Tuesday, May 19, 2009

There Is Intelligent Life In The Universe But They Have Not Contacted Earth Because They Are Avoiding Alan Moore. They Owe Him $5.

* Transformers are GO! FINALLY, people are using their intellectual skills for something USEFUL. Like making trucks that turn into trains and run on algae:

[Found at DVICE]
The future will be AWESOME. Until the robots rise up and kill us all. Scratch that. Even THAT will be awesome.

* I really loved the book The Road. It made me cry uncontrollably throughout the duration of a flight from California to New York, much to the delight of my single-serving friend. It's a beautiful, devastating piece of work, and I recommend it to anyone who likes post-apocalyptic literature, or sobbing on airplanes.
That being said, I do not know if I can handle the movie:

[Found at Empire]
I am preemptively classifying this movie in the same realm as Requiem for a Dream and Happiness. Did you ever see these movies? They have one thing in common: you see them once, and you NEVER want to see them again. I still can't believe I sat through Happiness twice. It's amazing I'm still coherent. The thing is, you should see these movies. They are interesting, and in the case of Requiem for a Dream, brilliant. The thing is, you don't ENJOY these sorts of movies. They are not FUN. And considering how emotionally wrecked I was at the end of the book The Road, I'm not sure I can be expected to sit in a crowded theater and maintain a modicum of composure. I'll probably see it, but I might need someone to hold my hand.


* Here are some of the special features you can expect. No word on an Ultimate Edition. But RORSCHACH RORSCHACH RORSCHACH. OK, I'm better now. Carry on.

* The basic format of this blog is that I find funny shit online, post it, and write comments. Or I squeal about fandoms. It works for me, it works for you, everyone is happy. Sometimes, however, anything I could possibly say falls short of what I'm looking at:

[Found at BoingBoing]
This is Anti Monkey Butt Powder. Is there really anything I COULD add?

Depression Session
* Times are tough, but I am not ready to start drinking my own urine:

[Found at DVICE]
Plus the images themselves are kind of terrifying, and NO ONE can convince me that you're drinking from a DIFFERENT hole than the one you're peeing in. And this looks like it would be challenging for us girls. But mainly, I do not want to drink pee, OK? I don't care what Brad Pitt told me in the Fight Club infomercials: "Did you know that urine is sterile? You can drink it." YOU can drink it, Brad. I'm not ready to take that step. (Incidentally, in another infomercial, Edward Norton taught me the essential truth that, "NO ONE has the right to touch you in your bathing suit area." Is there anything that we DIDN'T learn from Fight Club?)

Girly Shit
* I really, really want this:

[Found at MakeupAndBeautyBlog]
What? They're pretty.

Tattoo Of Win
* Admit it, this is incredible:

[Found at LOLTATZ]
MC Escher on your head? FTW.

* Yesterday was the tenth anniversary of author Shel Silverstein's death. Silverstein is best known for writing The Giving Tree, The Missing Piece, and Where The Sidewalk Ends. He's essential reading for all kids. Or he should be. But, as I learned from a boyfriend in high school, he wrote incredibly twisted and funny poems for Playboy magazine, and endorsed drug use, and was more than a little out of his mind. In the best way possible. Here's more info on one of the best children's authors, ever.

* I am posting this solely because I like to eat sugar cubes. Like Rorschach. Do not judge me. Look at all the sugar cubes you're eating, WITHOUT YOUR KNOWLEDGE:

[Found at SugarStacks]
At least I get to crunch MY sugar cubes. Click on the link above to see the sugar content of pretty much every food you like to eat.

Moment Of Win
fail owned pwned pictures
see more Fail Blog

Later today, your Spock/Zachary Quinto post of GOODNESS.
- LV


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