Sunday, May 17, 2009

The Comic Book Series 'Sin City' Is An Autobiographical Account Of Alan Moore's Exploits In Overland Park Kansas.

* I so do not want to go to LSAT class. Even less than usual. I am also inexplicably exhausted, even though I did not go to bed late at all. These are problems.

Doctor Who
* This is the best wedding cake ever.

[Found at BoingBoing]
And it's actually cute! It is a cute and adorable Dalek, and everyone can coo over it and congratulate themselves on making a super-scary alien race charming, and then the Dalek comes to life and kills everyone, the end.

* See, this information about how the LSATs is a total joke/rip-off, and we shouldn't have to pay exorbitant amounts of money to take a hellish test, is something I could have used earlier. You probably don't care unless you're taking it, but you SHOULD care, because it makes me angry.

* I want to go to this. I missed the ComicCon this year due to money/complications, and that makes me sad (although it's nice not to be chased around getting photographed by strange guys simply because I am A) a female and B) wearing a skirt), but this could soothe my pain. You get small little Comic parties all summer, and there will be free stuff and glory and happy. I am plotting how to get out there.

* I second the 'Jon Stewart for the Nobel Peace Prize' movement mentioned here.
The Daily Show With Jon StewartM - Th 11p / 10c
Moral Kombat
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Economic CrisisPolitical Humor

He is right, and that makes me sad.

* This claims to be a full list of the songs that will be featured in Inglourious Basterds (I am getting used to the spelling), but I suspect that there are more, because this only shows seven songs. And usually there are more. But I am pleased nonetheless because of Morricone and Charles Bernstein, although I am slightly disappointed by the lack of weird new music for me to get excited about. But Tarantino works in mysterious ways. We must not question his wisdom.

Comic Movies
* I have so many questions about the new movie, Thor:
- Why is Kenneth 'I Make Classy Shakespeare Movies!' Branagh directing this?
- Who is going to BE in the Avengers movie? Has Edward Norton signed on?
- Why do they keep recycling actors from OTHER franchises into these comic book movies? (Not that I have any problem with Pappa Kirk. He's quite attractive, and I thought his performance was fine. He can exist.)
- How are they going to make Thor's costume less laughable? Even in the comics, there are some ridiculous fashion choices.
- Will there be a religious side to a movie that is essentially about old gods and new gods? Or will they distract us with shiny objects and attractive actors?
- Can we get Joss Whedon to write this?

* So we are all celebrating the not-cancelled nature of Dollhouse with mass orgies and volunteering to become Actives in the hope of meeting Alpha or Echo, depending on your preference (TEAM ALPHA FTW) (I tried to find a picture of Alan Tudyk as Alpha, but only got the shot of him watching the TV naked. Not that I have ANY problem with Alan Tudyk watching TV naked. Feel free to do EVERYTHING naked, Mr. Tudyk. Oh, here's a non-naked picture:)

What was I talking about before I was distracted by Mr. Tudyk's nudity> Oh, yes, Dollhouse. So I apologize for everything bad I've ever said about FOX, on the condition that they do not cancel this show. But there will be changes to the show, although it's still doomed to the Shitty Timeslot of Death. I may be allowed to hate FOX a little, just because of that.

Star Trek
* Everyone seems to think it's so cool that astronaut's got to watch the new Star Trek movie IN SPACE. But I would be so depressed. 'Come on, man! They get to have sex and gravity! They have phasers and aliens! I'm floating upside down eating freeze-dried cheese. I want a little pet alien friend! God, my whole life is pointless.'

* As if you needed ANY MORE PROOF that Leonard Nimoy is a wizard in his own right, he invented the Vulcan salute, sort of:

Live long and prosper, sir.

* Obviously there will be a sequel to the bestest sci-fi movie of the year (Watchmen is NOT science fiction, I have LOGIC behind this statement, I am still a loyal member of Team Rorschach, dammit!), but what will this sequel contain? Personally, I am hoping for a plethora of Spock/Uhura elevator goodness, and Scotty being funny, and more Bones, but I am biased. Apparently a lot of people want Shatner to come back, but I kind of worry that Shatner would eat Chris Pine to regain his chair.
I am, however, very much into the idea of Kahn showing up, provided that Pine proves that he can scream 'KAAAAHHHHNNN!!' with the right amount of madness. Honestly, though, I do not care so long as Quinto comes back as Spock. I have told you guys, I am EASILY WON OVER BY GOOD CASTING.

* This chart makes me so happy, because it is true beyond words. This guide will lead you to the best Star Trek movie for your particular mood and needs. Why do I not create such goodness?

Click to embiggen the image and read it. And what they say about Data is so, so true. And First Contact kicked ASS.

* This is a toilet/sink/exercise combo:

[Found at DVICE]
The water you wash your hands becomes the water you flush with. You have to do mild exercise moves to use this machine. I'm sorry, it's too much. It's overwhelming. I do not want to have to gear myself up mentally every time I need to use the restroom. I do not need to PREPARE myself to go to the bathroom. I have ENOUGH going on in my life without being WORRIED about the toilet. ISN'T LIFE HARD ENOUGH?
- LV


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