Monday, May 11, 2009

Alan Moore Doesn't Have A Computer. Just A Basement Full Of Asian Kids That Memorize Numbers.

You guys need to understand something: I have been a Star Trek fan since I was six years old. I read scientific books on it, I read TV novelizations (The Original Series and The Next Generation, only. Although eventually I would like to watch 'Deep Space 9.' I could speak a few words of Klingon and Vulcan. I knew the cultural habits and rituals of a dozen alien species, and Starfleet regulation. Shit, I knew Spock's mother's name (Amanda Grayson, and NO I did NOT Google search that shit, I just KNOW these things). I dressed up as a Vulcan one year for Halloween. I was a super-nerd.

The Geek Witness Protection Program provides fancy glasses and nifty hats.

So this movie has been something of a deep-seeded crazy. I mean, I know Watchmen is true love, but Star Trek is different. It was a childhood love, and shaped my morals and fandom for the rest of my life. Star Trek is LOVE. It was probably my first fandom.

And the movie. I saw it last night. And oddly, I will not be giving spoilers, because I was lucky enough to see it without ANY spoilers, and everyone should see it in a pure way. O.M.F.G. I LOVES IT. Because, unlike Watchmen or Dark Knight (both of which I love), Star Trek was FUN. It was sweet and silly and nostalgic, and didn't become some dark meditation on the psyches of fictional characters. It was just ALL AWESOME.

AND SPOCK. Spock was my first crush. I loved Spock. I claimed I would name my first-born Spock (and, briefly, when my fandom overlapped with X-Files, Spock Fox. I got over this, much to the relief of many), I adored Spock, I LOVED him with unabashed fangirl devotion.

Zachary Quinto as Spock has reignited this dormant but still-potent love. Don't get me wrong, I adored Quinto on Heroes (although to be totally honest, I was much more focused on screaming, 'DOCTOR' whenever Christopher Eccleston came onscreen for the brief few episodes he graced us with his presence) (and the fact that he and Sylar did not have a scene together is an epic tragedy). I am head-over heels in love (Note: This in no way affects any real-life relationships I have. People who know and love me understand my geekery, and find it charming rather than disturbing)

And, just to be fair, EVERYONE was good: Chris Pine made me LIKE Kirk, John Cho made fencing badass, Simon Pegg is the most adorable fucking creature in the history of the universe, THERE WAS A TRIBBLE, DUDE, I WAS RIGHT ABOUT ROMULANS, Captain Pike!, and Uhura was hardcore, and Chekov needed a hug. But honestly, it was all about Spock. Always has been. Always will be (FORGIVE ME, RORSCHACH)(And no, there will be no Star Trek tattoos. This is a totally different type of crazy!love. Do not question it.)

Here are some images of Spock from the movie/promos, not that I downloaded one or two (or fifty) pictures of Spock/Zachary Quinto, and SCREW YOU for implying SUCH A THING:

These are just pictures of Zachary Quinto I was given, against my will. STOP LAUGHING.

This movie made me happy. Zachary Quinto has now joined the hallowed list of 'imaginary boyfriends.' Welcome aboard, sir.

God, this post is dorky, even for me. Next entry must be about violent sex and drugs and guns and clothes and... whatever will cleanse me of this dorkiness.
- LV


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