is worrying that he's not in many of the production stills, but in ANOTHER interview he said that the first episode has a Firefly link. And Jackie Earle Haley will be on TV. Man, I need to do a TV round-up. 2009-2010 is shaping up to be a season of AWESOME.

Daily Hot Guy
* In honor of his epic performance as Alpha, and his upcoming stint on V, and because he's Wash, motherfuckers:

[Alan Tudyk, making geeky sexy, and really working the purple tie]

More later. SO MUCH TV GOODNESS. I haz excitement, etc.
- LV


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