Friday, September 18, 2009

Are You A Philosopher? Where's Your Sponge?

* I keep it in my other bathtub. Title is from Small Gods by Terry Pratchett.

* Megan updated her blog, and seriously, do not fuck with this girl's computer. Really. Oh, and now LFO is stuck in my head, so I'm buying the new Muse CD to cancel it out, and I hope you're happy.

* Erin sums up the troll situation perfectly:
Trolls: Making the Internet Stupid Since Al Gore Invented It.

* It is Friday, which means Warren Ellis, Sin God Of The Northern Front, has deigned to drop down upon his unworthy followers and deliver unto us the newest edition of FREAKANGELS. It's still raining in Whitechapel, and Karl is alive (BUT FOR HOW LONG?!) and since it is Friday, that means I must wear my FREAKANGELS shirt, to celebrate this weekly occurrence of glory. As always, I won't read this weeks' installment until I write this blog. I am such a good person.

Did I mention Mr. Ellis tweeted me? Yes. I am now a valid human being. FINALLY.

Stuff To Live
* A wooden ruler with an electronic display?

[Found at LikeCool]
Sweet. I could use this to design my T-Shirts. It's Friday, I'm nowhere NEAR awake, let me drink more coffee before I am at normal snark levels.

* This could be a remake fail OR a sequel fail, but Rob Zombie's Halloween series has gone on such a cracky, terrible path that I have decided it doesn't have anything to do with the original.
I'll admit, I didn't see Halloween 2. I saw the remake. Michael Myers does not just need a hug. He wasn't misunderstood. Way to RUIN an iconic horror character.
But things are getting worse for the Halloween franchise. The second one didn't do very well. So obviously they won't make any more, right? WRONG. Halloween 3D is coming out in 2010. But no Rob Zombie. I'd say it could only get better, but A) 3D (which is NOT a good reason to make a third movie), and B) The way they're going, they'll hire Uwe Boll.

Jackie Earle Haley
* Here's an oldish interview about A Nightmare On Elm Street. We NEED new things, Mr. Haley. Shutter Island was PUSHED BACK *cries*. Just, I don't know, give an interview about Human Target. I'm very excited about that show.

* Ah, I should have gone to the premiere of Watchmen:

[Found at Zimbio]
For.... the buttons. Yes. Yes, let's go with that.

Daily Hot Guy

[Ralph Fiennes. It's pronounced Rae, not Ralf. OK? He said it in an interview, and I think he knows how to pronounce his own name, dammit. Let's not argue. Let's stare at him, and make jokes about his last name and how appropriate it is.]

Geek Want
* I am not kidding, I actually screamed, 'Oh my god, I need this!' when I opened this link:

[Found at NerdApproved]
But what is it, you ask? Oh, you fools. It is a Wallace & Gromit Snack Time Alarm. It feeds you delicious snacks, with technology designed by Wallace! But slowly, so you will really appreciate your treat. I'll take ten.

* Erin sent me this, to convince me that even David Caruso has a purpose in this crazy, mixed-up world:


Well, I had more posted, and it was INDEED brilliant. But then we had a power surge, so it all went away. So you have to suffer. Going to read FREAKANGELS now, then go to work.
- LV

DUDE. DUDE. I can't get over how much I love the art in this series. It's lush and beautiful and DENSE, and graphic without being exploitative, and I love it. And I know people have issues with Ellis' plots and female characters (I don't, but that's me) but FUCK, he has made some interesting characters. Luke is a bastard. And I sort of love that about him. Except for the rape. That shit is never OK. And Kait is going to be ANGRY when she finds out about this. I do not want to see Kait angry. That is frightening. So, so frightening.


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