Monday, May 18, 2009

Inside Of Alan Moore's Head Is A Swirling Vortex Of Pure Energy That Burns With The Intensity Of Twelve Suns.

* I have now had over 30,000 hits. This pleases me. Downside: My numbers have plummeted, because I no longer post EVERY day about Watchmen (look, you can't do that every day. You need time to SAVOR it. Go reread the comic. Believe me, when the DVD comes out, there will be a resurge). Otherwise, I don't know what's up with my numbers. Anyone know how to promote?

* It's a few hours to go, but clearly Spock has won my survey. Perhaps posting a pronorific Quintorgy of images will raise my numbers. (If you have any, send them to me at Also macros. I love me some macros, and have yet to find any Quinto ones. Macro fail).

Moment Of Win
* This is obscene and WRONG, but I still laughed at it:

[Found at FrigginRandom]

* This could be very useful, and not just for zombies:

[Found at UniqueDaily]
You can start fire with this thing. YOU CAN BURN THINGS WITH A CARD. FIRE. Oh, and it has a blade and a rape whistle and a flashlight, but WHO CARES? I will BURN things with my card. Some dude doesn't hire me for a job? 'That's fine. Oh, take my business card, just in case. MY BUSINESS CARD OF PAIN.'

* This is so freaking depressing:

[Found at BornRich]
That is a toilet (I know, I know, I posted a toilet the other day. And a butt above this. Don't blame me, I work with what the internet OFFERS). It is a toilet that costs almost $340,000. And there are more. These toilets play music, record your output, suggest input, massage you, etc. These toilets will do your goddamn tax returns (OK, not yet). WE ARE WASTING TIME, ENERGY, INTELLECT, AND RESOURCES ON SINGING TOILET BOWLS. WTF, EVERYONE?

* I do not know a lot about beer. I defer to my friends on this matter, and their superior knowledge (like my friend Kaje, who is essentially a walking compendium of food/drink information, and a connoisseur of all things tasty). But I do know what I like, and what I don't like. And I do not like 'girly beer.' Beer is supposed to taste good and get you buzzed/drunk/horribly wasted and vomiting. That is its purpose. Do not put shit in it to make it healthy. It's not SUPPOSED to be healthy. Yeah, I drink light beer usually (except my Hunter S. Thompson beer, which I would not even DREAM of offending by suggesting it be made light), but I really don't want to gender-defined by my booze. Maybe women would drink more beer if it cost less. As the Great Doctor of Journalism himself said, 'Good People Drink Good Beer.' And good beer is not made cutesy and adorable. It is Corona in the summer and Brooklyn Brewery all the time. Fuck girly beer.

Star Trek
* I'm not sure how I feel about this at all:

[Found at FrigginRandom]
I'm kind of worried I like it.

* Puppies on subways!

[Found at Neatorama]
See, THIS is what New York City should do to justify raising the fares, AGAIN. 'LOOK, PUPPIES ON SUBWAYS!' And everyone will gush, and forget about their worries until the bill for their MetroCard shows up.

* I am totally addicted to Twitter, because it's fun and keeps me from hysterically weeping as I do LSAT study, since I can pop in, write something witty to hide my misery, and return to the cold, barren hell of Logical Reasoning. Also, people are fun. Here's a chart on the life and death of Twitter Topics:

[Found at]
Could I make this blog a Twitter Topic? Would I want to?

Oh, and what should my next survey be about? I like surveys. Sue me. Or don't, maybe.
- LV


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